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- 17:58 zenarcane: I roll garbage apparently so probably better you did
- 17:58 zenarcane: Ready when you are
- 17:58 Korivain: give me about 60 more seconds
- 17:58 zenarcane: no probs
- 17:59 Korivain: ok, ready
- 17:59 zenarcane: glhf
- 17:59 Korivain: GL, may the rando be ever in our favor
- 17:59 Korivain#5476 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:59 Korivain: HAVE AT THEE!!!
- 17:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:47 zenarcane#6475 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:48:04!
- 19:48 Korivain: gg
- 19:48 Korivain: beat me by a landslide
- 19:48 zenarcane: gg
- 19:49 Korivain#5476 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:49 Race finished in 1:49:10.6
- 19:49 zenarcane: What did you have left?
- 19:49 Korivain: gt
- 19:49 Korivain: and aga
- 19:49 zenarcane: That's not too much tbh
- 19:49 zenarcane: ~10m
- 19:49 Korivain: about that
- 19:49 Korivain: butter sword,r ed mail, silvers
- 19:49 zenarcane: yeah, that's what I have
- 19:49 Korivain: maybe 8 if i was lucky
- 19:50 Korivain: i last locationed mitts
- 19:50 Korivain: made it a triple dip pod
- 19:50 Korivain: opened swamp twice
- 19:50 Korivain: climbed the mountain an extra time.
- 19:50 Korivain: execution was on point, routing let me down bad
- 19:50 zenarcane: I went in with 4 keys the first time and made the conscious effort to check big key chest because of no bow
- 19:51 zenarcane: So I cleared everything but big chest and helma when I went in
- 19:51 Korivain: i did the opposite, I went in with 4 keys, broke into the bow locked side (found a bow there in case you didn't know lol)
- 19:51 zenarcane: Yeah, I did the same
- 19:51 Korivain: and then routed POD weird cause the bow threw me off
- 19:51 Korivain: ended up leaving the big key chest only
- 19:52 zenarcane: I think because I've had that chest burn me so often in like crosskeys I make an effort to do that one before hellway
- 19:52 Korivain: if i had just grabbed that i probably would have been fine cause i managed to get spike cave first try with 4 hearts, and..
- 19:52 Korivain: ...soemthing else early game that also struck me as a big win. another big key i think.
- 19:52 Korivain: desert probably
- 19:53 zenarcane: that desert key was interesting because it let us know about that big key on torch
- 19:53 Korivain: yup.
- 19:53 zenarcane: I vowed not to go back to mire/desert without boots and I didn't, so that was good
- 19:54 Korivain: had only seven fire rod shots for koldstare as well, had to fudge it with some sword beams which i somehow managed lol
- 19:54 zenarcane: It's good to know that trick, it saves your hide
- 19:54 Korivain: ah nice, i went back into desert for the key, then again after mire for the two on the right hoping for the TT big or swamp small
- 19:54 zenarcane: If I have full health I always dupe if I don't have bombos, it's fairly quick to do and you get shots for the puffs
- 19:55 zenarcane: Which were both in TR and mimic
- 19:55 Korivain: yup, that was my go mode
- 19:55 zenarcane: I went back in for the key and again after mire with desert small, I didn't want to leave it behind
- 19:55 zenarcane: Seems like we routed it really similar
- 19:56 Korivain: sounds like it. big difference was mainly that titan mitts location
- 19:56 zenarcane: only things I have left that weren't TT checks, GT, SP, or SP are hera small and IP big
- 19:56 zenarcane: it was basically a full clear until go for me
- 19:56 Korivain: i think thats all i have left as well. piramid fairy too
- 19:57 zenarcane: Oh yeah, forgot about that, I was going to do aga then if I hadn't found swamp small or it was there
- 19:57 Korivain: i checked ped after skull too. thats where our half magic was which woulda been nice
- 19:58 zenarcane: yeah, and had I had that big key earlier for PoD, could have grabbed it after skull, but didn't work out that way
- 19:58 Korivain: ya i was super sad when i found that bow-locked-bow but couldn't capitilize on it cause i didn't have POD or Eastern bigs lol
- 20:00 zenarcane: yeah, same, but seeing that it was bow locked and what was in PoD led me to realize that bow was either in mire or TR so doing these early would be a big advantage
- 20:01 zenarcane: the game wanted you to go up to TR and back down and back up but you could save a trip with sequence breaking it
- 20:01 Korivain: Ya i didn't put together that the other bow was in TR or Mire, i just knew it was out there and didn't really care at that point cause i had one.
- 20:02 Korivain: gross logic for POD overall for sure though lol
- 20:03 zenarcane: I think there were 5 smalls available before mitts, I think one was locked behind them
- 20:04 Korivain: nope, i got all 6 before going back for my mitts lol
- 20:04 Korivain: like the seed was trying real hard to send me back there
- 20:04 zenarcane: I don't remember, I found the 6th on pyramid, and don't remember where 5 was
- 20:05 Korivain: i don't either but i remember thinking it was bad news when i found the 6th cause seeds usually only give you all 6 that easy if something important is locked there.
- 20:06 zenarcane: Yeah, for sure, so seeing 4 I was pretty sure all 6 were available
- 20:06 zenarcane: I think EP was a trap, iirc, there wasn't anything worthwhile in there
- 20:06 zenarcane: but ofc I did it after the first dip of PoD because I was there and it was efficient
- 20:06 Korivain: yup, as was east death mountain i think
- 20:07 Korivain: and i did the same. that mirror just made some of the routing to convenient to ignore
- 20:07 zenarcane: dark death for sure, light world edm was book?
- 20:07 zenarcane: which allowed you to get something off ether tablet
- 20:07 zenarcane: I remember full clearing light mountain when I was up there
- 20:07 Korivain: oh ya, cause i took that immediately over to check either and spike cave
- 20:08 zenarcane: that spike cave check
- 20:09 Korivain: ya, i thought for sure i'd never get it. was stoked that it was an important key. then i never bothered to go use that key until the end lol
- 20:09 zenarcane: yeah, but it's definitely an important one, so good to get out of the way early
- 20:09 Korivain: if you can, absolutely. too easy to leave off and never a good time to return
- 20:10 zenarcane: I made sure to be super safe
- 20:10 zenarcane: used cane immediately and refilled to be extra sure
- 20:10 Korivain: i did the same, but went in there with only two hearts cause none of the bushes dropped for me
- 20:11 Korivain: so i had a one heart window to swap to bottle, refil magic, swap to cane, and reactivate
- 20:13 zenarcane: wow that's so scary
- 20:14 Korivain: indeed. that invuln lasted a few extra frames for me i swear. lol
- 20:15 zenarcane: That's good, at least it worked
- 20:15 Korivain: yup. anyway. GG, well won. looking forward to saturdays game between brave and Deryk.
- 20:15 zenarcane: Thanks, GG to you as well and I'm looking forward to it as well, so will probably see you there! Take care!
- 20:15 Korivain: and maybe somehow my team will pull out of this loosing streak and we can met again in playoffs
- 20:16 zenarcane: That would be awesome :)
- 13:10 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264