Ocarina of Time Randomizer
Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24)
Scrubs Qualifier #15 | https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1763663 | HashLensOfTruth HashCucco HashCompass HashBombchu HashDekuStick
- 1st Icola #8220 he / him Finished 7
- 2nd Flint #8435 he / him Finished 14
- 3rd Fer #0856 he / him Finished 1
- 4th NarvilBase #4895 he / him Finished 16
- 5th jenniebeez #5443 they / them more vanilla hook UwU Finished 10
- 6th Incacola #4621 he / him more bailed out of GTG after irons, lost at least 10 min Finished 3
- 7th Oximan #8883 he / him Finished 4
- 8th Jarek #8410 he / him Finished 5
- 9th Decemberween #9938 he / him Finished 3
- 10th Norxiam #3605 he / him Finished 20
- 11th Akeneni #4331 he / him Finished 85
- 12th Timmozoma #1213 he / him Finished n/a
- 13th Trilobytes #0054 she / her more This was terrible, I did terrible... was the seed bad enough that I'm allowed to call in sick for work? Finished n/a
- — Skinnydee17 #6028 he / him DNF DNF 18
- — MrPhilippe406 #0307 he / him more This one was too much for me DNF DNF 7
15 entrants
(2 inactive)