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- 01:57 Cha0sFinale#7998 joins the race.
- 01:57 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 01:57 chessjerk#2898 requests to join the race.
- 01:57 chessjerk: o/
- 01:59 Cha0sFinale#7998 accepts a request to join from chessjerk#2898.
- 01:59 Cha0sFinale: heya
- 01:59 Cha0sFinale: Just going over my flags real quick before I lock it in
- 01:59 chessjerk: so what version of hell would you like to play? :)
- 01:59 chessjerk: okie dokie
- 01:59 Cha0sFinale: Dont worry, I dont choose the really bad ones, lol
- 02:00 Cha0sFinale: Unless you consider rupee speed a bad one
- 02:00 chessjerk: hey, i'm all for that
- 02:00 Cha0sFinale: xD
- 02:00 chessjerk: i actually haven't played much with rupee speed
- 02:00 Cha0sFinale: I like playing with it for some reason
- 02:00 chessjerk: i will be a bit concerned when facing those who like stuff like blackout, ohko, etc
- 02:01 Cha0sFinale: Same.
- 02:01 chessjerk: definitely not a fan of that stuff
- 02:01 Cha0sFinale: Ryin did hidden dungeon numbers to me last night, been awhile since Id done that. But I still feel like I played well.
- 02:01 chessjerk: compared to things like blackout, that's not so bad
- 02:01 Cha0sFinale: Indeed
- 02:02 Cha0sFinale: !flags 3XHeG1fUfKkadyzhHfFausmpMciHSa
- 02:02 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 02:02 SahasrahBot: Seed: 604740009636 - Flags: 3XHeG1fUfKkadyzhHfFausmpMciHSa
- 02:02 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 02:02 Cha0sFinale: there ya go, take your time looking over em
- 02:02 Cha0sFinale: no rush on this side
- 02:03 chessjerk: boomstick? instant forfeit Kappa
- 02:03 Cha0sFinale: haha
- 02:04 chessjerk: looks good to me
- 02:04 Cha0sFinale: k
- 02:04 Cha0sFinale: rupee/map/fairy/wand
- 02:05 chessjerk: *taps laptop* TIME TO WAKE UP
- 02:06 Cha0sFinale: lol
- 02:09 Cha0sFinale: alright, think im good to go on this side, glhf!
- 02:09 Cha0sFinale#7998 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:10 chessjerk: glhf as well, should be ready to go in a minute or ... five :)
- 02:10 Cha0sFinale: haha k
- 02:12 chessjerk: ok confirmed the code finally
- 02:13 chessjerk: ok, ready?
- 02:14 Cha0sFinale: yep
- 02:14 chessjerk#2898 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:14 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:14 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:24 chessjerk#2898 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:10:09!
- 03:43 Cha0sFinale#7998 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:29:17!
- 03:43 Race finished in 1:29:17.9
- 03:43 chessjerk: gg
- 03:43 Cha0sFinale: gg :)
- 03:44 chessjerk: i was secretly hoping for a required double dip of 9
- 03:44 chessjerk: oh well
- 03:44 Cha0sFinale: I was a little worried when I saw those digdoggers
- 03:44 chessjerk: same
- 03:44 Cha0sFinale: that Id have to go digging for recorder
- 03:45 Cha0sFinale: Did you want to do 2nd match now, or like to do it another time? im free if you'd like to.
- 03:45 chessjerk: i assume other item in 9 is PB, and PB blocks recorder on the overworld
- 03:45 chessjerk: yeah we can do 2nd match now
- 03:45 Cha0sFinale: k, can I get a few mins tho?
- 03:45 Cha0sFinale: get a drink etc
- 03:45 chessjerk: sure
- 03:45 chessjerk: i'll do the same
- 03:46 chessjerk: oh, and gotta figure out flags too
- 03:54 Cha0sFinale: Ok, im back.
- 03:55 chessjerk: i guess we have to start a new room?
- 03:56 Cha0sFinale: yep
- 03:56 Cha0sFinale: Want me to make it again?
- 03:56 chessjerk: sure
- 03:56 Cha0sFinale: k
- 01:46 Race result recorded by adirondackrick#4468