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- 01:32 KamionRenokai#4418 joins the race.
- 01:32 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 01:32 KamionRenokai#4418 invites NickHasAGame#8423 to join the race.
- 01:32 KamionRenokai#4418 invites Kovalkin#6738 to join the race.
- 01:34 NickHasAGame#8423 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:35 Neononane: Hello all!
- 01:35 NickHasAGame: Hello! Thanks for joining us tonight!
- 01:36 KamionRenokai: Hey Neo!
- 01:37 Neononane: Thanks for letting me talk while you play! I see Nick took game one (unless I misread)
- 01:37 Neononane: Hey Kamion!
- 01:38 Kovalkin: lets see if i can actually make this competitive
- 01:38 Kovalkin: very angry
- 01:38 droois: take a few
- 01:38 KamionRenokai: Yeah.
- 01:39 KamionRenokai: We can go right up to the top of the hour, if nothing else.
- 01:39 Kovalkin: i wont need that long
- 01:39 Kovalkin: like 10 min or so
- 01:39 KamionRenokai: That's totally fine.
- 01:39 NickHasAGame: That's good for me too.
- 01:39 Kovalkin: gonna have to go talk some shit to myself
- 01:39 Kovalkin: so bad
- 01:40 KamionRenokai: Hopefully some good poop?
- 01:40 Kovalkin: not helping!! (respectfully
- 01:40 KamionRenokai: Sorry.
- 01:49 Kovalkin: alright lets get this over with
- 01:49 Kovalkin#6738 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:50 KamionRenokai: You got this!
- 01:50 KamionRenokai: And Neo, we're in rr-restream when you're ready to jump into the booth.
- 01:50 Neononane: Ok cool. I didn't know if Pedantic wanted to do a double header here
- 01:52 KamionRenokai: That's totally fine.
- 01:53 Kovalkin: got low volume tunes going on stream ill mute if needby
- 01:53 Kovalkin: needbe*
- 01:53 KamionRenokai: That's okay. I've currently got you muted, but when we start up, do you wanna keep just game audio like you did for the first game?
- 01:54 Kovalkin: yea itll be same
- 01:54 KamionRenokai: Okiday.
- 01:54 Kovalkin: was gm 1 set up alright?
- 01:54 KamionRenokai: Yeah, that was great, in fact.
- 01:54 Kovalkin: before qualifiers id never done or anything of this so jus lemme know
- 01:55 KamionRenokai: Oh, definitely. Yeah, the volume level was great.
- 01:59 droois: oh we need a seed?
- 01:59 Kovalkin: yerp! xD
- 01:59 NickHasAGame: Yes please.
- 01:59 KamionRenokai: I was just thinking that, actually. XD
- 01:59 Kovalkin: im grabbing a cocktail
- 01:59 droois: !flags NuJS0dpRgVdyn25HEl8NnSW7WSfLf9v2M
- 01:59 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:59 SahasrahBot: Seed: 383346265519 - Flags: NuJS0dpRgVdyn25HEl8NnSW7WSfLf9v2M
- 01:59 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:59 NickHasAGame: bow key bait arrow
- 02:02 Kovalkin: confirmed
- 02:02 Kovalkin: setting up
- 02:02 NickHasAGame#8423 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:02 Kovalkin#6738 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:03 Kovalkin#6738 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 02:03 KamionRenokai: GLHF, guys!
- 02:03 Kovalkin#6738 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:03 NickHasAGame: glhf!
- 02:03 Kovalkin: gl
- 02:03 KamionRenokai: And don't forget to switch scenes, Kovalkin. :)
- 02:04 KamionRenokai: Thank you, sir! 20 seconds! GLHF!
- 02:04 Kovalkin: gl
- 02:05 KamionRenokai#4418 quits the race.
- 02:05 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:39 NickHasAGame#8423 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:34:15!
- 03:39 KamionRenokai: GG Nick! Care to hop into the booth with us?
- 03:40 NickHasAGame: yup
- 03:40 Kovalkin#6738 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:40 Race finished in 1:34:43.4
- 03:40 KamionRenokai: Sounds good!
- 03:40 KamionRenokai: And GG Kovalkin as well! Would you like to join us in the booth?
- 03:40 Kovalkin: sure
- 03:41 KamionRenokai: We're in the rr-restream channel.
- 13:38 Race result recorded by Malchior#3174