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- 20:59 HollowLogic: Zine! Whaddup!
- 21:00 dowsey9027: ayo
- 21:01 Zinedine: oh snap! What's good Hollow
- 21:01 Zinedine: yo dowsey
- 21:01 Zinedine: ggs yesterday Kariossa. Heck of a race
- 21:02 dowsey9027: ayo zine how goes it?
- 21:02 Zinedine: It's going. Enjoying the day off work tomorrow. How about yourself?
- 21:02 kariossa: thx HashFrog
- 21:02 dowsey9027: ehhh its ok, surviving as i like to say xD
- 21:04 furlim: hey o/
- 21:04 HollowLogic: Mood on surviving. Hey Furlim
- 21:04 furlim: are you guys starting right now?
- 21:04 dowsey9027: i mean im ready i dont think there is any real start time
- 21:04 furlim: yo Hollow! how's it going?
- 21:05 furlim: okay I'm gonna rush here
- 21:05 furlim: need to practice to not get destroyed in upper bracket lol
- 21:05 Zinedine: yeah, surviving seems like what most of us are doing lately
- 21:05 HollowLogic: It's going good. Got the W yesterday so I'm onto the main bracket in blitz
- 21:06 dowsey9027: xD
- 21:06 furlim#4509 joins the race.
- 21:06 Zinedine: ggs against shawn. Good races Furlim
- 21:06 furlim: hey thx
- 21:06 furlim: kinda lucked out on the second, ngl
- 21:06 Zinedine: luck is a combination of skill and preparation
- 21:06 HollowLogic: I feel the same for my first win Furlim, lol
- 21:07 dowsey9027: i got lucky with my opponent unfortunately.... i did terrible i was just lucky in the fact they did a little bit worse
- 21:07 Zinedine: except for hollow
- 21:07 Zinedine: he did get lucky
- 21:07 Zinedine: jk
- 21:07 HollowLogic: lmfao rude. Just rude
- 21:07 Zinedine: sussing out that water temple was big brain
- 21:07 HollowLogic: But it's true. Like.... 5 different ways I could have lost that
- 21:08 HollowLogic: YOU THINK I WENT WATER INTENTIONALLY? I thought I was wrong about Hammer. I legit lost it when it ended up being the piece, I thought it was Rang
- 21:08 HollowLogic: Pure luck. Hundred percent game 1 was luck
- 21:09 dowsey9027: ive realised what i struggle with! its counting xD im ok at following the logic! but turns out i cant count for shit xD
- 21:10 Zinedine: lol. I feel that Hollow, I've gotten far too many pieces by having the incorrect logic
- 21:10 Zinedine: @dowsey Saaaame
- 21:11 dowsey9027: i mean it also doesnt help that my memory is terrible and by the time the 2hrs is up i cant even remember half of what i got and where xD
- 21:12 kariossa#1113 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:14 Zinedine#7130 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:17 kr3z#4245 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:17 HollowLogic#2254 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:17 dowsey9027: glhf
- 21:17 dowsey9027#0331 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:17 HollowLogic: glhf!
- 21:17 Zinedine: glhf
- 21:17 kariossa: gl hf !
- 21:18 furlim: GLHF guys!
- 21:18 furlim#4509 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:18 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:09 furlim#4509 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:50:41!
- 23:10 dowsey9027#0331 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:12 kr3z#4245 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:53:10!
- 23:13 Warning: this race will reach its time limit in 5 minutes. All remaining entrants will forfeit.
- 23:15 furlim: GGs
- 23:16 kr3z: gg
- 23:18 HollowLogic#2254 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:18 This race has reached its time limit. All remaining entrants will now be expunged.
- 23:18 Race finished in 2:00:00.1
- 23:19 Zinedine: ggs
- 23:19 furlim: Ggs guys
- 23:19 furlim: I'm still confused KEKW
- 23:19 HollowLogic: What are you confused about...?
- 23:20 furlim: I dunno why the 3 count for courage
- 23:20 Zinedine: i never found courage. I couldn't figure out the 3 count at all
- 23:20 Zinedine: storms -> bb -> KS -> ????
- 23:20 Zinedine: There was also bottle in DC
- 23:21 Zinedine: and DC was double path
- 23:21 kr3z: The three were storms, kokiri sword and hookshot
- 23:21 furlim: dc was double?
- 23:21 kr3z: there were two storms locked bomb bags so neither was path, but one was required
- 23:21 furlim: oh
- 23:21 HollowLogic: It was like... Storms because all BB were locked, but multiple BB were available so while storms was path, bomb bag wasn't
- 23:21 furlim: that makes sense
- 23:21 HollowLogic: so Storms - KS - Hook
- 23:21 furlim: i never found the 3rd
- 23:22 furlim: but thought the first wasn't path so the count would make sense
- 23:22 Zinedine: were there 2 locked? I found all bomb bags but thought they were bomb locked. Couldn't quite remember though
- 23:22 furlim: actually there was one in goron city
- 23:23 furlim: wouldn't we have access for 2 strs without storms?
- 23:23 Zinedine: bomb locked in gc yeah
- 23:23 Zinedine: yeah
- 23:23 Zinedine: wanderer bow and free epona
- 23:23 Zinedine: for hba
- 23:24 furlim: scales might be very far
- 23:24 furlim: then it would make sense
- 23:24 furlim: without bomb bag no river access to get beans for str
- 23:24 furlim: and without bb no first hook
- 23:25 Zinedine: dang
- 23:25 Zinedine: that's intense. really fun though. learned a ton
- 23:26 furlim: it might not be it but yeah hahah
- 23:26 furlim: GGs everyone, thx for the race
- 23:27 Zinedine: for sure. ggs. tons of fun