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Race results

  1. obedient-arena-3717 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Pyroki #1004 more What a seed that was. I'm glad vines was hinted, and that feather location was cursed! Finished 6
    2. 2nd mamgar #2422 he / him Finished 6
  2. jammy-dk-3165 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 24 entrants
    1. 1st Charlesjarls #7237 Finished 17
    2. 2nd MumboToken #6300 he / they Finished 12
    3. 3rd Alpha #3594 Finished 19
    4. 4th barrie95 #8111 he / him more early game trash but rest of the seed smooth Finished 12
    5. 5th eddaket #1353 he / him more idk how to castle lobby flip Finished 12
    6. 6th Yata #9210 they / them Finished 23
    7. 7th Spike #7996 he / him Finished 6
    8. 8th Borri432 #0739 Finished 15
    9. 9th Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 19
    10. 10th Pyroki #1004 more BEAN! Also barrel throwing caused me issues for a little bit. Finished 7
    11. 11th BeardBox #2223 he / him Finished 1
    12. 12th mamgar #2422 he / him Finished 1
    13. 13th 2dos #0770 he / him more didnt do tiny garbage can for a long time Finished 2
    14. 14th sushinap #6018 he / him Finished 65
    15. 15th K-Man #3992 more Almost last-locationed Barrels :( Finished 18
    16. 16th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more last-locationed punch v annoyed at my own self Finished 4
    17. 17th quatmaniac #3815 he / him Finished 16
    18. 18th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 6
    19. 19th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him Finished 36
    20. 20th DrPupcorn #9375 Finished 21
    21. 21st megacannon #7219 Finished 18
    22. 22nd WonderJ #3365 more spent almost an hour looking for chimpy charge, and then I realized I didn't need it for gorilla gone. on the bright side, I think I finally understand forest mill Finished 151
    23. Kilvereis #3601 he / him DNF 46
    24. zorulda #4963 he / him DNF 27
  3. dynamic-beaverbother-5228 DK64R co-op race Finished not recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished
    2. 2nd Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd barrie95 #8111 he / him more stealthy snoop in galleon :D Finished
    4. 4th Pyroki #1004 Finished
    5. 5th WileECoyoteGenius #0630 he / him Finished
    6. 6th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished
    7. 7th quatmaniac #3815 he / him Finished
    8. 8th GenericDude1 #0174 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Blizz #6207 he / him Finished
    10. 10th Natolaw #0187 Finished
  4. fortunate-aztec-1978 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 29 entrants
    1. 1st Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 26
    2. 2nd Charlesjarls #7237 Finished 9
    3. 3rd Alpha #3594 Finished 19
    4. 4th barrie95 #8111 he / him more took me a while to register pineapple = chunky castle medal. otherwise awesome seed Finished 11
    5. 5th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished 20
    6. 6th MumboToken #6300 he / they more fooled Finished 5
    7. 7th zorulda #4963 he / him Finished 25
    8. 8th Borri432 #0739 Finished 16
    9. 9th Spike #7996 he / him Finished 2
    10. 10th Pyroki #1004 Finished 10
    11. 11th Obiyo #6484 he / him more last locate rbb gg always unlucky Finished 2,520
    12. 12th Hoyetly #2444 he / him Finished 1
    13. 13th mamgar #2422 he / him Finished 1
    14. 14th DrSamalander #9430 he / him Finished 3
    15. 15th Yata #9210 they / them Finished 1
    16. 16th mikechamp97 #6291 he / him more Love getting 3 Key WOTH hints :) Finished 19
    17. 17th Dynam #8414 he / they more I did not start in level 7 with my Pineapple checks :( Finished 4
    18. 18th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 3
    19. 19th Chase_An_Ace #0489 he / him more Midgame meander madness made me mopey Finished 29
    20. 20th Matterx2 #2565 Finished 4
    21. 21st megacannon #7219 more Left castle with 40 CB on first visit Finished 129
