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- 14:38 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 14:38 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 14:38 Reynox#6303 joins the race.
- 14:42 Gabrieljcampos#3904 joins the race.
- 14:42 Reynox: How are you?
- 14:43 Gabrieljcampos: I'm fine (I think xD)
- 14:43 Gabrieljcampos: and you?
- 14:43 Reynox: good, we just had our first real snow here :)
- 14:43 Gabrieljcampos: oh, cool
- 14:44 Gabrieljcampos: and here is doing 86°F
- 14:44 Reynox: ahahah lol
- 14:45 Reynox: are you on a island in the Atlantic?
- 14:45 Gabrieljcampos: no
- 14:45 Gabrieljcampos: rio de janeiro - brasil xD
- 14:45 Reynox: Ah I understand now :)
- 14:46 Reynox: I'm in Québec in Canada
- 14:46 Gabrieljcampos: oh
- 14:47 Reynox: the polar opposite of eachother :p
- 14:47 Gabrieljcampos: yeah
- 14:48 Gabrieljcampos: Québec it's a place that I would like to visit
- 14:48 Gabrieljcampos: because you have 2 official languages
- 14:49 Reynox: It's really nice, the city of Québec (in the province of the same name) is great for tourists
- 14:49 Reynox: we actually only have French as a official language in the province. New-Brunswick does have both
- 14:49 Gabrieljcampos: oh
- 14:50 Gabrieljcampos: I thought it was french and english
- 14:50 Reynox: It's doens't mean we can't speak English :p
- 14:51 Reynox: But Québec has rules to encourage French as the main language. like stores sign must be prensented firts in French ans then can presents in English on the bottom in smaller capital
- 14:51 Gabrieljcampos: oh, cool
- 14:52 Gabrieljcampos: well, I'll roll the seed
- 14:52 Reynox: go ahead
- 14:53 Gabrieljcampos: !race pichu10u/influkeys
- 14:53 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 14:53 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 14:53 SahasrahBot:
- 14:53 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 14:56 Reynox: I'll be ready in 2 mins
- 14:59 Gabrieljcampos: my livesplit isn't openning the RT D:
- 14:59 Reynox: o weird
- 15:00 Gabrieljcampos: ok, I'm ready
- 15:00 Reynox: all right
- 15:00 Gabrieljcampos: I'll start manually the timer
- 15:00 Gabrieljcampos: GLHF
- 15:00 Reynox: ok gl hf!
- 15:00 Reynox#6303 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:00 Gabrieljcampos#3904 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:00 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 15:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:49 Reynox#6303 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:48:45!
- 16:52 Gabrieljcampos#3904 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:51:47!
- 16:52 Race finished in 1:51:47.3
- 16:52 Gabrieljcampos: GGs
- 16:53 Reynox: GG
- 16:54 Gabrieljcampos: that was a very strange seed
- 16:54 Reynox: yeah it was nasty
- 16:54 Gabrieljcampos: every single check on the early game was a PoD small xD
- 16:55 Reynox: because hook was in the back, so logically behind 4 pod sk :p
- 16:57 Reynox: Idk for you, but I got mirror and I had to choose between SP and TR. TR had nothing, then SP gave you bombos.
- 16:58 Reynox: With bombos, you had the choice between MM and IP. IP had the book wich was the last piece of the puzzle to finish. I went MM, got my FR. In SW there was a sk of TT and bk of SP which led to nothing
- 16:58 Gabrieljcampos: yeah
- 16:58 Reynox: So yeah, many choices, definitly a way to god route this seed
- 16:59 Gabrieljcampos: I forget to see the Mire medallion
- 16:59 Gabrieljcampos: so I only gone with ether
- 17:00 Gabrieljcampos: and I did mire before ice
- 17:01 Gabrieljcampos: well, my routing punished me because I did EP before sahas too
- 17:01 Gabrieljcampos: and "oh my god, here's my bow"
- 17:01 Reynox: at least, hte seed was generous with crystal placements. I went blind on a quite a few bosses but they all had crystals
- 17:01 Reynox: oh no, the bow was so free :(
- 17:02 Reynox: But I understand you flute on 5, so EP is closer than sahar
- 17:03 Gabrieljcampos: yeah
- 17:03 Reynox: oh and, TOH bk was in EP, and Moldorm had EP bk, so mean xD
- 17:05 Gabrieljcampos: doing this seed fully in logic it could be interesting
- 17:06 Reynox: yikes xD
- 17:07 Reynox: I mean, you had to follow the bread crumbs. My biggest mistake was not to act on the titan, wich would have given me boots way earlier
- 17:08 Gabrieljcampos: yeah
- 17:08 Gabrieljcampos: I got the TT BK with only missing 5 checks
- 17:10 Gabrieljcampos: well, I have to go
- 17:10 Gabrieljcampos: GGs again o/
- 17:10 Reynox: GG wp again! I believe you can still make it to finals, so gl hf in your last match
- 22:31 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515