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Race results

  1. amused-fez-4093 ME 100% Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st SilverC #7457 more IGT: 41:28 Finished 511
    2. 2nd Alexanderfive #8196 more IGT: 41:55 Finished 146
    3. 3rd westersburg #4821 Finished 767
    4. 4th Toyro98 #7904 more 50:28 IGT Finished 77
    5. 5th Koba #8191 more Pain Finished 151
  2. elegant-spaceman-3691 ME Inbounds Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Alexanderfive #8196 more IGT: 39:22 Finished 256
    2. 2nd Toyro98 #7904 more 45:30 IGT Finished 172
    3. 3rd Koba #8191 more 46:33 IGT 49:23 RTA Finished 83
  3. chaotic-lootbox-2956 ME Glitchless Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Odjur #3132 Finished 1,099
    2. 2nd Alexanderfive #8196 more IGT: 44:49 Finished 339
    3. 3rd SilverC #7457 more IGT: 46:48 Finished 304
    4. 4th Koba #8191 more 51:18 IGT 54:16 RTA Finished 741
    5. 5th Toyro98 #7904 more 55:47 IGT... Finished 29
    6. westersburg #4821 DNF 543
  4. comic-cortana-8665 ME Inbounds Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Odjur #3132 more lol ez Finished 1,657
    2. 2nd SilverC #7457 more IGT: 39:39 (forgot to press done) Finished 763
    3. 3rd westersburg #4821 more 40:19.54 Finished 992
    4. 4th Alexanderfive #8196 more IGT: 40:48 Finished 686
    5. 5th Blackbeltginganinja #7944 he / him more 40:50 IGT Finished 366
    6. 6th Toyro98 #7904 more 43:21 IGT. I suck at this game.. Finished 19
    7. 7th Koba #8191 more 46:46 IGT 49:43 RTA Finished 393
  5. classic-sourpls-3548 ME Any% Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st westersburg #4821 Finished 1,726
    2. 2nd SilverC #7457 more IGT: 33:19 Finished 442
    3. 3rd Alexanderfive #8196 more IGT: 35:18 Finished 21
    4. 4th Toyro98 #7904 more 36:50 IGT Finished 235
    5. 5th Odjur #3132 Finished 153
    6. CookieBunny #5529 DNF 253
  6. puzzled-kirby-9136 ME Any% Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st SilverC #7457 more IGT: 32:31 Finished 296
    2. 2nd Alexanderfive #8196 more igt 34:11 Finished 99
    3. 3rd Toyro98 #7904 more 36:46 IGT Finished 85
    4. 4th Koba #8191 more 41:27 IGT 44:43 RTA Finished 426
    5. 5th CookieBunny #5529 Finished 168
  7. foolish-omochao-5926 ME 100% Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Alexanderfive #8196 more igt 43:36 Finished 1,218
    2. 2nd SilverC #7457 more IGT: 44:39 Finished 750
    3. 3rd Toyro98 #7904 more 48:00 IGT Finished 269
    4. 4th Koba #8191 more 52:50 IGT 55:45 RTA Finished 423
  8. crafty-samus-9724 ME Glitchless Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Alexanderfive #8196 more igt 45:38 Finished 1,218
    2. 2nd SilverC #7457 more IGT: 47:13 Finished 750
    3. 3rd Toyro98 #7904 more 52:28 IGT 55:47 RTA Finished 269
    4. 4th Koba #8191 more 55:50 IGT 59:10 RTA Finished 423
  9. fearless-olimar-3651 ME Any% Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Alexanderfive #8196 more No loads: 32:09 and RTA: 34:54 Finished 1,446
    2. 2nd SilverC #7457 more IGT: 33:32 Finished 517
    3. 3rd Toyro98 #7904 more 36:14 IGT 39:29 RTA Finished 624
    4. 4th CookieBunny #5529 Finished 162
    5. 5th Koba #8191 more 43:59 IGT 47:18 RTA Finished 292