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23:02 Randomizer Bot : Welcome to DK64R! I can roll a race seed for you. If you dare. Roll seed… Roll Spoiler seed… Help
00:01 NintendoSara#8450 quits the race. 00:01 NSingman : gfhl 00:01 Hoyetly : I started in March 00:01 Legit_Vazquez : wouldn't be a race without starting late 00:01 WileECoyoteGenius : aww there she goes quitting like a goof again 00:01 Hoyetly : so I've had a lot of catching up to do for some of these vets 00:01 NintendoSara : Oh kams not ready 00:01 MrCrensh : she doesn't even stay for the 1000th one 00:01 Drana Cutethulhu : gl hf ^-^ 00:01 VerdantAsh : crushing our dreams =( 00:01 NintendoSara : I'm not home lol 00:01 Legit_Vazquez : play on your phone ezpz 00:02 Yata : y'all are so demanding smh 00:02 WileECoyoteGenius : it's ok you can donk in spirit 00:02 VerdantAsh : phone donk lol 00:02 OmegaVentus : Donkin on the clock\ 00:02 Spike : I'm sure your phone is powerful enough for a S3 seed 00:02 WileECoyoteGenius : SHE DONKS HARD FOR THE MONEY 00:02 WileECoyoteGenius : SO HARD FOR THE MONEY 00:02 Kilvereis : True donkers can donk everywhere 00:02 VerdantAsh : I 00:02 Hoyetly : wait, I use my fridge to donk 00:02 VerdantAsh : >.> 00:02 Hoyetly : anyone else? 00:02 Legit_Vazquez : same 00:02 NintendoSara : On my phone it's be like 8 hours to beat the seed 00:02 OhJustNothing : my favorite part of donkey kong is when dk says "it's donkin time" and starts donkin all over everyone 00:02 WileECoyoteGenius : wow you are literally taking it to the fridge 00:02 NSingman : I use my TI-89 00:02 Kamerson : GLHF! 00:02 Kamerson#6793 is ready! (0 remaining) 00:03 zorulda : ayyyyeeeee 00:03 NintendoSara : Gl hf 00:03 Legit_Vazquez : GLHF! 00:03 Yata : ghlf! 00:03 WileECoyoteGenius : gl hf 00:03 zorulda : glhf 00:03 OmegaVentus : glhf 00:03 NSingman : glhf! 00:03 Spike : glhf 00:03 OhJustNothing : GLHF 00:03 NintendoSara#8450 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds! 00:03 GenericDude1 : glhf 00:03 Drana Cutethulhu : gl hf ^-^ 00:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. 01:44 Charlesjarls#7237 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:41:13! 01:44 Obiyo#6484 has forfeited from the race. 01:45 Kilvereis#3601 has forfeited from the race. 01:45 Obiyo#6484 added a comment. 01:45 Hoyetly#2444 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:42:09! 01:45 Pyroki#1004 has forfeited from the race. 01:45 Hoyetly#2444 added a comment. 01:46 Pyroki#1004 added a comment. 01:47 Synii#6419 has forfeited from the race. 01:48 zorulda#4963 has forfeited from the race. 01:50 Kilvereis#3601 added a comment. 01:52 Synii#6419 added a comment. 01:52 Alpha#3594 has forfeited from the race. 01:53 MegaPaul#6696 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:50:15! 01:55 DrPupcorn#9375 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:51:41! 01:55 VerdantAsh#1713 has forfeited from the race. 01:55 DrPupcorn#9375 added a comment. 01:58 MegaPaul#6696 added a comment. 01:59 VioletPumpkin#5625 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:56:15! 02:01 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:58:05! 02:01 Legit_Vazquez#2046 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:58:20! 02:02 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 added a comment. 02:03 Legit_Vazquez#2046 added a comment. 02:05 VioletPumpkin#5625 added a comment. 02:05 Znernicus#7677 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:02:30! 02:06 Znernicus#7677 added a comment. 02:06 OmegaVentus#4464 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:03:05! 02:08 Yata#9210 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:04:43! 02:08 GenericDude1#0174 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:05:17! 02:09 GenericDude1#0174 added a comment. 02:15 NanoFish42#6188 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:12:11! 02:20 OhJustNothing#5988 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:16:49! 02:21 OhJustNothing#5988 added a comment. 02:24 Spike#7996 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:21:12! 02:25 Spike#7996 added a comment. 02:25 sushinap#6018 has finished in 15th place with a time of 2:22:05! 02:30 TheMeThinkerOfThings#1464 has finished in 16th place with a time of 2:27:33! 02:31 TheMeThinkerOfThings#1464 added a comment. 02:40 MurkeyM_Bucki#9840 has finished in 17th place with a time of 2:37:06! 02:41 Natolaw#0187 has forfeited from the race. 02:50 MrCrensh#1398 has finished in 18th place with a time of 2:46:47! 02:52 quatmaniac#3815 has finished in 19th place with a time of 2:48:52! 02:52 quatmaniac#3815 added a comment. 02:58 Kamerson#6793 has finished in 20th place with a time of 2:55:04! 03:01 OhJustNothing#5988 changed their comment. 03:24 Drana Cutethulhu#9700 has finished in 21st place with a time of 3:21:33! 03:34 NSingman#8846 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 3:31:30! 03:34 Race finished in 3:31:30.8 18:00 Race result recorded by Ballaam#7937