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- 15:57 Bumble#7458 is ready! (11 remaining)
- 15:57 Domi1337#1259 is ready! (10 remaining)
- 15:58 Lanux: Dann schonmal GL HF Leudde
- 15:58 IConIC22: GL&HF
- 15:58 Vinter: Ich hab Book/shovel/bombos/bombos/quake
- 15:58 Vinter: @teto
- 15:58 LordRayden: glhf und danke fürs organisieren Teto
- 15:58 Vinter: nvm
- 15:58 LordRayden#4073 is ready! (9 remaining)
- 15:58 Vinter: das ist der kromb seed
- 15:58 Zenitschwert#6836 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 15:58 GersteLP: GL HF an alle...perfekte Zeit fürn Race btw
- 15:58 Kromb1: Vinter will Casual spielen ^^
- 15:59 Teto: zu spät. ich hab die macht :P
- 15:59 Teto: Map/Bow/Map/Mirror/Ice Rod
- 15:59 LordRayden#4073 is not ready. (9 remaining)
- 15:59 Vinter#4810 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 15:59 RoodyOh#5546 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 15:59 MrZett#7126 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 15:59 Vinter: l
- 15:59 Vinter: kk
- 15:59 LordRayden: Gabs nen neuen seed?
- 15:59 Vinter: schaut einfach dass ihr boots im start screen habt Kappa
- 16:00 Titos#7297 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 16:00 RoodyOh: ja, Rayden! der erste Seed ist falsch
- 16:00 Muftaay#5896 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 16:00 LordRayden: Ich bin verwirrt. Ich glaub ich muss nachträglich starten ^^
- 16:00 LordRayden#4073 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 16:00 CubeSoldier#1316 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:00 Cookieforaday#4094 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:00 Teto:
- 16:00 Kromb1: GL HF
- 16:00 Teto: nimm einfach schnell den^^
- 16:00 CubeSoldier: gl hf
- 16:00 Titos: glhf
- 16:00 Susaru#8089 joins the race.
- 16:00 Cookieforaday: gl hf
- 16:00 Bumble: gl hf
- 16:01 leerixx_titivi: gl hf :D
- 16:01 Teto: gl hf
- 16:01 Teto#2797 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:01 RoodyOh: gg gl hf usw :D
- 16:01 Teto: hi susaru^^
- 16:02 Susaru: geht sofort los :)
- 16:02 creacy: ich machs gleich ein paar min später eventuell async :D
- 16:02 leerixx_titivi: ai ai ai :D
- 16:03 LordRayden: Puh, noch geschafft ^^
- 16:03 GersteLP: GG ;)
- 16:03 Shurgal: gl hf
- 16:04 Vinter: gogo
- 16:04 Susaru#8089 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:05 Vinter: :)
- 16:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:14 Domi1337#1259 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:15 Susaru#8089 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:16 Susaru#8089 added a comment.
- 17:43 Vinter#4810 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:38:06!
- 17:49 Titos#7297 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:44:41!
- 17:51 Vinter#4810 added a comment.
- 17:54 Zenitschwert#6836 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:49:42!
- 17:56 CubeSoldier#1316 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:50:54!
- 17:56 Shurgal#2803 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:51:28!
- 17:57 Titos#7297 added a comment.
- 17:57 Teto#2797 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:52:28!
- 17:59 Cookieforaday#4094 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:54:08!
- 18:00 Bumble#7458 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:55:40!
- 18:01 Kromb1#1059 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:56:08!
- 18:01 LordRayden#4073 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:56:24!
- 18:02 RoodyOh#5546 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:57:16!
- 18:02 LordRayden#4073 added a comment.
- 18:04 Zenitschwert#6836 added a comment.
- 18:05 Shurgal#2803 added a comment.
- 18:11 Bumble#7458 added a comment.
- 18:11 IConIC22#7299 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:06:33!
- 18:13 IConIC22#7299 added a comment.
- 18:19 GersteLP#1113 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:14:18!
- 18:20 GersteLP#1113 added a comment.
- 18:20 RoodyOh#5546 added a comment.
- 18:21 MrZett#7126 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:16:05!
- 18:21 Khorne#1529 has finished in 15th place with a time of 2:16:31!
- 18:22 Lanux#8957 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:36 Muftaay#5896 has finished in 16th place with a time of 2:31:46!
- 18:45 leerixx_titivi#2791 has finished in 17th place with a time of 2:40:23!
- 18:45 Race finished in 2:40:23.7
- 18:45 leerixx_titivi: shit :D wieder letzter :D
- 18:49 GersteLP: war doch aber close leerix...mein erstes race vor 2 wochen war 2h50 und ne std hinterm vorletzten ;-)
- 18:49 leerixx_titivi: hehe mein letztes war 3h :D
- 18:49 leerixx_titivi#2791 added a comment.
- 18:50 leerixx_titivi: soviel zeug last locate gehabt :D
- 18:51 GersteLP: kann ich seeehr gut nachvollziehen ;-) am anfang super calls gehabt und am ende immer unter den letzten paar checks
- 18:59 Lanux#8957 added a comment.
- 19:00 GersteLP: @leerix hatte übrigens auch 168 LUL
- 19:15 leerixx_titivi: :D haha nice