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- 19:57 NesmaN88: plentiful with glitches, am calling myth beating this in just over an hour
- 19:58 Myth197: my NG+ AD PB is 39:51
- 19:58 Myth197:
- 19:59 ArtemisMyths: alright, who will have clean audio for me?
- 20:00 Myth197: its probably best if I have a muted mic
- 20:00 Ibot02: my audio will be clean
- 20:00 Nimbus125: i'll have clean audio
- 20:05 NesmaN88: am always available for clean audio, just let me know :)
- 20:07 ArtemisMyths: running with skeleton crew a bit, so only going to be doing 2 runners
- 20:07 ArtemisMyths: ibot,myth you two all good for that?
- 20:07 Ibot02: I mean, I can join on coms if you need me to (though I was hoping to race)
- 20:08 Ibot02: but otherwise, yeah
- 20:08 ArtemisMyths: i dont want to pull you away from being able to race
- 20:09 Ibot02: as long as it works for you and the crew
- 20:09 NesmaN88: hendrus is on comms right?
- 20:09 ArtemisMyths: yes, as well as shocky
- 20:09 ArtemisMyths: me and friendly are on tracking
- 20:10 ArtemisMyths: and they're new to tracking
- 20:10 NesmaN88: cool, i remember shawn getting pulled away from comms
- 20:11 Myth197: Yeah I'm good
- 20:13 NesmaN88: myth, please do something to blow hendrus mind away lol
- 20:15 ArtemisMyths#9009 updated the race information.
- 20:15 NesmaN88: request access
- 20:15 huffpuff1337: access?
- 20:16 ArtemisMyths: ah shoot
- 20:16 ArtemisMyths: try now
- 20:17 huffpuff1337: works
- 20:17 Nimbus125: it works
- 20:17 ArtemisMyths: sorry about that xD
- 20:18 huffpuff1337: hash is good too
- 20:18 NesmaN88: hash is good here
- 20:18 Nimbus125: hash is good
- 20:19 NesmaN88: myth i expect a 50 minutes finish
- 20:19 Nimbus125: who rolled this btw?
- 20:20 huffpuff1337#4259 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 20:20 Nimbus125#9026 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 20:21 Ibot02: artemis rolled this I think
- 20:21 NesmaN88: obs wont capture bizhawk???
- 20:23 m05i: Hash okay for me
- 20:23 Ibot02#4067 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:24 NesmaN88: what did obs change in last update... this is stupid
- 20:25 NesmaN88#0831 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:25 NesmaN88: well... brainfart capture it is for now
- 20:26 kevko0#8412 joins the race.
- 20:27 m05i#6270 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:29 Myth197#2247 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:29 ArtemisMyths: everyone all set?
- 20:29 kevko0#8412 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:30 Ibot02: gl hf
- 20:30 Nimbus125: GL HF!
- 20:30 m05i: GLHF
- 20:30 ArtemisMyths: gl hf!
- 20:30 Myth197: GLHF
- 20:30 huffpuff1337: glhf
- 20:30 NesmaN88: glhf
- 20:30 ArtemisMyths#9009 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:50 kevko0: My Laptop can't handle streaming right now sooo... gonna play this seed offline. GL to the rest!
- 20:50 kevko0#8412 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:26 NesmaN88#0831 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:55:39!
- 22:26 Nimbus125: GG
- 22:26 Ibot02: gg
- 22:26 Myth197: GG
- 22:26 NesmaN88: why
- 22:26 NesmaN88: why
- 22:26 NesmaN88: how
- 22:26 Myth197: this seed is really bad
- 22:26 Ibot02: no spoilers
- 22:38 Myth197#2247 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:08:09!
- 22:38 ArtemisMyths: GGs!
- 22:38 ArtemisMyths: interview?
- 22:38 NesmaN88: GG
- 22:39 Myth197: yep
- 22:39 ArtemisMyths: hop in waiting room then
- 22:44 Ibot02#4067 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:14:20!
- 22:44 ArtemisMyths: ggs!
- 22:45 NesmaN88: GG
- 22:45 ArtemisMyths: interview?
- 22:45 Ibot02: yeah
- 22:45 Myth197: GG
- 22:45 Nimbus125: gg
- 22:50 Nimbus125#9026 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:20:21!
- 22:52 NesmaN88: GG
- 22:52 Nimbus125: gg
- 23:03 NesmaN88#0831 added a comment.
- 23:07 Ibot02#4067 added a comment.
- 23:08 huffpuff1337#4259 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:37:55!
- 23:08 huffpuff1337: gg
- 23:13 m05i#6270 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:42:42!
- 23:13 Race finished in 2:42:42.6
- 23:14 huffpuff1337: ggs
- 23:14 m05i: ggs
- 23:17 huffpuff1337#4259 added a comment: "graveyard key pls"
- 23:19 m05i#6270 added a comment: "That Graveyard Key lol"