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- 00:49 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:50 Cha0sFinale#7998 joins the race.
- 00:50 Ryin7#7486 requests to join the race.
- 00:50 Cha0sFinale#7998 accepts a request to join from Ryin7#7486.
- 00:50 Ryin7: yo
- 00:50 Cha0sFinale: If you are in no hurry, I suppose we can wait til 9pm like they announced in chat. Lol.
- 00:50 Cha0sFinale: Heya
- 00:51 Ryin7: we can but its not formal
- 00:51 Cha0sFinale: !flags 3XHeG1fUfJe7njzJc90aLRq3EyGVUx
- 00:51 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:51 SahasrahBot: Seed: 317731950219 - Flags: 3XHeG1fUfJe7njzJc90aLRq3EyGVUx
- 00:51 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:51 Ryin7: we never even really annouced it last time
- 00:52 Ryin7: Ill prob need a few mins to look at flags
- 00:52 Cha0sFinale: No rush.
- 00:52 Ryin7: so ya we might start at 6 anyways
- 00:52 Cha0sFinale: Its nothing overly complicated.
- 00:55 Ryin7: ok rupee speed and vanilla dungeons
- 00:55 Cha0sFinale: hm? should be shapes
- 00:56 Ryin7: ya your right
- 00:56 Cha0sFinale: and bubble curse is slow speed, figured that could be fun with rupee speed
- 00:58 Cha0sFinale: Ok, Im good to go. GLHF!
- 00:58 Cha0sFinale#7998 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:00 Ryin7: fairy wand sword bow
- 01:00 Cha0sFinale: confirmed
- 01:00 Ryin7: glhf
- 01:00 Ryin7#7486 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:02 Ryin7#7486 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:02:19!
- 02:24 Cha0sFinale#7998 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:23:28!
- 02:24 Race finished in 1:23:28.9
- 02:24 Cha0sFinale: gg :)
- 02:25 Ryin7: gg
- 02:25 Ryin7: i saw you after i finished and you really went fast from there on
- 02:27 Cha0sFinale: Yeah, felt like the last 20 mins or so went super quickly
- 02:28 Ryin7: ya looked like it
- 02:28 Cha0sFinale: Just a slow start. Lv 5 was loaded, wish I wouldve dug there more in the beginning.
- 02:33 Ryin7: i think i found 5 3rd after 8 and 6
- 02:34 Ryin7: found ladder very early
- 02:34 Cha0sFinale: Wand was one of my first items, so that was nice. But White Sword was pretty much at the entrance of 5. Just needed to kill 3 stalfos. Couldve done that with blue candle. D:
- 02:36 Cha0sFinale: Anywho, idk if you are currently busy, but if you wanted to do your flags now, Im free. Otherwise, just lemme know when you want to do the 2nd match.
- 02:38 Ryin7: no im sry im cooking that why its taking me long to respoind
- 02:38 Cha0sFinale: No worries. Like I said, just lemme know when you want to do it. GG!
- 02:41 Ryin7: maybe tomorrow again. id prefer to start earlier if possible
- 02:42 Cha0sFinale: Barring an unforeseen issue, tomorrow should be fine. Maybe 7-8PM EST?
- 03:07 Ryin7: ok that should work
- 01:46 Race result recorded by adirondackrick#4468