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Race results
Any% (no rng manip)
12 entrants
- 1st Joester98 #1218 more 9/7/2/2, 1 WSR, 1 MM, BLS start on NiteMare, 15 minute PB :D Finished 91
- 2nd "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 Finished 466
- 3rd ENSGMaster #9334 more 12/9/4/3 Won on my one attempt with no Ults! Also No A-Tecs this time Finished 98
- 4th ElNoSabe #5151 he / they more 18 Dragons, 13 Thunders, 1 Dark Energy, 3 Dragon Treasures, 2 Umis. 8th try Final 6. Finished 1,112
- 5th Syura #4175 more deck was good, just too many ultimates :) Finished 13
- 6th LucarioZealot #7546 more rough farm 2 in this one. got stuck on meadow too long and won a trap around 5 hours in. Peggy was pretty nice with 3 equips in less than 10 atecs. Was a fun day overall, happy 25 years! Finished 23
- — Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him DNF 38
- — BadNewsNate #2925 he / him DNF 7
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more No time to do more, also screw Nitemare. DNF 7
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 41
- — 0FE6F8 #0332 he / him DNF 84
- — Mixpimp #3652 he / him DNF 490
Any% (no rng manip)
10 entrants
- 1st hippochan #6209 she / her more 14/7/5eq/2umi crazy 2 DT from Isis and 2 BC in like 6 a tecs :) No ultimates Finished 163
- 2nd Joester98 #1218 more 16/10, 2 eq, 1 umi, 2 mountain, 1 wsr, 1 mm, 1 dank magician, campaign red eyes and invig lol - chunky pb yeehaw :) Finished 79
- 3rd LucarioZealot #7546 more 11/10/2MM/2WSR/2Umi. Didn't get a trap/equip/umi drop until 4 hours in, but atecing was less than an hour. 3rd try Nitemare. ggs on the race Finished 2
- 4th matt13 #8291 he / him more started with mag lab deck Finished 1
- 5th ThaRixer #0700 he / him more 18/11 4eq 2umi 1 crush card Finished 52
- — Inferno #4851 he / him more 2 nitemare losses nt DNF 37
- — Rabini #9574 he / him more bro why you mufasa DNF 19
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more "This deck is fine" also "I can't beat Launcher Spider", two sentences uttered within a minute of eachother. DNF 3
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him more too tired DNF 5
- — Harpsichord #9836 he / him DNF 93
Any% (15-card mod)
7 entrants
- 1st Neczin #0322 he / him Finished 18
- 2nd Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more anubisius harder than everyone else today Finished 3
- 3rd Namitai #7238 more How funny is to kill nitemare with a Bskull? Infinite :D Finished 8
- 4th zigfried #8730 Finished 3
- 5th jan_susi #1783 he / him more When you have no Thunders, you don't draw them, but when you have enough, your hand doesn't get dragons 2/10 Finished 3
- — Rhyse #2113 more lights out xd DNF 24
- — Tatsumakisan #1424 he / him DNF 104
Any% (15-card mod)
3 entrants
- 1st r4nd0mz #4053 they / them Finished 4
- — shadoweh #9080 he / him more Opened my 15 card mod file, wound up being 15x15. Didn't use any star chips to handicap myself though DNF 15
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more Of course I'll brick on Nitemare :) DNF 10
Any% (no rng manip)
10 entrants
- 1st LucarioZealot #7546 more MBD from meadow on 6th a pow. Drop luck was quite nice, draw luck on Heishin not so much Finished 35
- 2nd Rabini #9574 he / him more same as it ever was Finished 105
- 3rd ToshiLM92 #9483 Finished 498
- 4th BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more Third time truly is the charm. Finished 33
- 5th jan_susi #1783 he / him more From a broken PS2 to an actual finished run. FeelsWeirdMan (Final deck was 14/9/1eq/1mm/1wsr/1dcj/1umi/1mountain/1mbd) Finished 19
- 6th "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more First completed vanilla run. 100 duels on isis for no widespreads, and one DT. NEVER take a starting deck without a THTD equip. x.x 16/11 with 2 MM, 1 DT, 2 DCJ. Finished 734
- — Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more Game kinda hard, Nitemare gets to have a few extra wins on his belt today DNF 54
- — Inferno #4851 he / him DNF 63
- — hippochan #6209 she / her more it is what it is DNF 3
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him DNF 16
Any% (15-card mod)
3 entrants
- 1st r4nd0mz #4053 they / them more why did we farm teana 2? Finished 16
- 2nd Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more The Jono 2nd and Teana 2nd farm were not worth it Finished 8
- 3rd jan_susi #1783 he / him more Couldn't have done it without you Teana 2. Finished 7
Any% (no rng manip)
5 entrants
- 1st Inferno #4851 he / him more big fan of rex raptor Finished 62
- — LucarioZealot #7546 more 40 atecs on Peggy for one DT, two widespreads, three umis, and a dcj. Three Nitemare deaths just won't cut it DNF 25
- — Joester98 #1218 more Sub 8 Nitemare loss DNF 4
- — jan_susi #1783 he / him more I bought 80% of my deck and still had nothing. DNF 27
- — MasterMarz #4151 he / him DNF 323
Any% (no rng manip)
9 entrants
- 1st JMiX #1289 more 15/9 2 DT 1BC 1MM 1SK 1DCJ and a scary final 6 attempt Finished 168
- 2nd Joester98 #1218 more 16/13/3/3, 1 MBD Finished 135
- 3rd ThaRixer #0700 he / him more Saw 0 ultimates somehow but died to Darknite twice. 18/10/4eq/3umi/1mtn/1wsr Finished 22
- 4th matt13 #8291 he / him more Why does nitemare get 2 tries but I only get one Finished 2,501
- 5th jan_susi #1783 he / him more Kepura does what Peggy don't. 14d/12t/3eq/3umi/1DCJ (Equips gotten on Isis BCD and Kepura Tec, DCJ and ATH on Kaiba BCD) Finished 24
- 6th MasterMarz #4151 he / him Finished 640
- — Inferno #4851 he / him DNF 107
- — shadoweh #9080 he / him more Anyone want some traps? Because that's all I got after 10.5 hours :) DNF 17
- — rickyjay ghost of fm past #5781 DNF 583
Any% (15-card mod)
3 entrants
- 1st r4nd0mz #4053 they / them more bricktastic amount of magic drops Finished 8
- 2nd jan_susi #1783 he / him more Had all THTD equips barring one and I still lost to Neku. Finished 28
- 3rd shadoweh #9080 he / him more a-tec less run. don't try this at home kids, it's a terrible idea, especially when only you're taking part in the dumb meme idea you self inflicted upon yourself Finished 68
Any% (15-card mod)
4 entrants
- 1st r4nd0mz #4053 they / them Finished 20
- 2nd Secret French Supercat #4077 he / him more Nitemare takes another win today Finished 6
- 3rd shadoweh #9080 he / him more Didn't farm for any equips and did defensive a-tec on Rex for 2 Invig Finished 7
- 4th jan_susi #1783 he / him more Drops came at vanilla pace. Finished 19