Reconnecting to chat…
Chat paused due to scroll
- 23:58 DemiseAvalon#5715 is ready! (10 remaining)
- 23:58 incoherent#6156 is ready! (9 remaining)
- 23:58 P-Train#3117 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 23:59 SuperNinTaylor#4776 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 23:59 wulfy#1470 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 23:59 WallKicks#2003 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 23:59 tstew14#8410 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 23:59 relkin#5557 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:59 xelnas#1590 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:59 Alaszun#5375 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:59 Ninban: glhf
- 23:59 cheamo: glhf
- 23:59 WaltherIV: glgl
- 23:59 TheBoulder300: glhf
- 23:59 Pikapals: glhf
- 23:59 WallKicks: good luck hoes <3
- 23:59 latebit: hlgf
- 23:59 RickyofKokiri: gl hf
- 23:59 DaxamLhant: glhfoe
- 23:59 Eykir: glhf
- 23:59 Cadenza: gl hf !
- 23:59 DemiseAvalon: glhf
- 00:00 Scaryolive: glhf
- 00:00 Gynxy#8105 quits the race.
- 00:00 PlasmaKappa: glhfsh
- 00:00 Alaszun: um
- 00:00 Alaszun: hm
- 00:00 xel____: remember its based on the timer not chat
- 00:00 Alaszun#5375 is not ready. (1 remaining)
- 00:00 WallKicks: rip countdown LOL
- 00:00 Pikapals: it uh
- 00:00 Alaszun#5375 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:00 Pikapals: should've started right
- 00:00 Ninban: rip lol
- 00:00 Alaszun: WELL THEN
- 00:00 RickyofKokiri: .....
- 00:00 Alaszun: STARTING
- 00:00 Gynxy: ummm lol
- 00:00 incoherent: ThinkDorm
- 00:00 xel____: ...
- 00:00 Alaszun#5375 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:13 TreZc0_: can someone try to .done pls
- 00:13 TreZc0_: and revoke it once i tell them
- 00:14 Scaryolive: i will
- 00:14 RickyofKokiri: won't let me
- 00:14 xel____: that
- 00:14 TreZc0_: ugh
- 00:14 TreZc0_: trying to get a hold of dyn. that's the sole thing we cannot control via the admin panel
- 00:15 Scaryolive: it did stop my timer tho lol
- 00:15 xel____: mine didnt
- 00:48 TreZc0_: okay. just to make sure we can properly track timings later. PLEASE ALL CAPS ".DONE" IN HERE, IN THIS CHAT, WHEN YOU ARE DONE.
- 00:49 TreZc0_: nvm. it doesn't take
- 00:49 TreZc0_: !done
- 00:49 TreZc0_: !DONE
- 00:49 TreZc0_: whatever. anything like that
- 01:26 TreZc0_: !log
- 01:26 Chat log download:
- 01:29 TreZc0_: Reminder. ALL CAPS !DONE in here so we have a timestamp. we will verify times off your streams. !DONE
- 01:33 TreZc0_: you should be able to chat in here now to make that happen. !DONE
- 01:57 Pikapals: !DONE
- 01:57 wulfy: !DONE
- 01:58 TheBoulder300: !DONE
- 02:02 PlasmaKappa: !DONE
- 02:05 Hitsuyan1337: !DONE
- 02:05 WaltherIV: !done
- 02:05 WaltherIV: !DONE
- 02:05 P-Train: !DONE
- 02:06 relkin: !DONE
- 02:08 tstew14: !DONE
- 02:08 WallKicks: !DONE
- 02:10 SuperNinTaylor: !DONE
- 02:11 incoherent: !DONE
- 02:12 Ninban: !DONE
- 02:12 Eykir: !DONE
- 02:13 Alaszun: !DONE
- 02:16 cheamo: !DONE
- 02:21 Alaszun: Frostbite FFed--he was having login issues
- 02:22 Cadenza: !DONE
- 02:22 Flipheal: !DONE
- 02:23 latebit: !DONE
- 02:31 xel____: !FF
- 02:32 Scaryolive: !DONE
- 02:45 RickyofKokiri: !DONE
- 02:49 DaxamLhant: !DONE
- 03:51 DemiseAvalon: I'm gonna forfeit. I wouldn't get points for this anyway =/
- 03:51 DemiseAvalon: How do I decalre that?
- 03:51 DemiseAvalon: !FF
- 03:54 Alaszun: That's everyone :)
- 07:20 TreZc0_: !log
- 07:21 Chat log download:
- 07:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 08:29 Dyn: Manual fixup on this room due to a site outage.
- 08:36 Alaszun: Thanks Dyn
- 21:04 Race result recorded by WaltherIV#4773