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- 16:25 LucarioZealot: Pog yagami
- 16:26 LucarioZealot: Imagine having a trap
- 16:26 shadoweh: got one in campaign. game being kind for an hour of resets
- 16:38 LucarioZealot: F
- 16:38 shadoweh: what happened?
- 16:38 Loatheb: Alfarg died against Nitemare
- 16:38 shadoweh: F
- 16:38 Yagami_Light1992: damnnn
- 16:38 r4nd0mz: F
- 16:38 jan_susi: F
- 16:44 gocubbies: don’t get sick kids: not in america anyway. Keith fucked up the system so bad it’s practically a dystopia
- 16:45 gocubbies: will explain on return for my ramble…hopefully with a shot! Either in my left arm or my head /s
- 16:53 Loatheb: Remember to not tell anyone about winning sogen on pegy
- 16:57 shadoweh: that's because you're not on pegy. the jig is up
- 17:00 Loatheb: HandsUp
- 18:01 Loatheb: Cuddling up at Sebek's
- 18:02 shadoweh: can I come cuddle with you?
- 18:02 r4nd0mz: what's a sebek?
- 18:02 r4nd0mz: i'm still cuddling with pegy
- 18:03 shadoweh: same
- 18:06 Yagami_Light1992: Losing my 8th f6 attempt
- 18:07 shadoweh: so how's it like being in the f6 club other voice call? aside from the 2 people AFK :)
- 18:07 shadoweh: the other VC is still in farm 2 :)
- 18:07 Yagami_Light1992: lol
- 18:07 r4nd0mz: end my suffering
- 18:07 Yagami_Light1992: Neku is too powerfull
- 18:08 r4nd0mz: no, sebek is too powerful, neku is too skillful
- 18:08 Yagami_Light1992: sebek is easy
- 18:11 Yagami_Light1992: I just ordered a nice pizza , it is this attempt or bust
- 18:11 shadoweh: what's your deck looking like?
- 18:12 Yagami_Light1992: 11 t1
- 18:12 Yagami_Light1992: 4t2
- 18:12 Yagami_Light1992: mbd
- 18:12 Yagami_Light1992: geki , 1 umi,1 mountain
- 18:12 Yagami_Light1992: and de
- 18:12 Yagami_Light1992: and bracchio LEL
- 18:12 Loatheb: It feels bright and sunny and ow the pain
- 18:12 Yagami_Light1992: and like 10 thunders
- 18:13 shadoweh: so 1 equip?
- 18:13 Yagami_Light1992: yup
- 18:13 shadoweh: rough
- 18:13 Yagami_Light1992: Yeh, did like 15ish isis bcds
- 18:14 Yagami_Light1992: and whn the deck looked better went farm 2 meadow
- 18:14 shadoweh: that's fair
- 18:14 Yagami_Light1992: It was a fun race
- 18:20 Yagami_Light1992: tas stratz mbd plus mountain
- 18:24 Yagami_Light1992: that s ity
- 18:24 Yagami_Light1992#5068 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:24 LucarioZealot: gg yagami
- 18:25 Yagami_Light1992: Thanks for the race and gg s
- 18:25 Loatheb: GG yagami
- 18:25 Yagami_Light1992: gl on finishing <3
- 18:25 shadoweh: gg yagami and thanks
- 18:36 Tagerguy#3312 has finished in 1st place with a time of 5:45:27!
- 18:36 LucarioZealot: gg
- 18:36 r4nd0mz: gg
- 18:36 shadoweh: gg
- 18:36 tatsu: can he not be stopped
- 18:36 jan_susi: gg
- 18:36 Loatheb: danke danke r4, luc, shadoweh, jany
- 18:37 jan_susi: now send me your memory card
- 18:37 r4nd0mz: i finally got a morb and left farm 2
- 18:37 jan_susi: I just need 1 card
- 18:45 Tagerguy#3312 added a comment.
- 19:51 shadoweh: finally got my 3rd equip
- 19:58 Alfarg has forfeited from the race.
- 20:00 jan_susi: F
- 20:00 shadoweh: F
- 20:00 r4nd0mz#2626 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 7:09:34!
- 20:00 shadoweh: gg
- 20:00 Blubber Bear: gg
- 20:02 Loatheb: GG alfarg and r4
- 20:06 LucarioZealot: gg
- 20:23 ThaRixer: Hey GL folks :D
- 20:23 ThaRixer: Couldnt join cause i got people over, but hope youre all having funsies
- 20:23 ThaRixer: <3
- 20:23 ThaRixer: Grats to tager and randomz for finishing
- 20:24 jan_susi: Thanks :D The F in FM stands for Fun :)
- 20:24 ThaRixer: Fun Memories <3
- 20:24 jan_susi: Fun Memories with friends <3
- 20:27 shadoweh: thanks rixer and no worries
- 20:50 ENSGMaster#9334 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:50 ENSGMaster#9334 added a comment.
- 21:47 LucarioZealot: I'm taking a long dinner break here. Be back later maybe
- 21:49 shadoweh: ok
- 22:31 shadoweh: I walled Seto 3rd yes I am happy about that :)
- 22:34 jan_susi#1783 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 9:43:42!
- 22:35 shadoweh: gg
- 22:35 jan_susi#1783 added a comment.
- 22:56 hippochan#2759 has finished in 4th place with a time of 10:05:05!
- 22:56 shadoweh: gg
- 22:56 hippochan: gg
- 23:10 shadoweh#9080 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:11 shadoweh#9080 added a comment.
- 01:44 gocubbies#1924 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:44 gocubbies#1924 added a comment.
- 02:18 LucarioZealot#7546 has finished in 5th place with a time of 13:27:20!
- 02:18 Race finished in 13:27:21.1
- 02:22 LucarioZealot#7546 added a comment.
- 02:22 Race result recorded by BadNewsNate#1050