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Race results

  1. calm-murahdahla-7902 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Brogor #0954 he / him Finished 63
    2. 2nd nobly #0149 he / him Finished 227
  2. cold-boots-8711 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st nobly #0149 he / him Finished 566
    2. 2nd MalXantholos #6990 he / him Finished 91
  3. sunken-icepalace-5213 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st MalXantholos #6990 he / him Finished 78
    2. 2nd nobly #0149 he / him Finished 65
  4. magic-blind-1803 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st nobly #0149 he / him Finished 416
    2. 2nd WGarrison #7375 he / him Finished 88
  5. banzai-hyrulecastle-2533 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st nobly #0149 he / him Finished 1,106
    2. 2nd WGarrison #7375 he / him Finished 286
  6. foolish-mirrorshield-6550 ALttPR Pilot Spoiler Async Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Jamo #6380 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd nobly #0149 he / him Finished
  7. secret-heartcontainer-7905 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st nobly #0149 he / him Finished n/a
    2. 2nd HayfieldBay #6247 he / him Finished n/a
  8. magic-zorasdomain-7206 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 23 entrants
    1. 1st WallKicks #2003 he / him Finished 2,303
    2. 2nd latebit #1301 he / him Finished 1,254
    3. 3rd Kotose #9617 she / her more 176 - Hurray! I went the good directions and played well! Ended up LLing TR big for go; super strong early game Finished 1,915
    4. 4th PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more send help Finished 1,770
    5. 5th StructuralMike #1449 he / him more TR BK go mode Finished 1,147
    6. 6th incoherent #6156 he / him more apparently TR BK was the correct thing to almost last location? Finished 1,597
    7. 7th cheffy #3717 Finished 203
    8. 8th AverageFrustratedGamer #8364 more DON'T FALL TO GANON NOOOO Finished 1,277
    9. 9th Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 243
    10. 10th Deign #3244 any / all more CR: 172 -- Shaking off 2 weeks of rust, LL MP Finished 1,041
    11. 11th Zaruvyen #7867 he / they more Last. Locate. Everything. Finished 922
    12. 12th nobly #0149 he / him more sometimes i wonder if we are playing the same seed. imagine diving EP without pearl -.- or not last locate zora. Finished 804
    13. 13th death_taxes_n64 #4985 he / him more 181 1st dark aga tower feelsglad Finished 685
    14. 14th TjMaelstrom #1499 he / him more Tired of this shit. Finished 564
    15. 15th AryaStark2942 #5333 she / they more more than 174. Inadvertently ran past one entrance (CT :p) and cleared the whole game looking for it. Nice flute. Finished 850
    16. 16th Kennen #0761 more Feels Good. Finished 323
    17. 17th Coy #4033 more 93 min moon pearl, hammer was even later, go mode boots, also died to vitty twice, but that's my fault, the rest is someone else's fault Finished 677
    18. 18th Twiga #4290 they / them more stop skipping the climb idiot Finished 49
    19. 19th Lanabean #3720 she / her more 188/216 imagine skipping pyramid, triple dipping and beating swamp, beating TT, all without boots. Finished 117
    20. derity #9873 she / her more my controller stopped working and couldn't fix it. got a new computer and have had random issues ever since : ( DNF 307
    21. joshbittner #2329 he / him more wtf afg DNF 302
    22. Maximum_Barnage #3122 he / him DNF 299
    23. Oboe #8721 he / him DNF 299
  9. trusty-arrows-0037 ALttPR Beat the game (assisted) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st zelgadissan #0529 he / him Finished 7
    2. 2nd nobly #0149 he / him Finished 3
  10. amazing-somaria-5113 ALttPR Beat the game (glitched) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st tam #8418 they / them Finished 11
    2. 2nd Krithel #1406 he / him Finished 1
    3. 3rd MrByer #7307 he / him Finished 6
    4. nobly #0149 he / him more gg to rusy a bit to easy seed just cant bother failing more XD need to play more no logics DNF 3