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Race results

  1. frantic-shulk-8660 OoAR Race Settings Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Harper #2481 she / her more that mermaid suit could've been disastrous Finished 53
    2. 2nd mashy #9949 he / him more the logic behind the tune of ages was something else Finished 42
  2. perfect-daisy-9042 OoSR Race Settings Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Harper #2481 she / her more absolutely wild start Finished 46
    2. 2nd mashy #9949 he / him more what a spot for the flippers Finished 2
    3. 3rd Uthleber #2797 Finished 170
    4. 4th Lotus_RT #3699 he / him more Dude, where's my sword? Finished 67
    5. 5th Eukaryotic #0074 he / him more Really late rod Finished 49
  3. swag-robin-4900 OoAR Race Settings Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st mashy #9949 he / him more the one time i don't get the present library item right away... Finished 21
    2. 2nd Harper #2481 she / her more got punished hard for my slip ups this seed Finished 13
  4. funky-cortana-2126 OoSR Race Settings Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Harper #2481 she / her more unfortunate floodgate key Finished 34
    2. 2nd Lotus_RT #3699 he / him more When 1 check prevents you from finishing the seed... Finished 5
    3. 3rd Uthleber #2797 Finished 64
    4. Eukaryotic #0074 he / him DNF 440
  5. silly-moon-7997 OoSR Race Settings Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Lotus_RT #3699 he / him more Me diverting away from Sunken City after finishing D2 to get the rest of the HP checks paid off immensely. Finished 177
    2. 2nd Harper #2481 she / her more last 8 minutes was a masterclass in throwing Finished 32
    3. 3rd mashy #9949 he / him more definitely did not try to open tarm without all the jewels Finished 1
    4. 4th FieryBlizzard #4860 he / him more Trying to be efficient? Well, let's just chain the keys and make you last location the first of them. Unfortunate. Finished 92
    5. 5th Uthleber #2797 Finished 113
    6. Deln #4555 DQ 207
  6. invincible-doge-6740 OoAR Race Settings Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Harper #2481 she / her more probably the most unorthodox first two items possible Finished 66
    2. 2nd mashy #9949 he / him more ricky's gloves have a use Finished 37
    3. 3rd MikoThePanda #9551 Finished 90
  7. lazy-tonberry-9947 OoSR Race Settings Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Lotus_RT #3699 he / him more That double dungeon behind Syrup's entrance was very surprising Finished 2,039
    2. Harper #2481 she / her more apparently i am unable to remember which dungeons i have found DNF 2,527
  8. crazy-sonic-3123 OoAR Race Settings Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st mashy #9949 he / him more late bracelet seeds are always something else Finished 22
    2. 2nd Harper #2481 she / her more triple dip d1? Finished 13
  9. powerful-marth-2218 OoSR Race Settings Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st mashy #9949 he / him more subrosia was stacked Finished 49
    2. 2nd Harper #2481 she / her more somehow forgot to grab the central temple check, resulting in me dawdling around for 10 minutes Finished 13
    3. 3rd Lotus_RT #3699 he / him Finished 33
    4. 4th Uthleber #2797 Finished 588
    5. krachbummm #0599 more spring is my new nemesis DNF 121
    6. MikoThePanda #9551 DNF 188
  10. prudent-clip-5797 OoAR Race Settings Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st mashy #9949 he / him more I think I need to stop rolling seeds Finished 23
    2. 2nd Harper #2481 she / her more somehow a worse seed than last week, very impressive Finished 14