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- 01:14 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and ALTTPR/SMZ3 seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do!
- 01:14 Crimson Pallasch#9846 joins the race.
- 01:19 EsperHubb: almost done
- 01:19 EsperHubb#5908 joins the race.
- 01:19 Crimson Pallasch: No worries. I'm chatting with MochaJones on his stream at the moment. ha ha ha
- 01:19 VortexofDoom: what time you planning on starting?
- 01:20 Crimson Pallasch: I'm not sure. Hubb is coordinating.
- 01:20 VortexofDoom#1756 joins the race.
- 01:22 EsperHubb: uh
- 01:22 EsperHubb: 5 minutes from now?
- 01:23 EsperHubb: !preset Open
- 01:23 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:23 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:23 SahasrahBot:
- 01:23 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:23 VortexofDoom: Cool, I'm not in a rush, just didn't want to miss the start
- 01:24 EsperHubb: np np
- 01:25 WGarrison#7375 joins the race.
- 01:26 Crimson Pallasch: Hey WGarrison!
- 01:27 VortexofDoom: time for a runback?
- 01:27 Crimson Pallasch#9846 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:27 VortexofDoom: garrison gonna farm all of us now
- 01:27 Crimson Pallasch: ha ha ha
- 01:28 WGarrison: yep, runback time
- 01:28 WGarrison: hey hey
- 01:28 blueconno: still time to join?
- 01:28 blueconno: Whitty also was interested
- 01:28 Crimson Pallasch: Yeah.
- 01:28 blueconno: k, whitty said he'd be 5 mins
- 01:28 blueconno#5035 joins the race.
- 01:28 whitty#7623 joins the race.
- 01:28 EsperHubb: oh
- 01:29 EsperHubb: sorry I am having depressing issues cause MSU1 pack is not activating
- 01:29 EsperHubb: is everyone ready?
- 01:29 WGarrison: I have to watch that vod some more Vortex, a lot of your reasons for disliking my routing make sense, I disliked my routing too
- 01:29 Crimson Pallasch: I haven't been able to get MSUs to work yet.
- 01:29 VortexofDoom: There were a lot of aggressive decisions that I liked
- 01:29 WGarrison: remind me after the race and I can help you out
- 01:30 WGarrison: it was bipolar haha
- 01:30 WGarrison: great and terrible plays
- 01:30 VortexofDoom: Dipping out of Ice was one that goes against every fiber of my being but I really liked it
- 01:30 WGarrison: i think the kicker is it makes sense not to drop LSS after
- 01:31 blueconno: do we need to stream?
- 01:31 WGarrison: and I wasnt thinking about it that way, which is weird cause its the only check I didnt treat as a mirror check
- 01:31 Crimson Pallasch: I've had Amarith helping me figure out MSUs, but my last trial didn't work again.
- 01:31 VortexofDoom: Yeah, kind of because your other options could be done anytime, but LSS was now or last
- 01:31 Crimson Pallasch: We're required to stream by default.
- 01:31 WGarrison: yeah, and if I felt like I got mirror first
- 01:32 EsperHubb: no need to stream, I'll set an override
- 01:32 VortexofDoom: Yeah, at first I thought you might have just absentmindedly went to bombos and rolled with it
- 01:32 Crimson Pallasch: We're not too picky if it's not an official race on the streaming.
- 01:32 WGarrison: yeah, crimson, just ping me on discord after the race and I can help out
- 01:32 Crimson Pallasch: Okay. Thanks.
- 01:33 Crimson Pallasch: I'm sure you saw the message, but I love your MSU pack on your race! Etrian Odyssey, right?
- 01:33 Streaming is now NOT required for this race.
- 01:33 WGarrison: im ready, but I'll ready up when more people are ready
- 01:33 EsperHubb: okay
- 01:34 VortexofDoom#1756 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:34 EsperHubb#5908 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:34 whitty#7623 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:34 whitty: I started my stream but it will take a bit to register here
- 01:34 EsperHubb: I'm good to goall good
- 01:35 WGarrison#7375 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:35 EsperHubb: asdfg
- 01:35 whitty: good luck y'all
- 01:35 Crimson Pallasch: GLHF!
- 01:35 VortexofDoom: glhf :)
- 01:35 blueconno#5035 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:35 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:35 EsperHubb: Yeah I overrided the streaming requirement so anyone not up for it is good
- 01:35 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:55 EsperHubb#5908 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:19:36!
- 02:55 EsperHubb#5908 has been undone from the race.
- 02:55 EsperHubb#5908 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:56 EsperHubb#5908 added a comment: "Not today"
- 03:40 whitty#7623 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:05:10!
- 03:42 whitty#7623 added a comment: "168/216 what a fun seed"
- 03:46 blueconno#5035 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:10:55!
- 03:48 blueconno#5035 added a comment: "Definitely an interesting one. 178/216"
- 03:52 Crimson Pallasch#9846 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:16:36!
- 03:52 Crimson Pallasch#9846 added a comment: "What about that lamp and boots location?"
- 03:57 WGarrison#7375 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:21:22!
- 03:58 WGarrison#7375 added a comment: "Still managed to last location go mode 183/216"
- 04:04 VortexofDoom#1756 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:28:48!
- 04:04 Race finished in 2:28:48.3
- 04:04 VortexofDoom#1756 added a comment: "Triple dipped TR trying to mega brain go mode KEKW"
- 04:10 VortexofDoom#1756 changed the comment to: "Triple dipped TR trying to giga-brain go mode KEKW 184/216"
- 22:06 Race result recorded by P-Train#3117