
A Link to the Past Randomizer ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Crosskeys Pickup Race crosskeys - https://alttpr.com/h/6v1aY8dPv7 - (Gloves/Gloves/Map/Map/Bow)
Opened by
Coy #4033
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
  • videocam
  • list_alt
  • filter_2
  • filter_3
  • filter_4
  • visibility
  • chevron_right
  • chevron_left
  1. 1st cheffy #3717 Finished 17
  2. 2nd FuriousMagic #0451 he / him more 179, go mode TR small lul Finished 3
  3. 3rd Clink #8743 he / him Finished 5
  4. 4th Coy #4033 more literal last location mitts lolol Finished 2
  5. 5th derity #9873 she / her more dodged boots for an hour 15 minutes -- somaria for go.... near LL but not quite Finished 10
  6. 6th Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 6
6 entrants (0 inactive)