The Legend of Zelda Randomizer
Beat the game
Zelda 1 Randomizer Weekly Community Race. Channel: Speedgaming3 Race Type: SGL2024 Flags Start: 9:30 PM EST Seed Distribution: 9:20 PM EST
Seed: 943385969025 - Flags: 9FzzH8vGLKXKNTkOgDLMOOs9KfaYWSixo
- 1st chessjerk #2898 he / him more #Never7UntilItIs Finished 13
- 2nd cytown #5626 he / him Finished 7
- 3rd Ugondis #4968 he / him Finished 22
- 4th OpnoPoint #1070 he / him more 100% seed knowledge hype. Finished 2,457
- 5th droois #6541 more I like the flags Finished 4
- 6th Diane #4917 she / her Finished 1
- 7th Shton #2370 he / him Finished 3
- 8th jessandy8 #9443 she / her Finished 12
- 9th Alsoa #3560 he / him Finished 12
- 10th drjayphd #2478 he / him more Lost 15 minutes to an accidental retry. Also NAME! THAT! BOMB HOLE! I'm going with Keith. Or Jim. Finished 5
- 11th Neononane #4666 he / him more Ladder and bow basically the last two items. Yikes. Finished 15
11 entrants
(0 inactive)