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- 21:09 Matkap: perdon
- 21:09 Matkap: ya lo arregle
- 21:09 Cougars: defi comenta
- 21:09 AstroFelipe#0115 joins the race.
- 21:09 DiRamz: O comenta?
- 21:09 DiRamz: ah vale
- 21:09 DiRamz: jaja
- 21:09 Akuma17: monkaS
- 21:09 JaniorB: entro astro
- 21:09 Akuma17: corre defi
- 21:09 DiRamz: Corre Felipe, corre
- 21:09 JaniorB: corre astro
- 21:09 AstroFelipe: estoy corriendo jaja
- 21:09 Akuma17: :hashboots:
- 21:09 Akuma17: :HashBoots:
- 21:10 DiRamz: Los demás ya están matando el primer guardia
- 21:10 JaniorB: Canard
- 21:10 Cougars: yo ya estoy en aga1
- 21:10 JaniorB: yo ya mato a ganon
- 21:10 DiRamz: Cuando un any% nmg de chill?
- 21:10 AstroFelipe#0115 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:10 Akuma17: speed
- 21:10 Cougars: la ostia de fast! :O
- 21:10 DiRamz: wr
- 21:10 DiRamz: glhf
- 21:10 Cougars: pues cuando mat quiera
- 21:10 JaniorB: estaria nice, la ultima vez que jugue solo me mori 2 dos veces xd
- 21:11 AstroFelipe: increible, gl!
- 21:11 JaniorB: gl
- 21:11 Matkap: perdon que al cerrar el obs se cambiaron algunas cosas
- 21:13 Defi: 🐸🐸🐸💨💨💨
- 21:13 Defi: 🤡 clown routing incoming?
- 21:14 AstroFelipe: the only way
- 21:14 JaniorB#0775 is not ready. (1 remaining)
- 21:14 JaniorB: me ire a servir agua antes de empezar
- 21:15 Matkap: vale ya estoy diria
- 21:15 Matkap: perdon
- 21:15 Cougars: have fun!
- 21:15 AstroFelipe: glgl
- 21:15 Matkap: aver que vuelva janior
- 21:15 Matkap: el resto listos supongo
- 21:16 Akuma17: 8 crystales GT lesgo
- 21:16 Cougars: recordad matar a Mother Brain
- 21:16 JaniorB#0775 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:16 Cougars: lets go!
- 21:16 AstroFelipe: siiuu
- 21:17 JaniorB: gl
- 21:17 Matkap: ok
- 21:17 Matkap: good luck!
- 21:18 Matkap#5663 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:24 Matkap: akuma quita lo de los settings por dios
- 21:24 Matkap: lmao
- 21:24 Matkap: o tu tracker no se actualiza?
- 21:24 Matkap: gracias
- 23:26 Victotem: en inverted donde se mira la wincon?
- 23:26 Cougars#6529 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:08:14!
- 23:29 Akuma17#3325 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:11:15!
- 23:29 Akuma17: ggs
- 23:29 Akuma17: no entro
- 23:30 Matkap: por el chat sino
- 23:30 Defi: ggs Akuma
- 23:48 AstroFelipe#0115 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:29:57!
- 23:49 Cougars: gg
- 23:50 AstroFelipe: ggs
- 23:51 JaniorB: si soy el ultimo en stream pongo ff
- 23:51 JaniorB: me avisan para que no se alargue
- 23:58 DiegolazoR4#9443 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:40:16!
- 23:58 Matkap: ggs
- 23:58 Matkap: janior la verdad que es tarde si si quieres entrar tambien a entrevista
- 23:59 JaniorB#0775 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:01 Victotem: donde aparece la win condition y los cristales requeridos?
- 00:01 Victotem: 10
- 00:01 Victotem: 9
- 00:01 Victotem: 8
- 00:01 Victotem: 7
- 00:01 Victotem: 6
- 00:01 Victotem: 5
- 00:01 Victotem: 4
- 00:01 Victotem: 3
- 00:01 Victotem: 2
- 00:01 Victotem: 1
- 00:01 Victotem#1469 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:02 Matkap: a la derecha del castillo
- 00:02 Matkap: estan los dos juntos
- 00:02 Victotem: ah
- 00:02 Victotem: me iba a dormir ya
- 00:02 Victotem: thanks
- 00:07 Victotem#1469 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 00:37 childofGod#1160 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:19:17!
- 00:53 Victotem#1469 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:53 Race finished in 3:35:04.5
- 00:53 Victotem: gg
- 02:56 Race result recorded by homemadebeer#3479