
Current races

Past races

  1. kind-gohdan-8433 s4 but no subs, 4drm, ctmc Finished not recorded 5 entrants MS45LjcAV29ydGhsZXNzU2FmZVRyb3VibGUABQMiADvAAQ8ABACMeQCAHkAAAA==
  2. dazzling-gyorg-6264 Defeat Ganondorf Finished not recorded 2 entrants Synchronizing the asynchronized seed #1 | MS45LjAARGVzdHJveUFsbE9jdG9zAIUjCAAPMMAAgBxAgYIhMAA=
  3. graceful-tetra-6160 Standard Race with CTMC Finished not recorded 4 entrants TWW Randomizer Bi-Weekly Tournament Settings Race SEED: MS45LjcASGFzdHlQYXRpZW50RGF2aWRKcgAHAyIAO8ABCxAEAIx5AIAeAAAA
  4. invincible-morth-3995 s4 but no subs, 4drm, ctmc, korl hints Finished not recorded 2 entrants MS45LjcARnJpZGF5TmlnaHRCcnVoTW9tZW50AAUDIgA7wAEPDAQAjHkAgB5AAAA=
  5. frantic-daphnes-4708 s4 but no subs, 4drm, ctmc, korl hints Finished not recorded 2 entrants MS45LjcATG93bHlGdW5reVJ1aW4ABQMiADvAAQ8MBACMeQCAHkAAAA==
  6. agreeable-redead-2847 s4 but no subs, 4drm, ctmc, korl hints <3 Finished not recorded 3 entrants MS45LjcAV29vbGx5VHJhZ2ljU291bAAFAyIAO8ABDwwEAIx5AIAeQAAA
  7. legendary-ankle-2029 Spring Async #1 Finished not recorded 2 entrants MS45LjAARGVzdHJveUFsbE9jdG9zAIUjCAAPMMAAgBxAgYIhMAA= | Seed Hash: Elma 'hoy
  8. reliable-bisht-9301 Fun Race Finished recorded 7 entrants MS45LjAAYWxrYWxpbmVhY2UzV3ZWcTZUZGFHAIUjCAAPMMAAgBxAgYIhMAA= | Seed Hash: Obli Willi
  9. funky-miniblin-0494 Season 4 Tournament Settings Race Finished not recorded 2 entrants MS45LjAAUE9HR0lFU1ZFUllDT09MQ09PTElFU1ZFUllQT0cABQsiAA9QwAIAAAAAAAEAAA==
  10. swag-ankle-7129 Casual race Finished not recorded 4 entrants MS45LjcATWlzdGFrZW5QZXJzdWFzaXZlSXJjaAAHAyIAO8ABCwQAAIx5AIAeQAAA