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Race results
Any% (no rng manip)
12 entrants
- 1st Joester98 #1218 more 9/7/2/2, 1 WSR, 1 MM, BLS start on NiteMare, 15 minute PB :D Finished 91
- 2nd "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 Finished 466
- 3rd ENSGMaster #9334 more 12/9/4/3 Won on my one attempt with no Ults! Also No A-Tecs this time Finished 98
- 4th ElNoSabe #5151 he / they more 18 Dragons, 13 Thunders, 1 Dark Energy, 3 Dragon Treasures, 2 Umis. 8th try Final 6. Finished 1,112
- 5th Syura #4175 more deck was good, just too many ultimates :) Finished 13
- 6th LucarioZealot #7546 more rough farm 2 in this one. got stuck on meadow too long and won a trap around 5 hours in. Peggy was pretty nice with 3 equips in less than 10 atecs. Was a fun day overall, happy 25 years! Finished 23
- — Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him DNF 38
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 7
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more No time to do more, also screw Nitemare. DNF 7
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 41
- — 0FE6F8 #0332 he / him DNF 84
- — Mixpimp #3652 he / him DNF 490
Any% (no rng manip)
7 entrants
- 1st JMiX #1289 more The Legendary Seto 3 almost throw Finished 89
- 2nd ENSGMaster #9334 more Amazing first 2 hours, then finished with a fancy Ultimate killer first hand on Nitemare Finished 136
- 3rd Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more 3 Nitemare losses, 1 Darknite loss, braindead Finished 10
- 4th Hdot12 #1684 they / them more Mega Sodier BCD Finished 226
- 5th Mentro #0681 he / him more NAMENNAYO Finished 108
- — Zavatho #9797 DNF 24
- — TJ_Patamon #7402 DNF 62
Any% (no rng manip)
7 entrants
- 1st Syura #4175 more 11/9/3 + 2 raigeki + 1 MM + 1 SK + 1 jirai gumo OpieOP Finished 85
- 2nd LucarioZealot #7546 more Another meme farm 2, but after the trap dropped years later, all of the drops happened quickly. ggs on the close race! Finished 8
- 3rd ToshiLM92 #9483 more Only 90 duels for MBD Finished 154
- 4th Elvencloud #5630 Finished 782
- — ENSGMaster #9334 more Fat fingered and pressed circle while going for saving. After more than 7 years of FM, it had to happen once! DNF 87
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 8
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him more stuck on 0 trap for awhile, stuck on 2 equips forever DNF 10
Any% (no rng manip)
22 entrants
- 1st RueNyx #9576 more double megamorph from pegasus, mbd on 3rd duel from meadow. triple ult from seto, triple mbd from darknite, and megamorph showed up each time OhMyDog Finished 2,045
- 2nd ENSGMaster #9334 Finished 604
- 3rd Blubber Bear more 12d/8t/2umi/2eq/1MM/1DCJ 2nd try F7, no ultis and MM showed up every duel Finished 165
- 4th matt13 #8291 he / him more the matt13th grave Finished 314
- 5th Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more For next time, do actual A-Tecs, also praise be Toon Gator Finished 18
- 6th Yagami_Light1992 #5068 more Prince Zpa saved Egypt! 17 drag,10 thunders, 3 equips, 1 mountain, 3 umi, 3 dcj. 1Mbd and 2 DM, and geki Finished 205
- 7th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 19/12/3eq/1umi/2mtn/2dcj/1mbd - Couldn't get a trap so this run had no a-tec's lol. 1 Death to nitemare as well. GGs! Finished 85
- 8th Inferno #4851 he / him more won MBD at 2:40 2nd equip 6 hours in xd Finished 19
- 9th LucarioZealot #7546 more Nearly 4 hours in F6. All it took was easy modes on the last 4 so that the game showed mercy Finished 10
- 10th Joester98 #1218 more No 1600 dragons until winning one on NiteMare lol Finished 305
- 11th Exarion #7561 more 50 A-TECs, 6 deaths to Neku, what more needs to be said? Finished 262
- 12th Pie #8028 Finished 135
- 13th LendarioZ #4196 he / him more 15 hours of pain and suffering Finished 169
- — gui93 #3687 DNF 426
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more It's official. 7-magic trapless was, and is better than Meadow farm. Don't get scammed like I did. Please, and thanks. DNF 21
- — hippochan #6209 she / her more miserable and cant focus anymore DNF 53
- — Rabini #9574 he / him more rather unusual how megamorph does not exist. lost to nitemare after all timer darknite duel DNF 74
- — shadoweh #9080 he / him more 17/8/3/3 umi/1 MBD, just couldn't get past constant ultimates with no removal besides geki. No THTD race soon? -eyes emoji- DNF 11
- — gocubbies #1924 he / him more 1st 3 hours 1 got 1 dragon drop: 2:52:xx from V2. MBD forced me to try f6; got to Seto which cool ig? God im tired DNF 13
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 58
- — vedgie #4715 more 7 hours in, 15/11 3 umi and not a single equip (: DNF 535
- — VyseOfLegends9001 #2802 DNF 533
Any% (no rng manip)
38 entrants
