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- 19:35 kasperoni-macaroni: onto w3
- 19:36 Glan: got the G
- 19:41 MozzarellaCheez: i think I just softlocked lol
- 19:41 MozzarellaCheez: forgot that can happen with slime warpless
- 19:42 MozzarellaCheez: welp
- 19:42 MozzarellaCheez#2561 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:45 Glan: I softlocked on scrolly scroll
- 19:45 Glan: what do
- 19:50 Pichi: died to death jump
- 19:50 Pichi: lol
- 19:50 redotr: gameovered lmao
- 19:59 kasperoni-macaroni: this is stressful af lol
- 20:04 Pichi: w6 done
- 20:08 tonkotsu#8056 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:40:03!
- 20:08 V0oid#9933 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:40:21!
- 20:09 kasperoni-macaroni: now entering w6 lol
- 20:09 Pichi#5665 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:41:15!
- 20:10 Sado#1076 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:42:02!
- 20:10 SBDWolf#4931 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:42:26!
- 20:10 Sado: fuuuuq me man
- 20:11 Sado: i've never died that way in toxic before
- 20:11 gill42#5234 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:42:51!
- 20:11 SBDWolf: I went for yolo stuff in screech's because I thought I was far ahead in third lol
- 20:11 V0oid: i think i blew a 38 in arctic KEK
- 20:11 gill42: nice run
- 20:11 Sado: of course tonkotsu wins
- 20:11 Sado: gdlk gamer
- 20:11 SBDWolf: dude my first attempt at the zip got stopped short, I didn't zip all the way up
- 20:11 Freechips#6854 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:43:23!
- 20:11 V0oid: i hate that shit lmao
- 20:11 Sado: i'm calling it now tonkotsu void or crypton will win the tourney
- 20:12 V0oid: think that happens when you're too late on your swap
- 20:12 V0oid: what tourny chillex?
- 20:12 Sado: next dkc2 tourne
- 20:12 Sado: my fingers are so jittery for this stuff
- 20:12 gill42: dkc2 tourney 20NeverNever
- 20:12 Sado: glad this wasn't warpless or i'd look like a fool
- 20:13 Anankoz#2089 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:44:36!
- 20:13 Anankoz: Died twice in Kleever, failed Brambler twice, died once in Web Woods and once in 6-1
- 20:13 suus#0440 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:45:27!
- 20:14 gill42#5234 added a comment: "42"
- 20:14 Sado: i'm shocked i didn't die in web woods
- 20:14 Sado: my fingers were jittery
- 20:14 Anankoz#2089 added a comment: "Fakeless, left spawn, 6 deaths"
- 20:14 gill42: dude web woods is my most consistent stage in the game now
- 20:14 suus: died like 4 times in w5 -,-
- 20:14 Sado: wish it was for me too gill
- 20:14 gill42: idgi but i'm happy
- 20:14 Sado: beat the audio cue in rattly toxic
- 20:14 Sado: at least :)
- 20:15 Freechips#6854 added a comment: "not swag enough"
- 20:15 Sado: after dying to one of the bees
- 20:15 Sado: also got swag balloon
- 20:15 TH3MOTOGAM3R#6724 has finished in 10th place with a time of 0:46:46!
- 20:15 V0oid#9933 added a comment: "lost a 38 to arctic zip Sadge"
- 20:15 MotoKong: same i meesed up zip twice :9
- 20:17 TheSabin#4003 has finished in 11th place with a time of 0:48:37!
- 20:17 Sado: interesting they never showed my stream
- 20:17 Pichi#5665 added a comment: "died to death jump and thejuuuump. the jumps are against me today"
- 20:17 Niakky#3176 has finished in 12th place with a time of 0:48:53!
- 20:17 Sado: wonder why
- 20:18 gill42: did ur net ever get better? lol
- 20:18 fogbank#1537 has finished in 13th place with a time of 0:50:07!
- 20:18 Sado: it should have
- 20:19 Sado: i don't think i dropped frames did i?
- 20:20 Sado: looks like i was for the first 15 min
- 20:21 SNESChalmers_: softlocked on castler :(
- 20:21 TheSabin: you can rambi double jump and die from the guy above
- 20:21 SNESChalmers_#4199 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:21 SNESChalmers_: o?
- 20:22 TheSabin: yeah you double jump on the platform on the Left, and another time to get hit by the guy
- 20:22 TheSabin: but that involves knowing how to do the double jump
- 20:23 SNESChalmers_: nah went down and am stuck, fuckkkk
- 20:23 SNESChalmers_: well, was fun
- 20:23 Glan#5460 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:24 Glan#5460 added a comment: "55:14 but I softlocked and finished on a clear file"
- 20:25 kalarse#1817 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:25 kalarse#1817 added a comment: "haha hop"
- 20:25 kasperoni-macaroni: final world!
- 20:27 Toady#1810 has finished in 14th place with a time of 0:58:57!
- 20:27 Toady#1810 added a comment: "i need to make a highlight reel of the jank ive just witnessed"
- 20:28 V0oid: aight we're gonna cut this race off as well, feel free to forfeit and join the dkc3 race if you want to, no penalty on points!
- 20:29 DecaySchulz#3868 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:29 Freechips: gg everyone
- 20:29 DecaySchulz: nice runs yall
- 20:29 Anankoz: gg everyone
- 20:29 V0oid: nice runs, good ass race thx for joining
- 20:30 redotr: are we dnf
- 20:30 redotr: thank fucking god
- 20:30 redotr#6286 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:31 Sado: ggs all
- 20:31 kasperoni-macaroni#9424 has finished in 15th place with a time of 1:03:26!
- 20:31 kasperoni-macaroni: done!
- 20:31 kasperoni-macaroni: lol
- 20:32 kasperoni-macaroni: first ever run
- 20:32 mcill#6781 has finished in 16th place with a time of 1:04:29!
- 20:32 Race finished in 1:04:29.5
- 20:33 mcill: i finished too :)
- 20:33 kasperoni-macaroni: nice!
- 13:16 Race result recorded by Dyn