    22. 22nd quatmaniac #3815 he / him Finished 3
    23. 23rd Crysomere #6192 he / him more I need to read the medal requirements again, I keep trying to get medals I can't logically get yet Finished 1
    24. MegaPaul #6696 he / him DNF 54
    25. VerdantAsh #1713 she / her DNF 31
    26. NanoFish42 #6188 he / him DNF 19
    27. MaddyB #0616 she / they DNF 20
    28. randalleatscheese #3210 DNF 109
    29. Trevor Williams #5663 DNF 2
  5. wonderful-armydillo-1253 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 42 entrants
    1. 1st Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 29
    2. 2nd BeardBox #2223 he / him Finished 163
    3. 3rd Alpha #3594 Finished 26
    4. 4th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished 33
    5. 5th KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him Finished 19
    6. 6th barrie95 #8111 he / him more of course the one shop i skipped had the move i needed >:( Finished 15
    7. 7th MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished 41
    8. 8th Kamerson #6793 he / him more DK Arcaden't. Castle Minecartn't. Finished 1
    9. 9th Charlesjarls #7237 Finished 4
    10. 10th Dynam #8414 he / they more forgetting to check prison dirt is optimal Finished 80
    11. 11th Pyroki #1004 more BEAN Finished 20
    12. 12th Connor75 #8001 Finished 35
    13. 13th psych #4318 he / him more easily 3-4 mins faster if i don't miss the potion in dungeon and then die to the acid 2 more times on the retry Finished 103
    14. 14th MumboToken #6300 he / they more there were 101 better places to check than forest cranky Finished 15
    15. 15th mamgar #2422 he / him Finished 6
    16. 16th Portal #8490 Finished 98
    17. 17th NanoFish42 #6188 he / him Finished 32
    18. 18th eddaket #1353 he / him more if i go over to forest cranky after getting feather/peanut i save 35 minutes lmao Finished 38
    19. 19th sushinap #6018 he / him Finished 90
    20. 20th SassyQ3 #0023 Finished 30
    21. 21st ShadyMyst #0794 he / him more Everything on the path to RBB/Pnut. super helpful. also love the triple keys in japes. Finished 176
    22. 22nd Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 2
    23. 23rd DanPyxel #1215 they / them more Soul read this til the late casino Finished 24
    24. 24th kirkq #6141 Finished 12
    25. 25th Borri432 #0739 Finished 25
    26. 26th Trevor Williams #5663 Finished 126
    27. 27th Scooter #1921 he / him more Did alright, just kept forgetting hints and doing long checks I didn't need to do. Happy with the time still, average for me. Finished 62
    28. 28th DrPupcorn #9375 more Who knew not going to the Giant Mushroom side of Forest could cost me so much time... Finished 25
    29. 29th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more orphaned forest shop whoopsie Finished 17
    30. 30th K-Man #3992 Finished 136
    31. 31st Crysomere #6192 he / him more unhinted trombone to monkyport for caves tiny medal is just mean Finished 1,080
    32. 32nd Kiwi #5771 he / they Finished 6
    33. GenericDude1 #0174 he / him DNF 89
    34. Obiyo #6484 he / him more stupid casino DNF 59
    35. 2dos #0770 he / him DNF 66
    36. Synii #6419 more Damn it, I should went over to crankys. Might have won if I did that. Was going well until the other 4 caves medals didn't give me a move DNF 60
    37. zorulda #4963 he / him DNF 24
    38. icupspeedruns #0721 DNF 42
    39. Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more Thank Christ I already did 7 quals DNF 72
    40. MrBoltun #3608 DNF 13
    41. SWkids #4303 DNF 42
    42. PA_Sword #9254 he / him DNF 120
  6. tactical-isles-7508 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 46 entrants
    1. 1st Connor75 #8001 more Realized it was a pineapple casino after not getting a useful hint at 50 GBs. I love shops! Finished 50
    2. 2nd Charlesjarls #7237 Finished 19
    3. 3rd Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 24
    4. 4th BeardBox #2223 he / him Finished 176
