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- 00:54 vertz505: hiya!
- 00:54 tylersalt: o/
- 00:54 DJ_DarkwingD: Just got done with ladder
- 00:54 ZephyrGlaze: woo
- 00:54 DJ_DarkwingD: What mode are yall doing?>
- 00:55 ZephyrGlaze: also I would love help with my auto-tracker
- 00:55 Trinexx: help how
- 00:55 vertz505: joining this now?? :P
- 00:55 DJ_DarkwingD#0992 joins the race.
- 00:55 DJ_DarkwingD: What mode is it
- 00:55 vertz505: bold move back to back racing :P
- 00:55 vertz505: open
- 00:55 DJ_DarkwingD: I'm drunk so not caring right now
- 00:55 vertz505: generally normal
- 00:55 vertz505: lol
- 00:56 Trinexx#1152 quits the race.
- 00:56 ZephyrGlaze: nvm; got it going. Just gotta get everything else going
- 00:56 Trinexx#1152 joins the race.
- 00:57 tylersalt: I can go ahead and roll?
- 00:58 tylersalt: actually gonna step away for a second, feel free to roll once you're ready
- 00:58 vertz505: yeah, go for it
- 00:59 vertz505#4971 updated the race information.
- 00:59 ZephyrGlaze: anyone know the hotkey to enable/disable frame count? Not frame rate, absolute frame of the game
- 01:00 Trinexx: it should just be in th eoptions
- 01:01 vertz505: !preset open
- 01:01 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:01 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:01 SahasrahBot:
- 01:01 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:02 Trinexx: though press period maybe
- 01:02 ZephyrGlaze: yup, was period
- 01:02 ZephyrGlaze: almost ready
- 01:03 tylersalt#0124 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:05 vertz505#4971 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:07 Leaf: ...hmm Do I feel like joining?
- 01:07 DJ_DarkwingD#0992 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:07 DJ_DarkwingD: YES!
- 01:07 ZephyrGlaze: you do zeke
- 01:07 vertz505: do iiiit
- 01:07 ZephyrGlaze: especially sinc esome of us are on cmms
- 01:07 Zeke Highwind#8371 joins the race.
- 01:07 ZephyrGlaze: also sobriety is optional
- 01:07 Trinexx#1152 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:08 DJ_DarkwingD: What John Said
- 01:08 Leaf: I'm still being sober
- 01:08 DJ_DarkwingD: I did drunk ladder so I;m pretty lit
- 01:08 Leaf: mostly because I don't drink
- 01:08 ZephyrGlaze: You could tell by my typing
- 01:08 Leaf: give me a minute to get stream up
- 01:12 Leaf: am I allowed to autotrack today?
- 01:12 tylersalt: fine by me
- 01:12 JohnTheBranch#0463 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:13 ZephyrGlaze: technical problem
- 01:13 DJ_DarkwingD#0992 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 01:13 DJ_DarkwingD#0992 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:14 ZephyrGlaze: ready
- 01:14 Leaf: everyone ready?
- 01:14 tylersalt: do it
- 01:14 vertz505: yup!
- 01:14 DJ_DarkwingD#0992 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 01:14 Leaf: good luck have fun dont die
- 01:14 Zeke Highwind#8371 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:14 vertz505: GL HF!
- 01:14 tylersalt: GLHF
- 01:14 ZephyrGlaze: lol
- 01:14 vertz505: the timing
- 01:14 ZephyrGlaze: this is what happens when you mix drugs and alttpr
- 01:14 ZephyrGlaze: and setting up auto trackers
- 01:15 DJ_DarkwingD#0992 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:15 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:15 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:59 Trinexx#1152 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:43:56!
- 03:01 vertz505: ggs
- 03:01 vertz505: my net is being dumb, had to leave the call
- 03:02 tylersalt: gg
- 03:05 Trinexx: DO NOT RECORD. this was a voice channel race
- 03:14 vertz505#4971 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:58:54!
- 03:16 tylersalt#0124 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:01:33!
- 03:17 tylersalt: gg y'all\
- 03:20 vertz505: ggs!
- 03:22 DJ_DarkwingD#0992 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:06:44!
- 03:22 vertz505: gg!
- 03:22 DJ_DarkwingD: gg
- 03:30 tylersalt: I'm yawning all over the place so I'm gonna hit the hay, but gg y'all, can't believe [redacted] was in [redacted] the whole time
- 03:34 DJ_DarkwingD: It fucked us all lol
- 03:34 DJ_DarkwingD: GG Tyler, night dude
- 03:40 JohnTheBranch#0463 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:25:25!
- 03:41 DJ_DarkwingD: GG
- 03:41 Zeke Highwind#8371 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:26:17!
- 03:41 Race finished in 2:26:17.6
- 03:56 ZephyrGlaze:
- 03:56 JohnTheBranch#0463 added a comment: "Do drugs; mismark tracker even with auto"
- 03:57 Zeke Highwind#8371 added a comment: "I lost to John because I fell in the pig fight"
- 21:48 Race result recorded by Synack#9689