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- 22:52 nobly: good evening^^
- 22:53 Trinexx: last call to try and make this a bomberman crosskeys? :)
- 22:54 nobly: bomber man what the heck is that XDD
- 22:54 Trinexx: ya know the one where sword is replaced with infinite bombs
- 22:54 Trinexx: and you upgrade them with sword finds :)
- 22:55 nobly: oh LUL what on earth HAHA
- 22:55 nobly: i gotta try that at a point actually that sounds hilarious XDDD
- 22:55 Trinexx: its amusing at the very least
- 22:55 nobly: fell free to roll seed i dont want noblame for horror seeds XDD
- 22:55 Trinexx: i dunno what preset we are using
- 22:55 nobly: the good old
- 22:55 nobly: regular crosskeys
- 22:56 Trinexx: !newrace --preset=crosskeys --quickswap --countdown=900 --branch=live
- 22:56 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 22:56 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 22:56 SahasrahBot:
- 22:56 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 22:59 Trinexx: okay i am ready as im gonna be i guess
- 23:00 Trinexx: glhf!
- 23:00 Trinexx#1152 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:00 nobly: yeah im ready GLHF
- 23:00 nobly#0149 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:25 nobly#0149 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:24:08!
- 01:25 Trinexx: oh thanks god
- 01:25 Trinexx#1152 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:24:18!
- 01:25 Race finished in 2:24:18.1
- 01:25 nobly: what on earth hurt this seed XDD
- 01:25 Trinexx: you called it
- 01:25 Trinexx: fighter sword trinexx
- 01:26 nobly: LUL :P
- 01:26 nobly: well wasnt fightersword trinexx required though XD?
- 01:26 nobly: or what was on trinexx ?
- 01:26 Trinexx: Lamp i think it was?
- 01:26 nobly: lamp was on trinexx XD
- 01:26 nobly: i have no clue where i got ip big XD
- 01:26 nobly: 2 swords in ip u got to be kidding me -.-
- 01:27 nobly: i climbed GT full cleared out of logic sp for sword -.-
- 01:27 Trinexx: my ip big was late and brought me to the big chest to go out get hammer come back and get the insulting tempered
- 01:27 nobly: but nahhh
- 01:27 nobly: ouf yah
- 01:27 nobly: i went soooo late to ip
- 01:27 Trinexx: i am not good at crosskeys so i was struggling a bit trying to remember routes to mountain
- 01:27 nobly: its madness
- 01:27 Trinexx: which were a bit awkward
- 01:27 nobly: ah yeah
- 01:28 Trinexx: i was only just making my way to GT for hammer stuff
- 01:28 Trinexx: where was DP big and TT big?
- 01:28 nobly: worst part of this seed was ... mirror in SW ...
- 01:28 nobly: oh tt big is in dm room
- 01:28 nobly: DP big uhm :P
- 01:28 nobly: i dunno XD
- 01:28 nobly: i had it early ish
- 01:28 Trinexx: yeah first time though i wasnt intended to fall down and lock myself out of rest of DW
- 01:28 Trinexx: since i think access was long way through DP into pod area
- 01:29 Trinexx: so skipped that first time and then not sure what finally made me go back
- 01:29 nobly: yeah i didnt do early sw either
- 01:29 nobly: and then i got spat out somewhere decided ok now is ok time for sw
- 01:29 nobly: i also did FS vitty
- 01:29 nobly: wich was a journey
- 01:29 Trinexx: same
- 01:29 nobly: and then trinexx XD
- 01:30 Trinexx: small eyes were easy, then the dance of the big eye
- 01:30 nobly: i climbed GT with FS aswell XD
- 01:30 nobly: oh small eyes was a bit awkward for me XD
- 01:30 nobly: i also did moth -.- wich was amazing -.-:P
- 01:30 Trinexx: i had 2 blue goo so i could just tank and spin
- 01:31 Trinexx#1152 is no longer done.
- 01:31 Race timer restarted.
- 01:31 Trinexx#1152 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:31 Race finished in 2:30:08.2
- 01:31 Trinexx: i did not actually finish
- 01:31 Trinexx: lol
- 01:31 Trinexx: i just pressed the wrong button
- 01:31 nobly: xDD
- 01:31 nobly: happens
- 01:31 nobly: 180 cr :P
- 01:31 nobly: im sad i did sp
- 01:31 nobly: but theres always sword in SP :/
- 01:31 Trinexx: where was sp sk?
- 01:32 Trinexx: because i would have had my portal by the time i finished GT and if it was there id have gone in as well probably
- 01:33 Trinexx: anyways i need to use restroom and then stare at a wall
- 01:33 Trinexx: GGs and good luck in brackets
- 01:34 nobly: oh yeah powder
- 01:34 nobly: was the DP BIG
- 01:35 nobly: you too ^^
- 18:41 Race result recorded by joshbittner#2329