
Donkey Kong 64 Randomizer DK64R Season 3 Monday night friendly race S3 RaceCoin Fairy Saxophone Fairy Crown https://dk64randomizer.com/randomizer?seed_id=56817
Opened by
NintendoSara #8450
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
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  1. 1st eddaket #1353 he / him more goooooooooooooood seed Finished 89
  2. 2nd MumboToken #6300 he / they more nearly last locationed feather -> rocket... damn either/ors Finished 91
  3. 3rd Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished 27
  4. 4th DrSamalander #9430 he / him more Forgot tiny trash can existed for about 5 minutes Finished 161
  5. 5th Obiyo #6484 he / him Finished 6
  6. 6th Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 53
  7. 7th Dynam #8414 he / they more forgor rocket was path to diddy so followed the wrong path set oops Finished 57
  8. 8th Hoyetly #2444 he / him Finished 3
  9. 9th mamgar #2422 he / him more i knew i shouldn't have bought that homing ammo Finished 8
  10. 10th MrTKettle #3667 Finished 50
  11. 11th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him Finished 16
  12. Trog #6092 more i hate tiny caves medal, so much DNF DNF 104
  13. Natolaw #0187 DNF DNF 62
13 entrants (2 inactive)