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Race results

  1. chaotic-poltergeist-0381 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 Finished 10
    2. 2nd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 Finished 5
    3. 3rd BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 more I would have gladly traded 10 max HP for repel. Also, 80+ AGI and ambushed 4x on the bottom floor alone. Finished 1
    4. 4th ScarletShadoww #1712 he / him more Spent at least ten minutes exploring southwest of Cantlin with nothing to show for it Finished 6
    5. 5th Fattjoey #6938 more casted return instead of walking north cost me the sub 1 Finished 41
    6. 6th Stags28 #0096 he / him Finished 16
  2. curious-knight-1398 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 Finished 11
    2. 2nd juef #6649 he / him Finished 13
    3. 3rd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more 2 DL2 fights Finished 1
    4. 4th Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 9
    5. 5th BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 more Oh good, another race decided by pure luck since I can't run from a damn thing and have to dive 3 times. Finished 12
    6. 6th Pav #6790 Finished 116
    7. 7th ImprobableSpork #9525 he / him more what a stupid seed Finished 1,410
    8. Fattjoey #6938 DNF 54
  3. amazing-garinham-6021 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 13
    2. 2nd BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 Finished 14
    3. 3rd HoodyTwoShoes #5705 he / him Finished 154
    4. 4th NESCardinality #3310 Finished 8
    5. 5th Smashy #2272 he / him more Dunno what threw a bigger wrench in my plans: Family hijacks galore or Red Dragons showing up with HEALMORE Finished 2
    6. 6th ImprobableSpork #9525 he / him more finished with 70 MP left Finished 18
    7. 7th Pav #6790 Finished 137
    8. 8th Fattjoey #6938 more double gold grind dive got killed then got lost in the dark right beside the exit lol Finished 17
    9. 9th miplet #7558 Finished 14
    10. 10th cparsley #6526 more 6 Healmores only (could of gone on 5) Finished 118
  4. helpful-nester-4028 DWR Non-standard Flags Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Angel FM #3750 he / him more Level 21 win. Lost no healmores Finished 37
    2. 2nd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 Finished 17
    3. 3rd BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 more Died at L1 because this game is complete dogshit Finished 191
    4. 4th ScarletShadoww #1712 he / him more 127 dmg to DL2 at 58:45, NPC blocked for 30 seconds in Cantlin Lock Shop. So close..... Finished 18
    5. 5th Fattjoey #6938 Finished 150
    6. 6th Kigalas #8111 he / him more Mismenued on the Golem fight and had to improvise a 5k gold gain Finished 35
    7. 7th Jeevan #8788 more Fun seed, played it safe. Finished 94
    8. 8th Xarnax42 #5360 more lol disaster at every corner Finished 104
  5. artful-kol-5947 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Fattjoey #6938 Finished 75
    2. cobra #7767 more no chance i can finish this seed in time for dinner :( DNF 113
    3. cparsley #6526 more Computer crashed at 2:24 can not resume. DNF 128
  6. sunken-kol-4253 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 more Not a single roll above average vs DL2. Finished 12
    2. 2nd juef #6649 he / him Finished 12
    3. 3rd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 Finished 2,688
    4. 4th Angel FM #3750 he / him more So many bad deaths Finished 11
    5. 5th BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 Finished 16
    6. Fattjoey #6938 DNF 7
    7. ImprobableSpork #9525 he / him DNF 2
  7. kind-stopspell-5010 DWR Non-standard Flags Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Artorious308 #0164 he / him Finished 153
    2. 2nd ScarletShadoww #1712 he / him Finished 43
    3. 3rd DestinyofaDragonWarrior #1528 more Walked around with gold grind money for 50 minutes without seeing Cantlin, no good gear anywhere else Finished 65
    4. 4th Fattjoey #6938 Finished 652
    5. 5th miplet #7558 Finished 95
    6. 6th SecretAgentMand #0604 he / him more I ordered a No Hurtmore seed, not a No Repel seed. Take this seed back to the chef. Finished 47
    7. 7th Cyberdark86 #4563 he / him more Stupid Rim... Finished 22
    8. 8th cparsley #6526 more Tasty AKs damn routing on Rim Finished 66
    9. 9th Pav #6790 Finished 118
    10. 10th RG365 #4147 he / him more couldn't find Rim then forgot to equip DN Finished 42
  8. dynamic-kol-0606 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 more LOL I said the exact same thing emp! Finished 12
    2. 2nd HoodyTwoShoes #5705 he / him Finished 1,326
    3. 3rd emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him more "I expect to finish with the top finishers, but not in first" - me on stream Finished 9
    4. 4th BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 more 0/8 on metals is probably related to my finishing 4th in this race. Just a hunch. Finished 4
    5. 5th DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more 1:19:55 again, nice. Finished 11
    6. 6th Zylynor #3648 more I definitely over-leveled, I really need to get a feel for when it's go time. Finished 314
    7. 7th Fattjoey #6938 more lrn2mapbro.. Finished 10
    8. EdgeTalvaron #7191 he / him DNF 21
    9. ImprobableSpork #9525 he / him more 99% to win isn't a guarantee DNF 5
  9. clean-wolflord-1478 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 9
    2. 2nd BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 more 2 crits in 238 swings... second race in a row with a ~1% crit rate. Finished 10
    3. 3rd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more Found the wrong town at the start, rip Finished 4
    4. 4th ImprobableSpork #9525 he / him more that horrible feeling of going slow in a jet seed Finished 32
    5. 5th Fattjoey #6938 Finished 114
    6. 6th aaron2u2 #3589 more didn't do a gold grind and paid for it Finished 18
    7. 7th Pav #6790 Finished 163
    8. 8th Jeevan #8788 more rough..... Finished 12
    9. 9th rBarbaloot #2733 Finished 18
  10. dynamax-nester-0206 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 19 entrants
    1. 1st DestinyofaDragonWarrior #1528 more Easy win at level 16 (Artorious told me to say that...) Finished 43
    2. 2nd cobra #7767 Finished 236
    3. 3rd Marashu #7455 more De-rusting. Pretty happy with my performance. Finished 47
    4. 4th BetaKappaOmegaTov #8721 more 2 crits out of 200+ swings - sounds about right. Finished 9
    5. 5th Billick #2324 he / him more torch is the best item in the game Finished 43
    6. 6th emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him more Fire juggling, anyone? Finished 5
    7. 7th brianwilliams42 he / him more back attack 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Finished 25
    8. 8th ryguy3745 #0275 Finished 12
    9. 9th juef #6649 he / him Finished 5
    10. 10th NESCardinality #3310 more 4 opening min and min+1 rolls cost me 3rd. 3 Charlock dives, plus an extra level that gave nothing. Finished 20
    11. 11th ImprobableSpork #9525 he / him more Luckiest DL2 fight ever Finished 20
    12. 12th theamericandweem #0182 he / him more ALL THE HURTMORES AND BREATHS!! Finished 48
    13. 13th YakkoWakko20 #8342 he / him Finished 2
    14. dk9146 #8136 he / him more 2 failed DL2 fights at 17 is enough for me DNF 31
    15. verticalsandwich #8693 he / him DNF 14
    16. Jeevan #8788 more mismenu dl2 cost me the 7th place lol DNF 8
    17. rBarbaloot #2733 DNF 3
    18. Fattjoey #6938 DNF 19
    19. Pav #6790 DNF 160