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Race results

  1. frantic-charizard-9486 PokeRando generational five (black#1) randomized metronome only, maximum pp infinitely, smiles only Finished not recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st mpghappiness #5278 he / him more yellow pp haha Finished
    2. 2nd usedpizza #4019 he / him more why my pp yellow - don't be a thief! Finished
    3. 3rd Countdown #1864 he / him more whys my pp yellow Finished
    4. 4th knox #5801 more cheated why my pp yellow Finished
    5. caerulius #5072 he / him more happy elec DNF
  2. scruffy-weezing-1820 PokeRando Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st mpghappiness #5278 he / him Finished 96
    2. 2nd usedpizza #4019 he / him more 30 minute wall on acupressure bs candice Finished 116
    3. 3rd caerulius #5072 he / him more squished a beautifly Finished 426
    4. knox #5801 DNF 135
    5. Rename_ #3535 he / him DQ 274
  3. invincible-daddy-4056 Misc Anything goes Finished not recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st mpghappiness #5278 he / him more you've reached my soft insides! Finished
    2. 2nd cleartonic #2397 Finished
    3. 3rd caerulius #5072 he / him more mewtwo's drippin' Finished
    4. 4th usedpizza #4019 he / him more paralysis, soft insides, artichewno, lollapalooza Finished
    5. 5th Rename_ #3535 he / him more Finally beat a pokemon race woot Finished
    6. 6th ramsus88 #1874 he / him Finished
    7. knox #5801 more planned ff DNF
  4. foolish-sun-4973 Misc Pokemon Colosseum - beat the game Finished not recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st knox #5801 more based protect tm's Finished
    2. 2nd bass #5846 they / them more approaching the end of the game Finished
    3. usedpizza #4019 he / him more 11 hours of pure fucking torture lmao DNF
  5. magnificent-raichu-9458 Misc Anything goes Finished not recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st mpghappiness #5278 he / him more bug/dragon sneasel with a million attack and speed just chillin in dark cave, ok Finished
    2. 2nd caerulius #5072 he / him more Meganium owns as ever. Sick designs. Finished
    3. Casusby #2607 he / him DNF
    4. knox #5801 more whole game has coverage for everything i picked to use :( DNF
    5. ramsus88 #1874 he / him DNF
    6. Rename_ #3535 he / him more Games fun but I am not a Pokemon Gamer DNF
    7. usedpizza #4019 he / him more finally a plane and gator have fucked DNF
  6. tactical-carracosta-0395 PokeRando Beat the game Finished recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st mpghappiness #5278 he / him more old amber is strong Finished 1,211
    2. 2nd Ajarmar #7292 he / him more anyway here's umbreon Finished 1,730
    3. 3rd Nabs #2507 he / him more BIGSPHEALFAST Finished 1,523
    4. 4th Thundow #1557 he / him more makuhita is da real mvp Finished 370
    5. 5th cleartonic #2397 Finished 1,348
    6. 6th Yuranah #3942 more Interesting early game Finished 984
    7. 7th usedpizza #4019 he / him more the lil ice cream that could https://puu.sh/GijH0/6247946c1f.png Finished 568
    8. 8th Yardo #1196 more Mained a penguin for the winter. Finished 668
    9. 9th knox #5801 more non fossil user. ice cream paint job Finished 508
    10. 10th PerpetualSheep #4189 he / him more Yet another Umbreon Finished 340
    11. 11th Pikapals #8472 he / him Finished 159
    12. 12th SliceAndDice #1658 he / him more Revenge on BW1 Rando complete. Finished 43
    13. CalmayW #3670 she / her DNF 286
    14. derpydragon15 #2410 DNF 283
    15. orsa #2233 he / him DNF 282