
A Link to the Past Randomizer ALttPR Beat the game - Casual League Praccy SLTS v PugSLTS alttprleague/adkeydrop_boots - https://alttprpatch.synack.live/patcher.html?patch=https://sahasrahbot.s3.amazonaws.com/patch/DR_wglBXlNc7tGO.bps - (Compass/Map/Hookshot/Compass/Map)
Opened by
Hawke59 #4989
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
  • videocam
  • list_alt
  • filter_2
  • filter_3
  • filter_4
  • visibility
  • chevron_right
  • chevron_left
  1. 1st daaanty #0264 he / him more 192/249 Finished 473
  2. The Superb Sentinels
  3. 2nd Hawke59 #4989 he / they more 159CR - daaanty's back must hurt Finished 26
  4. The Superb Sentinels
  5. 3rd NiobiumNarwhal #0603 they / them Finished 12
  6. Smells Likes Troll Seed
  7. 4th MisterAngryPants #5672 he / him Finished 38
  8. Smells Likes Troll Seed
4 entrants (0 inactive)