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- 01:26 SahasrahBot invites fcoughlin#7691 to join the race.
- 01:26 SahasrahBot invites Fouton#5436 to join the race.
- 01:26 SahasrahBot: Welcome. Use !leaguerace (without any arguments) to roll your seed! This should be done about 5 minutes prior to the start of you race. If you need help, ping @Mods in the ALTTPR League Discord.
- 01:27 Andy#6728 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:27 adirondackrick#4468 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:27 adirondackrick: Hello, pug.
- 01:38 Fouton#5436 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:40 Andy: hey gamers
- 01:41 adirondackrick: Tomorrow night will be on SG2.
- 01:41 Andy: what about tonight
- 01:41 adirondackrick: Tonight's is on SG1.
- 01:41 Andy: o snap
- 01:41 Andy: the big show
- 01:41 adirondackrick: Playing against the scheduler for SG has advantages ;)
- 01:42 Andy: i'm glad i have a 10/15/20/30 delay profile set up
- 01:42 Andy: ezpz for any tourney ever
- 01:42 fcoughlin#7691 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:42 adirondackrick: I need to set up more profiles, I have just two ... one for main, one for alt.
- 01:42 adirondackrick: Hey Fred.
- 01:43 fcoughlin: Sigh... wish these rooms weren't private, so I could use LiveSplit to join
- 01:43 Andy: I set em up once literally every tournament started requiring delays of some sorts
- 01:43 adirondackrick: Yeah, it makes sense.
- 01:43 adirondackrick: Given the number of tournaments you play in.
- 01:44 Andy: brb need some ibuprofen
- 01:44 adirondackrick: Shoot, I left mine at work. Hope I don't wake with a headache tomorrow.
- 01:44 Synack: hey, glhf
- 01:45 fcoughlin: Synack, we need a way to make this non-hidden from LiveSplit
- 01:50 Synack: The author of the plugin is apparently MIA
- 01:50 Kirito#7015 requests to join the race.
- 01:50 Synack: otherwise they could just add something that lets you enter the room name "alttpr/sleepy-pieceofheart-1961" or something like that for it to join the room
- 01:50 Kirito: yo synack
- 01:50 drossy1#3899 requests to join the race.
- 01:50 SahasrahBot accepts a request to join from drossy1#3899.
- 01:50 SahasrahBot promoted drossy1#3899 to race monitor.
- 01:50 drossy1#3899 accepts a request to join from Kirito#7015.
- 01:51 drossy1#3899 promoted Kirito#7015 to race monitor.
- 01:51 drossy: there you go
- 01:51 Synack: Kirito, I need to add your to the database so it approves you automatically.
- 01:51 Synack: There's an announcement with a form
- 01:51 Synack: drossy, the database was fixed
- 01:52 Synack: I can finally drive home from work now
- 01:53 adirondackrick: Kirito: My audio will be good for broadcast - My game audio is separate from Discord audio
- 01:53 Kirito: ok
- 01:54 drossy: oh now you tell me :\ I took your comm spot because I thought it would be easier to do that and then find a tracker to replace me
- 01:55 Kirito: other than rick whos live at the moment?
- 01:55 Fouton: mines gonna start in 60s
- 01:55 Fouton: oh
- 01:55 fcoughlin: I start in 123s
- 01:55 Fouton: dang i guess i cant use hat in time MSU can I
- 01:57 Andy: aren't we supposed to start at 10? no seed yet
- 01:57 fcoughlin: Sesame
- 01:57 adirondackrick: Poppy
- 01:57 Andy: looks like the bot thinks we start at 10:10
- 01:58 adirondackrick: !leaguerace
- 01:58 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:58 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:58 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in Discord. Please contact a League Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 01:58 adirondackrick: Forgot we have to do that.
- 01:59 Andy#6728 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:59 drossy1#3899 quits the race.
- 02:00 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 02:01 adirondackrick: I am going to need an override because I am streaming on alt (cocoanuttylatte) and isn't recognized by the racebot as "live"
- 02:01 Fouton#5436 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:01 drossy1#3899 sets a stream override for adirondackrick#4468.
- 02:02 adirondackrick: Good luck both of you.
- 02:02 adirondackrick: Here we go
- 02:02 Kirito: glhf guys wish you all the best of luck
- 02:02 Fouton: glhf
- 02:02 adirondackrick#4468 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:02 Kirito#7015 quits the race.
- 02:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:02 drossy: glhf
- 02:02 fcoughlin: good luck!
- 02:02 BrewersFanJP: GL
- 02:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:41 Andy#6728 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:38:35!
- 03:44 fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:41:20!
- 03:44 Fouton#5436 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:41:58!
- 03:44 Fouton: ggs
- 03:44 fcoughlin: gg!
- 03:44 Andy: ggs
- 03:45 fcoughlin: Evil fun one
- 03:45 Andy: absolute garbage seed
- 03:45 Andy: that lamp location
- 03:45 Andy: with how bad those bottles were
- 03:47 fcoughlin: Yea that was... annoying as poop
- 03:48 adirondackrick#4468 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:45:38!
- 03:48 Race finished in 1:45:39.1
- 03:48 adirondackrick: GG all
- 03:51 adirondackrick: I need to learn how to do dark maze without an item, that mirror was missed in my first trip in.
- 03:54 Fouton: Ah damn thats pretty rough. I got somewhat lucky cuz I realized halfway through that I didnt have a sword in there so if I got knocked off path I never wouldve found my way back on
- 03:55 Andy: are we interviewing
- 03:56 Andy: jk just got a dm
- 03:56 Andy: lmao