    5. 5th Znernicus #7677 he / him more Happy with my decisions on this one Finished 56
    6. 6th Borri432 #0739 Finished 42
    7. 7th zorulda #4963 he / him Finished 38
    8. 8th Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 2
    9. 9th OmegaVentus #4464 he / him Finished 30
    10. 10th Alpha #3594 Finished 9
    11. 11th Lrauq #3915 he / him Finished 127
    12. 12th Pyroki #1004 more Slow and strange start, and technical casino for pineapple. Unfortunately I didn't go to castle sooner. BEAN Finished 20
    13. 13th barrie95 #8111 he / him more pineapple being dumb. other than that i felt i did good Finished 4
    14. 14th K-Man #3992 Finished 78
    15. 15th 2dos #0770 he / him more decided to do all of factory before castle, bad move but it is what it is Finished 29
    16. 16th MrTKettle #3667 Finished 40
    17. 17th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished 3
    18. 18th MumboToken #6300 he / they Finished 22
    19. 19th mamgar #2422 he / him Finished 1
    20. 20th kirkq #6141 Finished 108
    21. 21st DrPupcorn #9375 more If only I didn't fall from Production twice... Finished 71
    22. 22nd OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more well good thing that one doesn't count toward my score, someone please throw me in the trash Finished 1,991
    23. 23rd admsc #8236 Finished 105
    24. 24th Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more Can't really argue with that tbf, fun race Finished 68
    25. 25th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished 11
    26. 26th TheMeThinkerOfThings #1464 he / him more Nice unhinted Pineapple DK64LOL Finished 10
    27. 27th Dynam #8414 he / they Finished 21
    28. 28th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 9
    29. 29th Trevor Williams #5663 Finished 193
    30. 30th sushinap #6018 he / him Finished 11
    31. 31st MurkeyM_Bucki #9840 she / they Finished 10
    32. 32nd Chase_An_Ace #0489 he / him more Still suffering from casino to 6 ptsd Finished 30
    33. 33rd Drana Cutethulhu #9700 she / her Finished 7
    34. 34th R1Dawg #6192 he / him more uhh i forgor cunky hunky Finished 10
    35. 35th NanoFish42 #6188 he / him Finished 27
    36. 36th SassyQ3 #0023 more Tried to avoid going into Castle no such luck Finished 26
    37. 37th quatmaniac #3815 he / him Finished 15
    38. 38th Actionpacked4 #3557 more hey, i finished the seed this time Finished 50
    39. 39th megacannon #7219 Finished 16
    40. 40th ShadyMyst #0794 he / him Finished 114
    41. 41st nachoCPA #9748 he / him Finished 78
    42. 42nd deviouskyle251 #2927 he / him Finished 91
    43. 43rd KingJoltik #2320 Finished 95
    44. 44th WonderJ #3365 more got lucky with the pineapple find. other than that, very straight forward seed Finished 60
    45. 45th wreckitmanda #4033 she / her Finished 106
    46. Obiyo #6484 he / him more unhinted pineapple gg DNF 111
  7. amused-japes-2653 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 39 entrants
    1. 1st Charlesjarls #7237 Finished 22
    2. 2nd MumboToken #6300 he / they Finished 15
    3. 3rd barrie95 #8111 he / him more played extra safe in early game. and bait 3rd melon on forest boss. Finished 25
    4. 4th Alpha #3594 Finished 21
    5. 5th KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him Finished 18
    6. 6th BeardBox #2223 he / him Finished 176
    7. 7th Synii #6419 more Could have been better if DK wasn't rocketbarrel locked and not grabbing that bait vial on Troff. But should be a good score. Synii is back! Finished 81
    8. 8th 2dos #0770 he / him Finished 64
    9. 9th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished 16
    10. 10th Pyroki #1004 more Seeing a white vial on level 2 boss was disappointing. Otherwise I had a slow start, but think my finish was reasonably strong. Finished 21
    11. 11th mamgar #2422 he / him more messed up on lanky phase and it cost me the sub 1:40 :( Finished 14
    12. 12th Borri432 #0739 Finished 14
