
The Legend of Zelda Randomizer Z1R TTP Season 2 Triforce Triple Play Game 2! Seed: 8547815427960831665 - Flags: M16vlklqs4RtcAYYE4Pqo8CAB1a5HWing3
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jessandy8 #9443
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  1. 1st jessandy8 #9443 she / her Finished 65
  2. 2nd potato_pony #5169 he / him Finished 241
  3. 3rd Alsoa #3560 he / him Finished 267
  4. 4th TheGobOne #3197 he / him Finished 173
  5. 5th Neononane #4666 he / him Finished 114
  6. 6th equations19 #4006 he / him more Should've looked for 3 instead of 8 maybe? Finished 11
  7. 7th shatty #8786 he / him Finished 55
  8. 8th cUstOm #2730 he / him more trying to find the path to the triforce in 8 tilted the fuck out of me. Finished 12
  9. 9th Ugondis #4968 he / him more snipe? Finished 56
  10. 10th Stags28 #0096 he / him more must remember to check 9 for # of triforces needed. Finished 93
  11. 11th OzzSolo #5933 Finished 103
  12. 12th Cha0sFinale #7998 he / him more Someday Ill be able to right order. Finished 45
  13. 13th Endy_Endy #8062 Finished 5
  14. 14th PDXRex #1077 more 3 wallmasters in 6... doing that bdn room 3 x on wood sword yuk Finished 64
  15. 15th AceKingSpade #0358 Finished 10
  16. 16th NioriFox #2075 he / him Finished 833
16 entrants (0 inactive)