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Race results
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Nave #0951 more every day we stray further from LMF Finished 94
- 2nd Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more meh excution meh routing, well deserved win nave Finished 112
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st ofc2000alex #8516 he / him more my batteries the real mvp, also the boss key rotations were great, didn't have to move the ET bk at all Finished 5
- 2nd Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more could have won if I didnt die to a keese and near end of lava tunnel in ET lmao, nice seed Finished 14
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Fireworkspinner #0882 he / him more Brother and sister, guardians of the triforce Finished 27
- 2nd Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more I don't think I have ever seen worse koloktos RNG Finished 68
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more meh excution could have been better, decent ish routing and calibration hell in demise Finished 217
- 2nd picks #2164 he / him more 1:43:42; 1:56:32 Finished 307
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more 2 full clear races in 2 days :upside_down_face: Finished 200
- — Nave #0951 DNF 43
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st picks #2164 he / him more oops Finished 274
- 2nd Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more Full cleared down to the final check Finished 12
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st ofc2000alex #8516 he / him more oops, 10 loose crystals Finished 4
- 2nd Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more imagine actually playing well Finished 11
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Redriel #0774 he / him more Ladders are my worst enemy Finished 110
- — Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more I guess you could say not learning AC beforehand is smart DNF 160
SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 9 entrants
- 1st YourAverageLink #5418 he / him more what a nasty mitts placement. 3 locations left Finished 12
- 2nd Sledge #0222 he / they more not getting baited by things in my routing really carried me, that was crazy. Finished 157
- 3rd Oni #0197 he / him Finished 8
- 4th Adri00 #4337 he / him more having bombs and going to eldin, AND DOING BOKO BASE instead of logical faron.... Finished 21
- 5th SpaceRawk #4581 he / him more Stupidly went to faron without bombs thinking I could fullclear. Then when I got bombs I went to desert when I should've actually gone to faron Finished 19
- 6th JDude411 #8347 more probably the unluckiest seed I ever had Finished 29
- 7th Tomomodachi #9642 she / her more took forever to find bombs rip Finished 377
- 8th Harmjan387 #3230 he / him more died to demise, bad routing, bad excution Finished 356
- 9th ClemStyle55 #9391 he / him Finished 87
BotW Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Sr Tapir #0837 Finished 8
- 2nd Harmjan387 #3230 he / him Finished 8