
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories YGOFM Any% (15-card mod)
Opened by
zigfried #8730
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  1. 1st Dex #9302 he / him more One of the most fun decks I've ever played. 3 SK, 3 Zoa, 1 Dark Energy, 3 Bright Castle, 1 Sword of Dark Destruction, 1 Black Pendant, 1 MM, 1 Yami. And once again, winning against Flopsie. Finished 21
  2. 2nd kan1tz #4083 he / him more 3x DMK, 3x Villager 2, 1 morte Seto 3, POREM, é us tutubinha. Finished 11
  3. 3rd Codorna #2984 more weird AF race Finished 8
  4. 4th "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more I felt bad for Dex, so I let him win this time. I'm such a good person. :) Finished 2,137
  5. 5th FabuTK #1064 more No ATEC, 5 equips, V2 4 thunders 2 duels 0 removals Finished 2
  6. loomer #5428 he / him DNF DNF 14
  7. Neczin #0322 he / him DNF DNF 9
  8. zigfried #8730 DNF DNF 5
  9. sleepyoberon #2614 he / him more couldnt get a trap until like 1 hour and 10 mins in DNF DNF 3
  10. ItsBRN #0440 DNF DNF 1
10 entrants (5 inactive)