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- 06:30 Mido: Welcome to this Brackets Round 2 race! Learn more about the event at
- 07:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 09:01 Xavi has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:01:18!
- 09:11 Ramond#9520 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:11:26!
- 09:11 Xuross: ggs
- 09:11 Ramond: gg!
- 09:11 Xavi: gg
- 09:11 Xuross: impressive time
- 09:12 Ramond: yeah slightly lucky casino
- 09:12 Xuross: what u had lkeft ?
- 09:12 Ramond: a lot actually
- 09:12 Ramond: deep forest, fire, shadow, ice
- 09:12 Xuross: how u dont full clear shadow ?
- 09:13 Ramond: we did it early without dins
- 09:13 Xuross: you both crossed spirit to reach fire ?
- 09:13 Ramond: so we didnt want to go in to ride boat again for keys
- 09:13 Ramond: no we both went thru spirit
- 09:13 Xuross: so no valey ?
- 09:13 Ramond: i did child valley and later adult valley when realizing we were not in go mode (because ice in gtg)
- 09:15 Flouche: ggs
- 09:16 Xuross: so what was ur go ?
- 09:17 Xavi: letter in botw
- 09:17 Xavi: i found dins in ganons and directly went for botw
- 09:17 Xavi: just for density
- 09:17 Xuross: and u had 4 med & 3 stones already ?
- 09:17 Xavi: yeah
- 09:17 Xavi: i could have done water first
- 09:17 Xavi: but i wanted to find letter
- 09:18 Xavi: and well is a great play
- 09:19 Xuross: we had left forest shadow and some check in child
- 09:19 Xuross: (withj ajbu
- 09:19 Xuross#1161 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:19:23!
- 09:19 Xavi: gg
- 09:19 Xavi: i fully cleared child in my child 1
- 09:20 Flouche#5543 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:19:47!
- 09:20 Race finished in 2:19:47.7
- 09:20 Ramond: gg
- 09:20 Xavi: ggs
- 09:20 Xuross: yeah but the few thing lefdt is behind Zl like darunia & goron prot
- 09:20 Xuross: pot*
- 09:20 Xuross: and 3 chest in jabu
- 09:20 Xuross: then we had only deep fire / forest
- 09:20 Xuross: u did gtg so ?
- 09:20 Xavi: ramond did
- 09:20 Ramond: i was halfway into gtg when xavi found letter
- 09:21 Ramond: was in hammer clear room
- 09:21 Flouche: ggs
- 09:21 Xuross: soi we just did ice & fortress in extra thing I guess
- 09:22 Xavi: ramond cleared fortress but skipped ice
- 09:22 Ramond: yeah i had to let my blue fire go at volvagia for a fairy so i didnt want to commit to ice and hope for BFA first
- 09:22 Xavi: we just had a very solid child route
- 09:22 Xuross: ok and you didnt full clear because of scum keys ?
- 09:22 Ramond: early game route was insane for us
- 09:22 Ramond: yeah we didnt full clear shadow first because middle was out of logic
- 09:22 Ramond: and it was possible that letter locks dins
- 09:23 Flouche: ah makes sense, we checked shaodw entrance with FAs first to check go mode
- 09:24 Ramond: yeah xavi also did that after clearing spirit. not sure where I was at that point
- 09:24 Flouche: 1:47 we've checked shadow entrance ahah
- 09:25 Ramond: hmm for us it must have been earlier, I think 1:47 is approximately when we hit go
- 09:25 Xavi: 1:29:53 for us
- 09:25 Xuross: We thought we did an optimized route but seems like we lost time at many places
- 09:25 Xavi: thats when i was in shadow entrance
- 09:25 Xuross: wow
- 09:25 Xuross: you rushed that fast xd
- 09:25 Ramond: our child route was insanely good somehow. going all the way through child spirit saved a lot of time
- 09:25 Xavi: my route was just insane
- 09:26 Xavi: i published my vod if you want to check stuff
- 09:26 Xuross: we did it also
- 09:26 Flouche: we've got the same advantage as you, spirit into minuet into fire scale
- 09:26 Xuross: and then we got the scale into hammer at zf
- 09:26 Ramond: yeah that's absolutely important
- 09:27 Xuross: Well anyway if we have to full clear I think you're duo is clearly better. So in this kind of seed that we have to almost full clear that wasn't in our advantage
- 09:28 Flouche: you didn't get to back to fire in adult through the same route as chil spirit then
- 09:28 Flouche: Xuross did that while I was crossing
- 09:29 Xavi: idk if we are stronger in full clear
- 09:30 Xavi: flouche his execution is one of the greatest in the entire community if you ask me
- 09:30 Xuross: Probably, but not me xd
- 09:30 Xavi: i went through the child side of spirit as an adult too
- 09:30 Xuross: This is why I talk about duo
- 09:30 Flouche: My exe drags a little bit down in coop, much more difficult to keep the high bar lol
- 09:30 Xavi: without zl you couldnt climb adult side
- 09:31 Xuross: indeed
- 09:31 Xavi: yeah you cant focus that much, true
- 09:31 Xavi: and i am used to play with ramond because of mw stuff
- 09:32 Xuross: We did last season coop also but we dont play that often together
- 09:32 Xuross: but we did a lot of seed for the tournament x)
- 09:33 Xuross: Well ggs anyway and gl for next :)
- 09:33 Ramond: thank you, ggs!
- 09:33 Flouche: you'll go far, we'll stay in the Light World :p
- 09:34 Flouche: Get through all this