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- 17:24 BigDunka#4148 invites XallGG#7747 to join the race.
- 17:25 BotOfMudora: Use !mudoraspoiler <avianart preset> <study_period_in_seconds> (default 900) to roll a spoiler seed. Use !mudoracancel to cancel an existing rolled seed.
- 17:25 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 17:25 BigDunka#4148 invites ScottishBrave44#2982 to join the race.
- 17:25 BigDunka#4148 invites Jamo#6380 to join the race.
- 17:25 BigDunka#4148 invites matt7898#1275 to join the race.
- 17:26 mm2nescartridge accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:26 BigDunka: mm2 can gatekeep this one as a mod for the restream. I'm gonna duck out, good luck all!
- 17:26 BigDunka#4148 quits the race.
- 17:27 mm2nescartridge: nooted
- 17:27 mm2nescartridge: i will be great at doing nothing tammik1Pog
- 17:28 ScottishBrave44#2982 declines an invitation to join.
- 17:28 mm2nescartridge: oh no
- 17:28 mm2nescartridge: scottish are you not racing
- 17:28 ScottishBrave44: Fucking phone
- 17:28 mm2nescartridge: LOOOL
- 17:28 ScottishBrave44: I am, 2 seconds!
- 17:28 ScottishBrave44#2982 requests to join the race.
- 17:28 XallGG#7747 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:28 BigDunka#4148 accepts a request to join from ScottishBrave44#2982.
- 17:28 XallGG: heya
- 17:28 ScottishBrave44: Thanks Dunka! ❤️
- 17:28 XallGG: yea, thanks a lot
- 17:29 ScottishBrave44: Signed in on my phone and got the 'Save Password?' thing, hit 'No' and it disappeared at the exact same time 😑
- 17:33 XallGG: theres a restream on speedgaming, i just read?
- 17:34 ScottishBrave44: Yeah, there's a race on right now so this'll be after I presume
- 17:34 clearmouse: o/ hello all! No rush on your part, if you decided on your audio situation and msus, feel free to post
- 17:34 mm2nescartridge: yea in theory that should be done at 2
- 17:35 XallGG: FFVI PR Remaster
- 17:36 XallGG: I could provide audio if you want
- 17:36 clearmouse: if you have clean audio (basically no mic), then great :)
- 17:37 XallGG: yea,
- 17:39 mm2nescartridge: i'll probably have clean audio of some sort
- 17:39 mm2nescartridge: msu tbd
- 17:39 clearmouse: I wish the beeBobble one was restream friendly :(
- 17:39 mm2nescartridge: does that one track get dmca'd
- 17:39 mm2nescartridge: or has it just not been approved yet
- 17:39 Jem: SG doesn't like vocals
- 17:40 mm2nescartridge: oh yeah
- 17:40 mm2nescartridge: i forgor
- 17:40 mm2nescartridge: brb making an instrumental version
- 17:40 XallGG: is my msu fine?
- 17:40 clearmouse: eyes
- 17:40 clearmouse: Yeah PR is approved
- 17:41 clearmouse:
- 17:41 clearmouse: If you want to know which ones are restream approved
- 17:43 matt7898#1275 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:46 Jamo#6380 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:50 Jamo: hello gamers
- 17:50 Jamo: i'll use baba msu clean audio
- 17:54 clearmouse: they're doing interviews now
- 17:54 clearmouse: so might be a little delayed, but should be okay
- 17:55 ScottishBrave44: No worries, I'll go for a quick bio break just before we start to (hopefully) tide me over for the whole race XD
- 17:56 mm2nescartridge: any seed rollers
- 17:56 ScottishBrave44: I vote Clearmouse
- 17:57 clearmouse: monkaS
- 17:57 clearmouse: !race casualboots
- 17:57 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 17:57 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 17:57 SahasrahBot:
- 17:57 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 17:57 clearmouse: enjoy bow lanmos :D
- 17:58 Jem: I think you have a 90% success rate of rolling pendant desert
- 18:01 mm2nescartridge: also my audio will be clean, secret of mana msu
- 18:01 XallGG#7747 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:01 XallGG: clean audio from now
- 18:01 clearmouse: tyty
- 18:01 Jamo#6380 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:01 ScottishBrave44#2982 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:02 ScottishBrave44: GLHF :)
- 18:02 XallGG: gl hf !
- 18:02 Jamo: glhf
- 18:04 clearmouse: okay restream is ready, we're going, feel free to go whenever
- 18:04 mm2nescartridge is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:04 mm2nescartridge: glhf all gamers
- 18:04 matt7898#1275 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:04 matt7898: glgl
- 18:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:27 Jamo#6380 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:22:59!
- 19:27 BigDunka: The winner of this match, and NNNEEEEWWWW Casual Boots Champion, JAMO!!!
- 19:27 mm2nescartridge: gg
- 19:28 Jamo: gg
- 19:28 matt7898#1275 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:28 matt7898: gg
- 19:31 mm2nescartridge has forfeited from the race.
- 19:34 ScottishBrave44#2982 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:29:50!
- 19:34 ScottishBrave44#2982 snagged a new personal best time for "Beat the game - Tournament (Solo)"!
- 19:34 ScottishBrave44: GGs
- 19:36 XallGG#7747 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:32:12!
- 19:36 Race finished in 1:32:13.0
- 19:36 XallGG: gg
- 19:39 XallGG: thanks for the restream
- 20:39 Race result recorded by joshbittner#2329