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- 14:41 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 14:41 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 14:42 Reynox#6303 joins the race.
- 14:45 Shinmaru#3292 joins the race.
- 14:46 Shinmaru: "salty zelda" bad omen lol
- 14:46 Reynox: Oh no
- 14:46 Reynox: let's rush Zelda cell
- 14:47 Reynox: or avoid it, she has 1 arroe
- 14:48 Shinmaru: Good morning to you, hope the holiday treated you well.
- 14:48 Reynox: Good morning, it did :) What about you?
- 14:49 Shinmaru: Yeah had a nice time with family
- 14:50 Shinmaru: !race pichu10u/inverted_adkeys_boot
- 14:50 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 14:50 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 14:50 SahasrahBot:
- 14:50 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 14:54 Shinmaru: All good to go when you are
- 14:56 Reynox: I'm all set too
- 14:56 Shinmaru: glhf!
- 14:56 Reynox: gl hf !
- 14:56 Shinmaru#3292 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 14:56 Reynox#6303 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 14:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:55 Shinmaru#3292 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:58:44!
- 17:11 Reynox#6303 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:14:10!
- 17:11 Race finished in 2:14:10.7
- 17:11 Shinmaru: gg
- 17:11 Reynox: GG
- 17:11 Shinmaru: saw that you were looking for pod big at the end, rough break :(
- 17:12 Reynox: The seed was mean to me :p
- 17:12 Reynox: But I had a really bad early game. I took 2 deaths in TT 1 in POD
- 17:12 Reynox: So congrats, you advance !
- 17:12 Shinmaru: yeah the early game was very rough
- 17:12 Shinmaru: back of thieves was for sure last location and i died with one hit left on blind lol
- 17:13 Shinmaru: also died after opening the hole in the attic
- 17:13 Shinmaru: i left pod big behind initially as well, but i got it when i did eastern and mirror was there
- 17:14 Reynox: I did come back to POD too, but I was greedy and wanted to wait for its bk before going in the backl
- 17:14 Reynox: so yeah...
- 17:14 Shinmaru: ah unfortunate, makes sense though
- 17:15 Reynox: I still struggle in keysan to know when to gable when not to. Sometimes I'm too safe, other time too aggressif
- 17:16 Shinmaru: yeah it's a tough balance to get right
- 17:16 Shinmaru: there were definitely times I played it safe here and just wasted time (LSS, front of TR with all of GT available)
- 17:17 Shinmaru: it's a bit tougher to gamble in adkeys too since you need to do everything
- 17:17 Reynox: make sense
- 17:18 Reynox: GT ended only having 1 CT right?
- 17:18 Shinmaru: Yeah
- 17:18 Reynox: And I'm still missing 1 gt small. It must be in POD bc
- 17:19 Reynox: did you grab fire rod on your first trip? I scouted it in water walk, but decided to do king Zora anyway
- 17:21 Shinmaru: I did, yeah, I grabbed waterfall fairy, scouted Zora ledge, and then got fire rod
- 17:21 Shinmaru: I cleaned up Zora and catfish after Ice Palace
- 17:22 Reynox: I wasn't really punish not taking it since I got titan and flute, so it was easy to get it back
- 17:23 Reynox: altought I had to fake flippers and ancila back to back
- 17:24 Shinmaru: Yeah I wanted a fire source, but ultimately I don't think grabbing it early made a huge difference, just able to combo some things easier (which I imagine you also did if you fake flippered to it later)
- 17:24 Shinmaru: anyway ggs again and good luck in your future races!
- 17:25 Reynox: GG wp! Good luck in the next round :0
- 17:25 Reynox: :)
- 21:40 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515