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- 01:45 jessandy8: lol
- 01:45 Bogie: as you should have
- 01:45 Big__Slammu: Sorry to everyone who raced Jess, I was her angry coach.
- 01:46 PanzerDave: /me watches slammu get stuck on an island
- 01:46 Mocco71#8714 joins the race.
- 01:46 Big__Slammu: I’d love an island. No wifi?
- 01:46 PanzerDave: just wand beams slammu
- 01:47 Xoas19: If at any point she didn't tell you to get off her jock you weren't angry enough
- 01:47 Big__Slammu: Perfect. No wifi means no work.
- 01:47 Big__Slammu: She was ready for me to be done.
- 01:47 PanzerDave#6328 joins the race.
- 01:47 PanzerDave: BLESSINGS \o\
- 01:47 PanzerDave: !flags 6IUJXwsqXJ0UfS1zVVzdThOwzzBaZnx
- 01:47 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:47 SahasrahBot: Seed: 79022226472 - Flags: 6IUJXwsqXJ0UfS1zVVzdThOwzzBaZnx
- 01:47 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:47 PanzerDave: HAVE FUN
- 01:47 Big__Slammu: But I can’t let someone sit there and swing at red oktoroks on a 6 count.
- 01:47 jessandy8: OH NOES
- 01:47 jessandy8: i don't count, you know this =P
- 01:48 Big__Slammu: Or forget how pirouettes work. If anyone should know how to pirouette it’s Jess.
- 01:48 PanzerDave: jess version of the global is "I hope this is a bomb"
- 01:48 Big__Slammu: And bogie, but I’m saving those pictures for myself.
- 01:49 jessandy8: wand sword beams bomb
- 01:49 Bogie: yep
- 01:49 Bogie: just need like 3 min
- 01:49 Mocco71#8714 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:49 Frostbite3030#1956 joins the race.
- 01:49 jessandy8#9443 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:50 PanzerDave: my version of the global is "Miss drop drop drop drop miss drop miss drop"
- 01:50 jessandy8: 1 2 3 0 1 2 0 ARGH
- 01:50 PanzerDave: the only time I can get a forced is on accident LUL
- 01:50 PanzerDave: furys watched me too many times and knows that :p
- 01:51 PanzerDave#6328 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:51 Bogie: so mixed 1Q, imp items in 9, RMOS
- 01:51 jessandy8: maybe boomstick and atlas
- 01:52 Bogie: heart shuffle
- 01:52 jessandy8: mixed hints
- 01:52 Bogie: ok
- 01:52 jessandy8: shapes
- 01:52 PanzerDave: sword beams, yo
- 01:52 Bogie: beams yo
- 01:52 jessandy8: and start with WS or wand =D
- 01:52 Bogie: k
- 01:52 PanzerDave: if I start a wand, I'm not getting that wood splinter LUL
- 01:52 Bogie#4670 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:52 Bogie: glhf
- 01:52 jessandy8: gl all!
- 01:52 PanzerDave: hlgf
- 01:52 Frostbite3030#1956 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:52 Mocco71: glhf
- 01:53 CaffyJD#5138 joins the race.
- 01:53 CaffyJD: wont be long promise
- 01:53 syscrusher#6529 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:53 PanzerDave: how to scary caffy away; I rolled this VoHiYo
- 01:53 jessandy8: OHBB
- 01:53 CaffyJD: oh ok. dueces
- 01:54 PanzerDave: one day people will stop letting me touch things :D
- 01:54 PanzerDave: also I got the absolutely cutest thing from my job
- 01:54 CaffyJD: cy flags?
- 01:54 PanzerDave: they sent me a mnm dispenser
- 01:54 Bogie: !f
- 01:54 Bogie: oops
- 01:54 Bogie: wrong window
- 01:54 Bogie: lol
- 01:54 PanzerDave: LUL
- 01:55 jessandy8: the cy flags with possible booms yep!
- 01:55 Mocco71: cy flags confirrm
- 01:55 PanzerDave: !f indeed
- 01:55 Bogie: had to make sure my commands worked
- 01:55 jessandy8: Bogie don't forget to !recorder when you find the tooter!
- 01:55 Bogie: will do!
- 01:56 CaffyJD: glhf
- 01:56 CaffyJD#5138 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:56 Bogie: glgl
- 01:56 jessandy8: wheeeeeeeeeeee
- 01:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:02 CaffyJD#5138 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:06:28!
- 03:08 Bogie#4670 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:12:35!
- 03:09 CaffyJD: gg
- 03:09 Bogie: gg
- 03:10 Mocco71#8714 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:13:45!
- 03:12 syscrusher#6529 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:16:25!
- 03:15 Mocco71: gg's
- 03:21 jessandy8#9443 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:25:30!
- 03:22 jessandy8: ggs!
- 03:22 PanzerDave#6328 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:22 PanzerDave#6328 added a comment.
- 03:23 Frostbite3030#1956 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:27:08!
- 03:23 Race finished in 1:27:08.5
- 03:24 Frostbite3030: ggs
- 22:52 Race result recorded by homerjsmash#6175