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- 18:02 eudaimonistic#8233 joins the race.
- 18:03 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 18:06 nobly#0149 requests to join the race.
- 18:06 eudaimonistic#8233 accepts a request to join from nobly#0149.
- 18:06 nobly: yo =)
- 18:12 eudaimonistic: my delay is almost caught up
- 18:12 nobly: no stress =)
- 18:13 eudaimonistic#8233 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:14 nobly: alright u good to go =D
- 18:14 nobly: GLHF
- 18:14 eudaimonistic: glhf
- 18:14 nobly#0149 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:14 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 30 seconds!
- 18:14 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:55 nobly#0149 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:40:19!
- 19:55 eudaimonistic#8233 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:55 Race finished in 1:40:29.4
- 19:55 eudaimonistic: gg!
- 19:55 nobly: gg
- 19:55 nobly: what u missin ?
- 19:55 eudaimonistic: I last located about four items
- 19:55 eudaimonistic: just entered GT
- 19:55 nobly: aha nice :D
- 19:55 nobly: which items ?
- 19:55 nobly: i last located mitts
- 19:55 nobly: approx :P
- 19:56 nobly: and moon pearl
- 19:56 nobly: apart from that not much
- 19:56 eudaimonistic: moon pearl, mitts, bow
- 19:56 nobly: after mitts in pod i went straight to tr
- 19:56 eudaimonistic: death in TR, missed BK in Pod on accident lol
- 19:56 nobly: lovely boots location also XD :P
- 19:57 eudaimonistic: never found em
- 19:57 nobly: right side gt XD
- 19:57 eudaimonistic: wonderful
- 19:57 nobly: i was pretty happy when i found red cane to be honest
- 19:57 nobly: full cleared tt for nothing and did sw ether was atleast required but didnt feel great :P
- 19:57 eudaimonistic: yeah
- 19:57 nobly: after EP dip i went straight to ether tablet
- 19:58 eudaimonistic: I went ahead and reported results, time to sleep, ggs again and good luck in your remaining races!
- 19:58 nobly: that was also horrible location ouf
- 19:58 nobly: alright thanks :D gg's its gonna get intresting in end phase now :D
- 19:58 nobly: and yeah sleep is a thing :D :P
- 15:08 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264