    13. 13th GenericDude1 #0174 he / him Finished 13
    14. 14th DrSamalander #9430 he / him Finished 7
    15. 15th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished 2
    16. 16th MorKs #2614 he / him more A lot of back and forths at the beginning. Glad I found Key 7 while I was going for banana gathering Finished 69
    17. 17th admsc #8236 Finished 225
    18. 18th kirkq #6141 Finished 142
    19. 19th IronFatalis #1903 he / him more Finally beat Connor lol Finished 1
    20. 20th Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more I beat Connor wtf happened Finished 127
    21. 21st icupspeedruns #0721 Finished 26
    22. 22nd Portal #8490 Finished 36
    23. 23rd baelnog #5605 he / him more BEAN!!!!!!!!!! Finished 10
    24. 24th Connor75 #8001 Finished 121
    25. 25th MaddyB #0616 she / they Finished 28
    26. 26th Obiyo #6484 he / him Finished 52
    27. 27th MrBoltun #3608 Finished 1
    28. 28th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 15
    29. 29th SassyQ3 #0023 Finished 12
    30. 30th Matterx2 #2565 Finished 15
    31. 31st Scooter #1921 he / him more Mixed up diving/triangle hints, ignored triangle pad for way too long. Also fought Kut Out for 3rd melon, big RIP. Fun seed! Finished 848
    32. 32nd Kiwi #5771 he / they more Forgot about the isles triangle hint :( Finished 16
    33. 33rd zengamingwithzen #9665 he / him Finished 28
    34. 34th AtomicN64 #4802 he / him Finished 24
    35. Kilvereis #3601 he / him more Boring seed DNF 56
    36. ghellyfish #9489 more Probably done with game after this. No idea how this is a sub-90 seed :shrug: DNF 94
    37. Death King II #7040 he / him DNF 31
    38. PA_Sword #9254 he / him more The hints actually confused me so badly. DNF 14
    39. Trevor Williams #5663 DQ 608
  8. lucky-arcade-7005 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 15
    2. 2nd KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him Finished 7
    3. 3rd Alpha #3594 Finished 5
    4. 4th Obiyo #6484 he / him Finished 4
    5. 5th WileECoyoteGenius #0630 he / him Finished 14
    6. 6th Pyroki #1004 more Messed around learning new tricks for longer than I should've, but given this is a friendly and not a qualifier I am happy to spend time on this here. Finished 2,247
    7. 7th Yata #9210 they / them Finished 1
    8. 8th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 1
    9. 9th Matterx2 #2565 Finished 15
    10. mamgar #2422 he / him more no punch. but at least i learned mushroom trophy flip DNF 21
    11. H3adak3 #9682 DNF 26
    12. MurkeyM_Bucki #9840 she / they DNF 1
  9. pogtastic-japes-3652 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 29 entrants
    1. 1st Charlesjarls #7237 Finished 15
    2. 2nd Hoyetly #2444 he / him more Fun seed other than key 5 Finished 28
    3. 3rd MegaPaul #6696 he / him more oof Finished 57
    4. 4th DrPupcorn #9375 more I will gladly take a top 4! I fully expected someone to blow this out of the water with how quick GB's were. Key 5 was awful though Finished 731
    5. 5th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her more Got diving really late... though I guess that didn't matter much Finished 23
    6. 6th WileECoyoteGenius #0630 he / him more DK medals trolling as always. Here's to 1000 more! Finished 29
    7. 7th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him more shout out to key 5 being the most hidden thing for me Finished 21
    8. 8th Znernicus #7677 he / him more All about that key 5 Finished 32
    9. 9th OmegaVentus #4464 he / him Finished 7
    10. 10th Yata #9210 they / them Finished 13
    11. 11th GenericDude1 #0174 he / him more thanks key 5 Finished 29
    12. 12th NanoFish42 #6188 he / him Finished 38
    13. 13th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more perfect seed for 1000 Finished 4
    14. 14th Spike #7996 he / him more If I checked diddy upper cabin before lower cabin, I might have finished 1 hour earlier :) Finished 36
    15. 15th sushinap #6018 he / him Finished 133