- 1st LucarioZealot #7546 more Great race! Final deck was 10/8 with 2 equips, 2 umis, 1 megamorph, and 2 widespreads. Isis farm was rigged with both widespreads & DT in 25 duels. Thank you for organizing the race Rixer! Finished 87
- 2nd Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more Kaiba is the new meta, had a Nitemare death at 2:52, fun race overall, thanks Rixer for the race! Finished 68
- 3rd LendarioZ #4196 he / him more 2 MM + 1 DCJ in 7 tecs and almost 3 hours to have one duel with Nitemare. Thanks again Rixer for the race! Finished 1,623
- 4th Inferno #4851 he / him more 8/8/2/2/3wsr sengenjin nightmare lole Finished 1,490
- 5th Theurnator #2649 she / her more 9/8/3 ( 1 megamorph ) ( 2 dcj, 3 umis ) Finished 1,364
- 6th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 13/10/2EQ/3UMI/2DCJ/1MM - Thank you all for joining the race! I really apprecaite it c: (Maybe a sequel some day with more money on the line??) Finished 1,241
- 7th Blubber Bear more 16d/11t/2e/1MM/2Umi/2WSR/3DCJ too many duels for trap then too many a tecs for decent equip count but at least F6 wasnt too bad Finished 79
- 8th matt13 #8291 he / him more dark magician needs a female counterpart (18/13/2/2 + MM at finish) 4 nitemare losses Finished 1,007
- 9th hippochan #6209 she / her more 12/9/4eq/2umi/1wsr/3dcj/1MBD won at around 11 hours, 6 nitemare deaths Finished 191
- 10th Jptje #5761 more 17/11/1 EQ/1 UMI/1 WS/2 MM. Glad I stuck around to finish! Finished 779
- 11th Rabini #9574 he / him more it is fucking minging (11d/11t/3eq/3umi/1wsr/1mbd 3 epic darknite deaths and 1st try nitemare) Finished 664
- — MrWinds #8374 DNF 56
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more Had a great deck that made it to Nitemare. Just unlucky. GG to everyone! DNF 26
- — r4nd0mz #4053 they / them DNF 4
- — gocubbies #1924 he / him more 10.5 hours oie COuldnt go 16 hours lol: 8/8 but no trap, barely got a 2nd equip. end was agony but fun times! Ill finish vanilla someday... DNF 35
- — A3r1uS #0559 he / him DNF 46
- — shadoweh #9080 he / him more didn't get a trap until 6 hours in and my 2nd equip at 6.5 hours in. not that I was in it for the prize pool but yeah. Thanks for organizing the race though Rixer :) DNF 44
- — ENSGMaster #9334 DNF 178
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 183
- — "Dark Hole Man" Linkalian #8346 he / him DNF 626
- — A Cheap Lemon #5374 he / him more Got to Seto 3rd a few times but the Aus timezone do be like it do and I had to bail after the 7 hour mark, not bad for a first ever run though lol ggs to everyone who joined DNF 633
- — Baal #7370 DNF 640
- — DanTheEnigma #8423 he / him DNF 646
- — GFC #1564 more poopy DNF 651
- — Mero #7893 DNF 656
- — Nash #7493 he / him DNF 661
- — nerf #7257 DNF 664
- — Nixxus #2607 he / him DNF 668
- — Pie #8028 more 4 hours of atec make homer go something something DNF 670
- — quietdudek #7249 more 11/7/1/3 mm, got to nitemare DNF 673
- — Raidos #4310 he / him more I had a blast trying out FM speedrunning for the first time, let alone a race. GG all :) DNF 674
- — Santouryu3 #1261 DNF 676
- — Senydro #1214 DNF 676
- — TheRedhotbr #3325 DNF 676
- — VineGreen #2813 DNF 676
- — Xemj #6046 DNF 675
- — Xyphles #5201 more Was fun, got only 2 useable cards on 50 pegi duels LMAO DNF 673
- — Zvone_666 #2958 DNF 671
Any% (no rng manip)
12 entrants
- 1st Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more Feather Duster is the real enemy of this run Finished 46
- 2nd r4nd0mz #4053 they / them Finished 235
- 3rd jan_susi #1783 he / him more GO MY ARMY OF CRAWLING DRAGONS! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! Finished 73
- 4th hippochan #6209 she / her Finished 910
- 5th LucarioZealot #7546 more 3 equips, 7 umis, 3 forests before ATH on Peggy win 61. Made it to 92 Peggy wins altogether. Took a 3ish hour dinner break for the final stretch. There has to be better days ahead, right? ...Right? Finished 47
- — Blubber Bear DNF 59
- — Yagami_Light1992 #5068 DNF 22
- — gocubbies #1924 he / him more i tried i cried i why'd. Well get the single seg vanilla pb one day DNF 51
- — shadoweh #9080 he / him more Lab Wall was the true champion DNF 59
- — ENSGMaster #9334 more Gruesome Goo didn't save the day this time DNF 581
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 580
- — tatsu #0403 more 5/3 0 equips after farm, started wrong horn :^) DNF 578
Any% (15-card mod)
2 entrants
- 1st A3r1uS #0559 he / him Finished 19
- 2nd ENSGMaster #9334 Finished 60
Any% (15-card mod)
2 entrants
- 1st Jam_of_a_Lifetime #4032 Finished 163
- 2nd ENSGMaster #9334 Finished 87
Any% (15-card mod)
2 entrants
- 1st ENSGMaster #9334 more Decent run all along Finished 126
- — Kap #5765 he / him DNF 59
Any% (15-card mod)
2 entrants
- 1st ENSGMaster #9334 Finished 390
- 2nd MrWinds #8374 more widespread is a shit card Finished 17