
Current races

Past races

  1. powerful-volvagia-0655 Triforce Blitz Finished awaiting record 2 entrants Bracket Round 1: Telkanis vs Skyreas, game 2 HashBottledMilk HashGoldScale HashMaskOfTruth HashCucco HashMap https://www.triforceblitz.com/seed/409f8c00-e70f-46f9-960c-ab3d96c77f11
  2. tasty-malon-8505 Triforce Blitz Finished awaiting record 5 entrants Triforce Blitz Seed of the Day (7/25) HashHoverBoots HashBoomerang HashHammer HashHammer HashHoverBoots https://www.triforceblitz.com/seed/daily/718
  3. saucy-darunia-1526 Tournoi Francophone Saison 4 Finished not recorded 3 entrants HashMaskOfTruth HashSlingshot HashSilvers HashSlingshot HashMaskOfTruth https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1720435
  4. swag-mamamu-0545 Tournoi Francophone Saison 4 Finished not recorded 4 entrants HashSkullToken HashBombchu HashLensOfTruth HashStoneOfAgony HashBigMagic https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1720376
  5. gentle-bongobongo-5556 Standard Ruleset Finished awaiting record 2 entrants xx30?start sglsetting
  6. silly-talon-6961 Standard Ruleset Finished awaiting record 2 entrants Juiciest of L7 Games - XX:45 HashDekuStick HashLensOfTruth HashDekuStick HashMap HashBottledMilk https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1720321
  7. innocent-biggoron-7564 Tournoi Francophone Saison 4 Finished not recorded 3 entrants Sanzeau vs Manu (Match 2) Je vais encore me prendre une branlée mais on practice tkt HashGoldScale HashMirrorShield HashMushroom HashBeans HashStoneOfAgony https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1720051
  8. charming-saria-3493 Co-op Tournament Season 3 Finished not recorded 4 entrants Brackets Semi-Final: Taco Bell vs I Blame My Partner, game 1 HashStoneOfAgony HashCompass HashBoomerang HashMirrorShield HashHeart https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1720070
  9. mecha-jabu-4286 Tournoi Francophone Saison 4 Finished not recorded 5 entrants HashHeart HashDekuNut HashBow HashHeart HashSlingshot https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1719862
  10. invincible-zelda-5518 SGL 2024 Finished not recorded 6 entrants HashMap HashMap HashBossKey HashMaskOfTruth HashMirrorShield https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1719864