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- 22:07 isaac: There is a join button the top right
- 22:08 peachedpocky#9832 joins the race.
- 22:08 peachedpocky: oh cool im just blind :)
- 22:08 isaac: Seed link:
- 22:08 isaac: Make sure you are playing "DrollHanch_4pB"
- 22:08 isaac#6654 updated the race information.
- 22:09 peachedpocky: one sec need to relaunch live split its stuck ontop my screen
- 22:10 isaac: Starts in 20 minutes
- 22:11 peachedpocky: i want to keep my timer on top but I cant set my chatbox to minimize lmao
- 22:15 Phantom5800#8287 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:16 Tubamann#5428 joins the race.
- 22:16 isaac: o/
- 22:17 Tubamann: o/
- 22:20 isaac: Starts in 10 minutes
- 22:20 Froppy#8840 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:21 Tubamann#5428 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:21 Valky#0547 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:22 peachedpocky: ok so to end our run we need to hit the SPLIT not PAUSE right? start/split are the same button yeah?
- 22:22 isaac: There will be a Done button in the top right of the racetime page.
- 22:22 Phantom5800: if you're using racetime integration in livesplit, it should start on its own, just hit the split key when you stab ganondorf
- 22:23 peachedpocky: okay, hit SPLIT not pause, gotcha
- 22:23 peachedpocky: lmao im so nervous for no reason lol
- 22:23 peachedpocky#9832 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:24 kariossa#1113 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:25 isaac: Starts in 5 minutes
- 22:26 isaac: Make sure you are playing "DrollHanch_4pB"
- 22:26 Valky: good ty
- 22:26 Tubamann: Appreciated
- 22:26 Axl_SR#4756 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:26 Iceghost97#3355 joins the race.
- 22:26 Iceghost97#3355 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:27 isaac: The room snipe
- 22:27 Axl_SR: GLHF everyone
- 22:27 peachedpocky: GLHF!!
- 22:27 isaac: Still starts at the stated time
- 22:27 Tubamann: GLHF <3
- 22:27 kariossa: gl hf !
- 22:27 Valky: gl hf
- 22:27 Phantom5800: glhf
- 22:27 Froppy: glhf
- 22:27 peachedpocky: i just ran down my stairs to grab water I am so out of breath jessu
- 22:28 Iceghost97: Glht
- 22:29 isaac: Starts in 1 minute
- 22:29 peachedpocky: lesgooo glhf!!
- 22:30 isaac: Okay, starting shortly. GLHF!
- 22:30 isaac#6654 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:30 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:30 peachedpocky: good luck have fun!!
- 22:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:31 Valky: bublin camp us off
- 22:31 isaac: Bulblin camp excluded
- 22:31 Valky: ok
- 22:31 Valky: ty
- 00:43 Valky#0547 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:12:57!
- 00:43 peachedpocky: gg
- 00:43 Valky: gg !
- 00:44 Phantom5800: gg
- 00:44 Valky#0547 added a comment.
- 00:46 Axl_SR: gg
- 00:48 Valky: gl for the end
- 00:50 isaac#6654 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:19:40!
- 00:50 isaac: gg
- 00:51 isaac#6654 added a comment.
- 00:53 peachedpocky: gg
- 01:05 Phantom5800#8287 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:34:55!
- 01:05 isaac: gg
- 01:05 Phantom5800: gg
- 01:05 Phantom5800#8287 added a comment.
- 01:09 Tubamann#5428 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:39:34!
- 01:10 isaac: gg
- 01:10 Tubamann#5428 added a comment.
- 01:12 kariossa#1113 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:42:19!
- 01:12 isaac: gg
- 01:13 kariossa: gg
- 01:13 peachedpocky: gg
- 02:09 Axl_SR#4756 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:39:13!
- 02:09 Axl_SR: GG
- 02:11 peachedpocky: gg
- 02:15 isaac: gg
- 02:17 Axl_SR#4756 added a comment.
- 02:41 Froppy#8840 has finished in 7th place with a time of 4:10:56!
- 02:41 isaac: gg
- 02:41 Froppy#8840 added a comment.
- 03:00 peachedpocky: gg
- 03:35 Iceghost97#3355 has finished in 8th place with a time of 5:04:46!
- 03:35 isaac: gg
- 03:36 Iceghost97: ggs
- 03:36 Iceghost97#3355 added a comment.
- 03:37 peachedpocky#9832 has finished in 9th place with a time of 5:06:51!
- 03:37 Race finished in 5:06:52.1
- 03:37 isaac: gg
- 03:37 Race set to not recorded by isaac#6654
- 03:37 peachedpocky#9832 added a comment.
- 03:40 peachedpocky#9832 changed their comment.