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- 19:58 LilSharkie: GL fam
- 19:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:58 SuperFluffyKoala: gl
- 20:06 Grifs99: lmao messed up brb cs stuff
- 20:07 WhitePaaws: brb is cursed
- 20:08 SuperFluffyKoala: got grotto cycle twice
- 20:17 LilSharkie: 4 fronkey walks
- 20:17 Mattermonkey: DG fronkey got me, run is bad
- 20:27 JEANBERNARDGAMING: got it this time
- 20:28 rinSR#3070 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:29:21!
- 20:28 Dedew#3492 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:29:28!
- 20:28 thepersonwhodied: gg
- 20:28 basti1: NAAAAAAN
- 20:29 Grifs99: ggs!
- 20:31 WhitePaaws: died in the swim poggg
- 20:31 SuperFluffyKoala#2583 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:32:30!
- 20:31 SuperFluffyKoala: weeeee
- 20:31 WhitePaaws#7041 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:32:47!
- 20:31 SuperFluffyKoala: made more mistakes this time
- 20:31 SuperFluffyKoala: gg paws
- 20:31 WhitePaaws: ThisIsFine
- 20:32 SuperFluffyKoala: died in swim oriTake
- 20:32 WhitePaaws: tbf run was okay until I messed up Kuro cs skip 3 times lmfao
- 20:32 WhitePaaws: I just took the L and watched the cutscene
- 20:32 Cleanfel#2854 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:33:41!
- 20:32 Cleanfel: I JUST PB'DDD!!!
- 20:33 Dedew: GG!
- 20:33 JEANBERNARDGAMING: the first of many tournament pbs
- 20:33 WhitePaaws: Let's gooo Cleanfel!!
- 20:33 WhitePaaws: oriHype
- 20:33 thepersonwhodied: gg
- 20:33 Cleanfel: I was down 14 s at charge jump because I had 3rd try sorrow bash AND had to get the backup cell because I missed ringo's cell
- 20:33 Cleanfel: but caught up crazy
- 20:34 JEANBERNARDGAMING: u love to see the good lategames
- 20:34 Mattermonkey#1372 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:35:16!
- 20:34 Squidguardian10#7058 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:35:37!
- 20:34 Cleanfel: TY all!
- 20:34 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs
- 20:34 SuperFluffyKoala: nice job everyone!
- 20:34 SuperFluffyKoala: oriHug
- 20:34 Grifs99: YOOOO GG!
- 20:34 SuperFluffyKoala: gl to all of you who are still running
- 20:35 Grifs99#9836 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:36:25!
- 20:35 Mattermonkey: Bad everything. Died in death gauntlet, missed kuro cs skip, died in upper ginso, died in dorito cave after cjump tree, died in late misty
- 20:35 Cleanfel: I went from -49 to +14, so I know I'm getting a low 32 when it all clicks together
- 20:35 Grifs99: well, this run went to more places.. >:(
- 20:35 Cleanfel: just gotta wait
- 20:35 Cleanfel: gg grifs!
- 20:36 Grifs99: GG clean on PB raysP
- 20:36 LionAlmenar#9147 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:37:19!
- 20:36 LionAlmenar: gg
- 20:36 LionAlmenar: congrats on the pb clean
- 20:36 Cleanfel: tyty!!
- 20:37 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs everyone
- 20:37 SuperFluffyKoala: gl turtle sharkie ernestothegrey skulblaka and the personwhodied
- 20:37 SuperFluffyKoala: you can do it!
- 20:37 thepersonwhodied: c:
- 20:37 LionAlmenar: ^
- 20:37 LionAlmenar: for my 4th run after not playing all skills in over a year, I think +4:35 from PB isn't too bad
- 20:38 Skulblaka17#0802 has finished in 10th place with a time of 0:40:08!
- 20:39 ernEstOTheGrey#2018 has finished in 11th place with a time of 0:40:17!
- 20:39 Grifs99: omg, I'm 8th 3rd in row lmao
- 20:39 thepersonwhodied#1374 has finished in 12th place with a time of 0:40:23!
- 20:39 Grifs99: time*
- 20:39 TurtleRun2412#5646 has finished in 13th place with a time of 0:40:26!
- 20:39 Cleanfel: That's amazing grifs
- 20:39 Grifs99: ggs! raysP
- 20:39 Cleanfel: consistency in the races
- 20:39 ernEstOTheGrey: I got a gold wj
- 20:39 thepersonwhodied: somehow had a much worse early game but did better than last race
- 20:40 TurtleRun2412: failed Fast Stompless about 8 times, then got a gold somehow
- 20:40 TurtleRun2412: i hate
- 20:40 ernEstOTheGrey: I somehow went from good early game to +1 min to - 40 sec to end with +2min30
- 20:40 Skulblaka17#0802 added a comment.
- 20:40 Grifs99: I just slowly lost time to everything, death here, death there :|
- 20:41 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs
- 20:41 ernEstOTheGrey: I found new places to die today
- 20:41 SuperFluffyKoala: that's always fun
- 20:41 LilSharkie: almost done
- 20:43 SuperFluffyKoala: you got it lilsharkie!
- 20:44 LilSharkie#2995 has finished in 14th place with a time of 0:45:22!
- 20:44 Race finished in 0:45:22.4
- 20:44 SuperFluffyKoala: gg!
- 20:44 SuperFluffyKoala: nice job everyone
- 20:44 LilSharkie: Thanks, fam.
- 20:44 LionAlmenar: gg everyone
- 20:44 Cleanfel: gg again!
- 20:44 JEANBERNARDGAMING: we did it reddit!
- 20:44 LilSharkie: lost 4 minutes to PB on double jump, finished +5:40
- 20:45 SuperFluffyKoala: oriTake
- 20:45 rinSR#3070 added a comment.
- 20:50 Race result recorded by Dedew#3492