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- 18:02 Zelkys: 5:40?
- 18:02 qgame: The race will start in a minute, i just messed with the timer so it is a bit too high derp
- 18:02 qgame: GL HF and best RNG to you guys!!!
- 18:02 EvanEdits: Assuming we hit new game on timer hitting zero right?
- 18:02 EvanEdits: GLHF
- 18:02 Harmjan387: yes evan
- 18:02 Harmjan387: glhf
- 18:02 Xeryph: GL HF!
- 18:02 RasenRuns: glgl
- 18:02 qtMajestic: gl
- 18:02 Zelkys: glhf
- 18:03 Applefreezer: gl
- 18:03 TheRealNoman: GL everyone
- 18:03 Harmjan387: may banana RNG be good
- 18:03 TallestThomas: glhf
- 18:03 qgame#6861 quits the race.
- 18:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:03 qgame: GLHF
- 18:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:04 Kao Pyro: good luck, have fun
- 18:18 Harmjan387: bombs btb PunOko
- 18:19 Harmjan387: oh well got beetle
- 18:31 RasenRuns: i love and hate no amiibo xd
- 18:36 qtMajestic#5142 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:32:28!
- 18:37 RasenRuns#8616 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:33:02!
- 18:37 qgame: GG
- 18:37 Harmjan387: gg
- 18:37 qgame: Do you two want to join us for an interview
- 18:37 qtMajestic: Im down
- 18:37 RasenRuns: gg
- 18:37 Zinpars#6847 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:33:55!
- 18:37 Zinpars: gg
- 18:38 qgame: poggies
- 18:38 TallestThomas#5094 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:34:24!
- 18:38 Harmjan387: gg
- 18:38 qgame: qt just join vc on zsr discord
- 18:39 Sr Tapir#0837 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:35:20!
- 18:39 Harmjan387#3230 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:35:44!
- 18:39 TheRealNoman#9490 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:35:51!
- 18:39 Xeryph#3181 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:35:54!
- 18:40 TallestThomas: poggers
- 18:40 Sr Tapir: gg lads
- 18:41 Harmjan387: did people practice calamity or something? :P
- 18:41 qgame: if anyone wants to speak about the seed just join a zsr discord channel, i can move you into the restream
- 18:41 Harmjan387: seed? xD
- 18:41 qgame: shhhh
- 18:41 qgame: i am normally doing ootr
- 18:41 Harmjan387: I figured as much lol
- 18:42 qgame: <3
- 18:42 Zelkys#2080 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:42 Harmjan387: D:
- 18:42 Applefreezer#9399 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:38:58!
- 18:42 qgame: nuuuu
- 18:43 Harmjan387: gg apple :)
- 18:43 Harmjan387: oh I didnt even realise I tied an old pb i had xD
- 18:45 Sr Tapir: i can end stream now yeh?
- 18:45 qgame: ofc
- 18:45 Sr Tapir: cool
- 18:45 qgame: thanks for participating
- 18:45 Sr Tapir: thanks for moderating
- 18:46 qgame: <3
- 18:46 Zelkys: thanks for the restream :)
- 18:46 qtMajestic: thanks for restream :)
- 18:46 Kao Pyro: f me
- 18:46 Harmjan387: thanks for resteaming :)
- 18:46 Kao Pyro: 2nd time
- 18:46 RasenRuns: yeah ty :)
- 18:47 qgame: F
- 18:47 Harmjan387: calamity on the wall sucks FeelsBadMan
- 18:50 Xeryph: thanks for restream :)
- 18:50 qgame: naw
- 18:50 qgame: you all are too kind to me
- 18:50 qgame: ♥
- 18:56 Kao Pyro#1801 has finished in 10th place with a time of 0:52:51!
- 18:57 Harmjan387: GG
- 18:57 Kao Pyro: had a 16 plat, but double digit hc btb, dieing sanctum bil, and 3rd try calamity ganon
- 18:57 EvanEdits#0939 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:57 Race finished in 0:53:33.6
- 18:57 Harmjan387: good try tho evan :)
- 18:57 qgame: nice
- 18:57 Zelkys: hh Kao :)
- 18:57 Kao Pyro: gg everyone. thanks for the stream game
- 18:57 Zinpars: ggs
- 18:58 Kao Pyro: lol
- 18:58 qgame: if you want to join us too, just join in the discord, I can move you
- 18:58 EvanEdits: gg everyone lol, humble beginnings haha
- 18:58 Kao Pyro: happy you joined evan
- 18:58 qgame: GG everyone
- 18:58 Xeryph: gg everyone
- 18:59 qgame: Evan, do you want to stay on restream an d finish or do you want us to go?
- 18:59 EvanEdits: Oh, nah im done
- 18:59 qtMajestic: well ggs
- 18:59 EvanEdits: but ty tho
- 18:59 Race result recorded by Harmjan387#3230