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- 23:36 Kovalkin: GL Nick, dont smoke me plz ;)
- 23:36 NickHasAGame: Hahaha, you have no idea how nervous I am.
- 23:36 Kovalkin: me too
- 23:37 KamionRenokai: You'll both be great. It's going to be an epic match and we're all going to enjoy it.
- 23:39 KamionRenokai: So, first things first: how will your guys' audio be tonight?
- 23:39 NickHasAGame: Clean, game audio, no mic or other sounds.
- 23:39 KamionRenokai: Sounds good!
- 23:39 Kovalkin: im totally new
- 23:40 Kovalkin: im muting on stream
- 23:40 KamionRenokai: No problem. What I'm asking is, are you going to be talking over your stream audio, or will you just--okiday, so your mic will be off the whole time, and you'll just be playing game audio?
- 23:40 Kovalkin: oh
- 23:41 Kovalkin: only game audio
- 23:41 KamionRenokai: Yeah. If you have your mic muted and you just play your game audio, I can play it over the stream along with Nick's. But if you wanna talk over your game audio on your stream, that's fine, too.
- 23:41 KamionRenokai: Sounds good!
- 23:41 Kovalkin: ill play all my F zero & castlevania tracks now xD
- 23:41 KamionRenokai: Great way to set the volume levels at my end! XD
- 23:42 Kovalkin: whos rollin it? Kam?
- 23:42 KamionRenokai: I can, if you two want me to.
- 23:42 NickHasAGame: I will not be rolling. :)
- 23:43 Kovalkin: I request Baby Mal xD
- 23:43 KamionRenokai: That's fine. I can, or one of the commentators (or even the tracker) could easily roll it. XD Or we could do that! XD
- 23:44 droois: yo
- 23:44 NickHasAGame: Hey droois!
- 23:44 droois: yo nhag
- 23:44 droois: duker
- 23:44 droois: kami
- 23:45 Kovalkin: yoda
- 23:45 KamionRenokai: Luke
- 23:45 PedanticPotato: I am your father
- 23:46 KamionRenokai: That's not true! That's impossible!
- 23:46 PedanticPotato: Probably is
- 23:46 KamionRenokai: XD
- 23:46 Kovalkin: i do a mean "thats not true, that's impossible' ask Droo
- 23:47 KamionRenokai: I'll take your word for it. XD
- 23:47 droois: duker can make some fun voices
- 23:47 droois: boobeet in post game
- 23:47 Kovalkin: hahahahaaaaaaa
- 23:47 KamionRenokai: Yeah, maybe we could. XD
- 23:47 Kovalkin: you got it
- 23:47 KamionRenokai: So, what I need from you two right now, Kovalkin and Nick, is if you can go onto the title screen right now, I'll crop you guys and set your audio levels at my end.
- 23:48 NickHasAGame: I am there.
- 23:48 Kovalkin: dont have a seed but sure
- 23:48 KamionRenokai: Nice! Then I'll crop you now.
- 23:48 droois: want me to roll it or peeper?
- 23:48 KamionRenokai: And that's totally fine; you can just load up any old seed. It's just to set things up.
- 23:48 Kovalkin: all yours g'head
- 23:48 droois: ill roll it at 50
- 23:48 PedanticPotato: Just Droo it!
- 23:49 Kovalkin: COCKTAAAAAILS in the chat!!! xD
- 23:49 Kovalkin: Dont mind if I Duke xD
- 23:50 KamionRenokai: And guys, I'm in rr-restream1 when you're ready to go.
- 23:51 Kovalkin: that mean join you but mute?
- 23:52 PedanticPotato: No
- 23:52 KamionRenokai: Actually, that was for Droois and Pedantic for now, but you for later.
- 23:52 Kovalkin: cant wait for 1st interview, "aaaaayyy a WISE GUY EH!? ' xD
- 23:53 droois: !flags NuJS0dpRgVdyn25HEl8NnSW7WSfLf9v2M
- 23:53 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 23:53 SahasrahBot: Seed: 46950989752 - Flags: NuJS0dpRgVdyn25HEl8NnSW7WSfLf9v2M
- 23:53 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 23:53 KamionRenokai: And you're all set, Nick! Kovalkin's turn.
- 23:54 NickHasAGame: book sword clock rupee
- 23:56 KamionRenokai: Will you be joining us, Droo?
- 23:56 droois: yuuuup
- 23:57 Kovalkin: confirmed
- 23:57 NickHasAGame#8423 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:57 NickHasAGame: Also, small chance of severe storms here tonight. If I disappear, I'll do my best to catch up. :)
- 23:57 NickHasAGame: Should be fine though.
- 23:58 Kovalkin#6738 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:58 NickHasAGame: glhf and thanks to everyone for making this happen!
- 23:58 Kovalkin: Gl Nick
- 00:00 droois: ty
- 00:00 Kovalkin: xD
- 00:00 KamionRenokai: GLHF guys! Starting on the restream end shortly.
- 00:01 Kovalkin: LFG
- 00:03 KamionRenokai: 10 seconds! GLHF!
- 00:03 KamionRenokai#4418 quits the race.
- 00:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:29 NickHasAGame#8423 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:25:48!
- 01:29 KamionRenokai: GG Nick! Would you like to do an interview now, or after the next race?
- 01:29 NickHasAGame: Next one.
- 01:29 KamionRenokai: Sounds good!
- 01:30 droois: duker lets go game 2
- 01:30 Kovalkin#6738 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:30 Race finished in 1:26:31.5
- 01:30 KamionRenokai: GG!
- 01:30 NickHasAGame: GG!
- 01:30 droois: ggs dudes
- 01:30 Kovalkin: im so fucking pissed
- 01:30 Kovalkin: worst efforts yet
- 01:31 droois: fresh start
- 01:31 NickHasAGame: This was a tough one. I always say wizzy darknut OWs are the worst.
- 01:32 KamionRenokai: Yeah, next one could be more interesting. I'll make the next race room.
- 13:37 Race result recorded by Malchior#3174