
Current races

Past races

  1. graceful-skip-9779 1v1 race- SonicRPika vs DeadlyThunder Finished not recorded 2 entrants 1v1 race- SonicRPika vs DeadlyThunder
  2. saucy-red-2121 Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 2 entrants Baby Dodongos Invitational Group A devteam vs -2Coins
  3. kind-charizard-4417 Random settings league Finished recorded 5 entrants Seed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/romjez78tyscmrk/OoTR_15th_September.zpf?dl=0
  4. odd-cid-7122 Random settings league Finished recorded 3 entrants https://www.dropbox.com/s/j8tnn2c7mp312s1/OoT_532B3_MHHO2T8NIO.zpf?dl=0
  5. funky-mudkip-2925 Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 2 entrants https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=569825
  6. intrepid-lara-8389 Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 2 entrants Riley Vs Sponge 1vs1
  7. sleepy-crusher-1258 Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 9 entrants Scrubs Seed with Lens only for wasteland and Chest Mini-Game seed : ( https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=569679 )
  8. hungry-navi-7909 Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 2 entrants Scrubs Group A WB R2 EnigmaticHylian V T-RIS
  9. foolish-ike-4453 Standard Ruleset (pre 10/24) Finished recorded 3 entrants Scrubs settings
  10. disco-roy-9900 Scrubs EU and UK race seed : https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=569396 Finished not recorded 6 entrants