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- 21:30 Mido: Welcome to this Bracket Round 2 race! Learn more about the event at
- 21:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 21:30 Mido invites Zinedine#7130 to join the race.
- 21:30 Mido invites favio94#9972 to join the race.
- 21:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 21:30 Mido: Your Triforce Blitz S3 seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 21:31 Zinedine#7130 accepts an invitation to join.
- 21:32 favio94#9972 accepts an invitation to join.
- 21:34 Zinedine: o/
- 21:34 Zinedine: How's the weather?
- 21:43 favio94: sorry, just got home
- 21:43 favio94: and everything seems fine
- 21:43 Zinedine: No worries. I'm in no rush
- 21:43 Zinedine: Glad things are ok
- 21:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 21:45 Mido: HashBottledMilk HashBossKey HashKokiriTunic HashSilvers HashDekuStick
- 21:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 21:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 21:55 favio94: ok things are looking good here
- 21:55 Zinedine: cool. Take your time
- 21:56 Zinedine: seriously no rush.
- 21:56 favio94: man everytime theres rain the city somehow becomes chaotic haha
- 21:56 Zinedine: I know!
- 21:56 Zinedine: It's about to storm here actual too
- 21:56 Zinedine: actually*
- 21:56 favio94: oh I hope youre fine as well
- 21:57 Zinedine: Thanks. Yeah, hopefully. I'll local record just in case internet goes out
- 21:58 favio94: yeah gonna do the same
- 22:02 favio94: alright ready when you are
- 22:03 Zinedine: cool. glhf
- 22:03 Zinedine#7130 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:03 favio94: glhf!
- 22:03 favio94#9972 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:26 Zinedine#7130 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:22:19!
- 23:26 Mido: Zinedine, please report your score:
- 23:26 favio94: gg
- 23:26 favio94#9972 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:26 Race finished in 1:22:31.2
- 23:26 Zinedine: !score 3 1h22m19s
- 23:26 Mido: Score reported: 3/3 in 1:22:19
- 23:26 Mido: All scores received. Thank you for playing Triforce Blitz, see you next race!
- 23:26 favio94: wheres wisdom?
- 23:26 Zinedine: shadow
- 23:26 favio94: and hovers?
- 23:26 Zinedine: skull kid
- 23:27 Zinedine: bk for sarias
- 23:27 favio94: ok just got longshot
- 23:27 favio94: forgot about spirit trial 2
- 23:27 Zinedine: oh yeah. That's easy to do. I delayed it because i was thinking hovers in shadow trial 2
- 23:27 favio94: yeah same
- 23:28 favio94: I triple dipped ganons haha
- 23:29 Zinedine: igc was very scary. I found the 3rd copy right before I was thinking about going and then decided until I had a better set of items
- 23:30 favio94: oh there was another copy
- 23:30 Zinedine: yeah. Forgot where. It's my 2nd to last hint so I got it fairly late
- 23:31 favio94: yeah I was late for pretty much everything
- 23:31 Zinedine: Courage had me confused for awhile. I was thinking ksword locked all bows
- 23:32 Zinedine: so the chest I peeked in gtg earlier was 3 in my mind. But figured maybe that wasn't true
- 23:32 favio94: I bought the bow and was wanderer
- 23:32 Zinedine: It was
- 23:32 favio94: so I knew it had to be that gtg chest
- 23:32 Zinedine: But i thought the courage path was hook and ksword
- 23:32 favio94: oh that was power
- 23:32 Zinedine: nm
- 23:32 favio94: gtg power
- 23:33 Zinedine: wasn't entirely sure if power was bombs / SoT / and ksword
- 23:34 Zinedine: but there had to be only 4 keys available for ksword
- 23:35 favio94: I think there was 4 iirc
- 23:35 favio94: without needing SoT
- 23:35 Zinedine: yeah. exactly 4
- 23:35 Zinedine: oh really?
- 23:36 Zinedine: I went gtg twice so I didn't bother counting keys the second time
- 23:36 Zinedine: I did beamos + SoT for my 4 in my first dip
- 23:36 Zinedine: so assumed SoT
- 23:37 Zinedine: which confused me for courage with the options left open to me
- 23:37 favio94: there was one in the room after shooting the 4 eyes, other in beamos, other in stalfos and the room with the flamr ring chest
- 23:37 favio94: yeah I also went gtg twice
- 23:38 Zinedine: Ah gotcha. Yeah there's 3 keys before you need a hook. I just blanked that I got the one in fire clear
- 23:39 favio94: yeah
- 23:39 Zinedine: and shadow bow could've been first bow technically
- 23:39 favio94: alright ggs and I'll see you tomorrow
- 23:40 Zinedine: ggs! stay safe
- 23:40 favio94: bow on shadow lol
- 23:40 Zinedine: yeah lol
- 23:41 favio94: you too, take care
- 07:43 Race set to not recorded by Schulzer#3184