
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories YGOFM Any% (no rng manip) SAVING EGYPT KKool
Opened by
Syura #4175
Race monitors
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  1. 1st Syura #4175 more i feel like i've had this exact same lab wall nitemare race before lmao Finished 98
  2. Loatheb #9506 he / him more 7 ults in a roooow, 3 ult nitemares in a rooow DNF DNF 28
  3. MrWinds #8374 more the game wins today DNF DNF 11
  4. chin2112 #9601 he / him more No equip for 8 hours. Decent deck to end but couldn't finish DNF DNF 76
4 entrants (3 inactive)