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- 05:07 Prismzetta: idk whats wrong with the tracker, its working on my pc
- 05:08 CJ2123: GG
- 05:08 Prismzetta: just not updating on stream
- 05:08 Bulcon: It's your capture method
- 05:12 TheNerdy0ne#7283 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:09:17!
- 05:12 Bulcon: GG Nerdy
- 05:12 Shananas: gg
- 05:12 Dragsdale17: So 10th?
- 05:13 Bulcon: Yes sir
- 05:13 Dragsdale17: Dooooope
- 05:13 iiSalad: grats
- 05:14 iiSalad: 16 people qualify from this race ~
- 05:14 iiSalad: for those that didn't know
- 05:14 Dajman27: mfw didnt realize it was alternatea tracker till too late :/
- 05:15 Acelord_#2391 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:11:51!
- 05:15 CJ2123: GG
- 05:15 OpalLua: ggs
- 05:18 SquallWhatever#6147 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:14:50!
- 05:18 Shananas: 12th^
- 05:18 CJ2123: GG
- 05:21 SquallWhatever: gg
- 05:21 Alios#8272 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:18:22!
- 05:21 CJ2123#9481 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:18:22!
- 05:21 CJ2123: :O
- 05:21 Shananas: wait
- 05:21 Ekyx: wait
- 05:21 Alios: D:
- 05:21 Shananas: who wins
- 05:21 JaredWeakStrike: wait
- 05:21 Ninten: wait
- 05:21 CJ2123: peepoW
- 05:21 VGmaster: monkaHmm
- 05:21 iiSalad: TIED
- 05:21 OpalLua: What 2 heck?
- 05:22 VGmaster: who faces salad?
- 05:22 Dragsdale17: Ayyyyy gg CJ
- 05:22 OpalLua: A tie!
- 05:22 VGmaster: coin toss
- 05:22 VGmaster: let's go
- 05:22 Ninten: alios is first on racetime?
- 05:22 Ninten: maybe by miliseconds?
- 05:22 VGmaster: it says they're both 9th though
- 05:22 iiSalad: but they're both 9th
- 05:22 Ninten: oh
- 05:22 Armann: maybe cause of alphabetical?
- 05:22 iiSalad: give me alios
- 05:22 Shananas: alios is 13th
- 05:22 Shananas: CJ is 14th
- 05:22 Ninten: okay redo the seed
- 05:22 iiSalad: PogChamp
- 05:22 Alios: no i dont want to race salad
- 05:22 Ninten: tiebreaker
- 05:22 Dragsdale17: Lol alios is coming for salad
- 05:23 VGmaster: alios didn't do the tactical late split
- 05:23 iiSalad: I'm playing CJ Top 16 in the League, don't give me Top 16 in this tourney too
- 05:23 VGmaster: Kappa
- 05:23 JaredWeakStrike: time to race the sub 7 seed for a tiebraker
- 05:23 Ekyx: don't mind me
- 05:24 Shananas: deleted message
- 05:24 VGmaster: or data xemnas
- 05:24 Ekyx: probably get off this topic though
- 05:24 Armann: alright stop guys
- 05:24 iiSalad: so it's confirmed alios 13th, cj 14th
- 05:24 Prismzetta: hi armann
- 05:24 Shananas: according to stream alios was quicker by miliseconds
- 05:25 Armann: hello peepoW
- 05:25 Alios: technically i started 6 seconds late >.>
- 05:25 Alios: timer started but i didnt click go i mean
- 05:27 SquallWhatever: gg cj!
- 05:30 equations19#4006 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:26:55!
- 05:30 Dajman27#1503 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:27:23!
- 05:30 Shananas: 16th^
- 05:30 VGmaster: gg all
- 05:30 JaredWeakStrike: gg
- 05:30 equations19: ggs all
- 05:31 Dajman27: Who needs alternate hint tracker :P
- 05:31 Dajman27#1503 added a comment.
- 05:31 Acelord_#2391 added a comment.
- 05:31 equations19#4006 added a comment.
- 05:32 Shananas: i recommend using it daj
- 05:32 Shananas: its helpful
- 05:32 OpalLua: ^
- 05:33 Dajman27: I mean, it clearly is just a crutch >.<
- 05:33 Dajman27: Joking of course.
- 05:33 OpalLua: I really like it
- 05:34 Alios#8272 added a comment.
- 05:35 RetroWave64#6031 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:35 HPfunman#0501 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:32:30!
- 05:38 HPfunman#0501 added a comment.
- 05:42 miscbits#0570 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:39:06!
- 05:42 miscbits#0570 added a comment.
- 05:49 Shananas: Fallendejavu finished in 18th place with a time of 3:45:47.80
- 05:53 tommadness#9053 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:49:55!
- 05:53 RedBuddha: GG
- 05:53 tommadness#9053 added a comment.
- 05:59 silvia#7740 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:56:21!
- 05:59 Race finished in 3:56:21.9
- 05:59 Shananas: Shadow finished in 20th place with a time of 4:09:57.74
- 06:00 Race result recorded by RedBuddha#7470