    16. 16th TheMeThinkerOfThings #1464 he / him more I hate Key 5 sm Finished 73
    17. 17th MurkeyM_Bucki #9840 she / they Finished 15
    18. 18th MrCrensh #1398 he / him Finished 78
    19. 19th quatmaniac #3815 he / him more screw key 5 was ready to enter end at 124 except for last 2 keys Finished 16
    20. 20th Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 62
    21. 21st Drana Cutethulhu #9700 she / her Finished 5
    22. 22nd NSingman #8846 he / him Finished 59
    23. Obiyo #6484 he / him more key 5 can suck it DNF 75
    24. Alpha #3594 DNF 40
    25. Kilvereis #3601 he / him more trash DNF 36
    26. Pyroki #1004 more Trouble with key 5 and started being in too much pain to continue. GL to everyone else! DNF 33
    27. zorulda #4963 he / him DNF 14
    28. Synii #6419 more punch path to key 5, no other hints? punch locks the enitre seed DNF 56
    29. Natolaw #0187 DNF 1,314
  10. witty-kutout-2053 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 43 entrants
    1. 1st KingofYamimakai #5379 he / him Finished 43
    2. 2nd barrie95 #8111 he / him more woah i thought i was doin terrible. 2nd place??? Finished 29
    3. 3rd Alpha #3594 more gg prak good job for finishing Finished 22
    4. 4th MumboToken #6300 he / they more dogshit Finished 8
    5. 5th H3adak3 #9682 Finished 74
    6. 6th Obiyo #6484 he / him more took me almost an hour for diving because i miss remembered the jet pact hint.... xdd Finished 17
    7. 7th BeardBox #2223 he / him more Those long paths for diving vines and blast sure were something. Think I killed it though Finished 270
    8. 8th Penny #7710 she / they more this is a flargrah classic Finished 77
    9. 9th Kilvereis #3601 he / him Finished 3
    10. 10th eddaket #1353 he / him more why do i always get 10th Finished 16
    11. 11th Hoyetly #2444 he / him more what an absolutely terrible seed... wtf Finished 8
    12. 12th Znernicus #7677 he / him more Super difficult! Blast paths were a nightmare, glad I found it before forfeiting. Finished 30
    13. 13th psych #4318 he / him more seed of legends, 10/10 no notes Finished 243
    14. 14th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him more haha mechfish and chunky r&d :) Finished 12
    15. 15th Borri432 #0739 Finished 1
    16. 16th Pyroki #1004 more My brain tickles Finished 3
    17. 17th Chimpanreeve #9719 he / him more What the fuck just happened Finished 441
    18. 18th GrudgeMaxx #5935 he / him more Biggest mechfish agenda ever Finished 33
    19. 19th kirkq #6141 Finished 505
    20. 20th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more well fuck that Finished 5
    21. 21st nachoCPA #9748 he / him more the mecfish agenda holds strong Finished 82
    22. 22nd Crysomere #6192 he / him more I am officially a mechfish hater lmao Finished 32
    23. 23rd MrBoltun #3608 more Get me outta here Finished 7
    24. 24th Prakcity #9148 he / him more GARBAGE SEED Finished 1,404
    25. 25th K-Man #3992 Finished 181
    26. 26th DanPyxel #1215 they / them more Fuck this Finished 12
    27. Charlesjarls #7237 DNF 54
    28. GenericDude1 #0174 he / him more trash, I got too hot to want to finish DNF 105
    29. VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her DNF 28
    30. MegaPaul #6696 he / him more boooooooooo DNF 57
    31. 2dos #0770 he / him more flargrah is back baby DNF 78
    32. Thundow #1557 he / him DNF 37
    33. SassyQ3 #0023 DNF 15
    34. MurkeyM_Bucki #9840 she / they DNF 6
    35. MorKs #2614 he / him more PC crashed, but also, casino af DNF 4
    36. Kiwi #5771 he / they DNF 6
    37. AtomicN64 #4802 he / him more Battled controller issues for 40 minutes instead of racing. Didn't even start. :( DNF 14
    38. DrPupcorn #9375 DNF 220
    39. wreckitmanda #4033 she / her DNF 179
    40. Flash #4722 he / him DNF 276
    41. PA_Sword #9254 he / him more locked by baboon blast. whoda thunk DNF 411
    42. Death King II #7040 he / him DNF 410
    43. Ranudin #9014 DNF 106