
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. outrageous-ordona-4632 Drehen Race Finished not recorded 5 entrants Drehen S2 Race + Start 10 W Poes : https://www.drehen.dev/s/ognwIvJHfqO -> Read the document : https://tinyurl.com/Drehens2Test
  2. chaotic-fyer-6713 Drehen Race Finished recorded 9 entrants Drehen s2 - 21/03/25 Weekly Race - https://www.drehen.dev/s/-i6WlLr53by - OptionalSpinner_tA1 - Read the document : https://tinyurl.com/Drehens2Test
  3. hyper-skullkid-5450 Drehen Race Finished not recorded 3 entrants Start asap - Seed: https://www.drehen.dev/s/66YgEtM_Bo-
  4. curious-zelda-8584 Standard Race - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 7 entrants Drehen S2 Race - https://www.drehen.dev/s/YuC7FM9-6LY - WittyStalfos_7cL - Read carefully the document : https://tinyurl.com/Drehens2Test
  5. sleepy-hanch-6632 Drehen Race Finished recorded 10 entrants Drehen s2 - 14/03/25 Weekly Race - https://www.drehen.dev/s/2hxD0DTmltQ - Read carefully the document : https://tinyurl.com/Drehens2Test
  6. messy-ashei-8306 Standard Race - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 4 entrants https://dev.tprandomizer.com/s/CGomlM85CiQ
  7. elegant-gengle-0695 Standard Race - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 2 entrants https://dev.tprandomizer.com/s/Z8nM_jX8kCx | Seed Hash: AmusingArgorok_mEa
  8. scrawny-ashei-1084 Standard Race - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 4 entrants Start at XX:00. Seed : https://dev.tprandomizer.com/s/JfXBa_Z-dlB (CorporateStalfos_7hp) (PoT ON w/ 3 small keys as starting items)
  9. kind-fanadi-3179 Standard Race - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 3 entrants Season 1 race with Castle chandelier dropped and random spawn + Palace of Twilight(starting with3 smallkey) https://dev.tprandomizer.com/s/rYRSj8MXbtY
  10. artful-goramoto-3565 Standard Race - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 3 entrants https://dev.tprandomizer.com/s/WnyzRW9l0cj