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- 03:28 Gammachuu: we'll go with xkeys since i pinged for it
- 03:28 Gammachuu: !race crosskeys
- 03:28 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 03:28 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 03:28 SahasrahBot:
- 03:28 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 03:28 secretlyasliver: i'm already going to be up til 1am, i'd rather not change up more things
- 03:29 Gammachuu: hey, a classic never dies
- 03:30 AryaStark2942#5333 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 03:30 Gammachuu: k just gonna restroom then rdy
- 03:30 Gammachuu: Arya, I wish you an early filet
- 03:31 Julloninja#3102 joins the race.
- 03:31 Julloninja: lets see how you've improved in a day gamma KEKW
- 03:31 Shinmaru: jullo here to crush gamma again
- 03:31 Julloninja: i'll go easy and not hobo rush
- 03:32 secretlyasliver#1225 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 03:32 joshua: Asyncage after my wife goes to bed (unless your finish times make me wanna nope out)
- 03:32 Brogor: yo ustarting on 4:40 ?
- 03:32 secretlyasliver: dodge noted
- 03:32 Shinmaru#3292 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 03:33 secretlyasliver: xx40 gamma time, i'm not sure what that is in real time
- 03:33 joshua: @secretlyasliver just sub 2, ez
- 03:33 Julloninja#3102 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 03:34 Gammachuu: ok
- 03:34 Gammachuu: hi hello
- 03:34 Gammachuu#1618 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 03:34 zelgadissan: GL HF gamers
- 03:34 zelgadissan#0529 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 03:34 secretlyasliver: glhf
- 03:34 derity: glhf
- 03:34 derity#9873 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 03:34 Shinmaru: glhf
- 03:35 Eykir#2885 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:35 Gammachuu: glhf all
- 03:35 Brogor#0954 joins the race.
- 03:35 Julloninja: actually made a save file before the countdown this time so i might lose
- 03:35 Brogor: nonono
- 03:35 Brogor: gamma
- 03:35 Gammachuu: HELLO BROGORLINA
- 03:35 Brogor: dont cut me
- 03:35 Brogor: out
- 03:35 Gammachuu: lol
- 03:35 Gammachuu: what happen
- 03:35 Gammachuu: you wanna join
- 03:35 Gammachuu: need time?
- 03:35 Brogor: yes yes
- 03:35 Gammachuu#1618 promoted Brogor#0954 to race monitor.
- 03:35 Brogor: 2 min
- 03:35 Gammachuu: ok
- 03:35 NiobiumNarwhal#0603 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:36 NiobiumNarwhal: glhf~
- 03:36 Brogor: stream booting - quick toilet then rdy
- 03:37 Julloninja: quick toilet sounds like banned tech to me
- 03:37 Shinmaru: hammer dump
- 03:38 Julloninja: wow using tech im not gonna learn
- 03:38 Brogor: ok gl everyone have fun thanks for waiting <3
- 03:38 Gammachuu: glhf
- 03:38 Julloninja: gl hf
- 03:39 Brogor#0954 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 03:39 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:39 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:59 Coy: asyncge
- 05:49 Flipheal: im glad i dodged
- 05:49 Gridasham: yeah me too
- 05:50 Flipheal: i played some couch co op gladius, great game
- 05:57 joshua: Best dodge I’ve ever done, my god
- 06:05 Brogor#0954 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:26:12!
- 06:06 Gammachuu: gg
- 06:06 Brogor: BRO i hereby unfriend you
- 06:06 Shinmaru: gg FUCK THIS SEED
- 06:06 Brogor: :D
- 06:09 Gammachuu#1618 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:30:00!
- 06:09 Eykir#2885 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:30:19!
- 06:09 Eykir: gammachuu sniped me =( ggs!
- 06:09 Gammachuu: lol ggs
- 06:11 Julloninja#3102 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:32:22!
- 06:11 zelgadissan#0529 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:32:35!
- 06:12 Eykir#2885 added a comment.
- 06:13 Gammachuu#1618 added a comment.
- 06:14 secretlyasliver#1225 has forfeited from the race.
- 06:17 Brogor#0954 added a comment.
- 06:17 Shinmaru#3292 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:38:01!
- 06:20 Shinmaru#3292 added a comment.
- 06:20 AryaStark2942#5333 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:41:22!
- 06:21 AryaStark2942#5333 added a comment.
- 06:29 derity#9873 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:49:54!
- 06:37 Coy: 2:33:35 blegh
- 06:49 derity#9873 added a comment.
- 06:52 NiobiumNarwhal#0603 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:13:09!
- 06:52 Race finished in 3:13:09.4
- 06:54 NiobiumNarwhal#0603 added a comment.
- 06:56 Coy: I climbed gt twice because im so intelligent, my IQ rolled over back to 1
- 06:58 NiobiumNarwhal: GGs
- 07:50 Race result recorded by joshbittner#2329